VN - Ren'Py - Simulation 69 [EP. 5] [HotVenusStudios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Boobs that are so large that they have their own gravity, renders so focus on butt or cleavage for no reason just to keep the attention because the dialogues are a bit boring, too much repeated sound effect and they are not pleasant to the hear too.

    It's a kinetic novel but you can't skip content of a character you don't want, take for example the Rick & Morty game that still have a kinetic vibe but you can skip content if necessary.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of Episode 3 Release.

    This will not be an extended review.

    The concept of the game is interesting.
    The Renders are on a majority quite good.
    The models chosen are awesome.
    The writing is well done.
    Some very amusing moments.
    The music score is quite nice.

    CONS -
    The MC is a bit too annoying.
    The younger sister a bit too over bratty.
    Hazel is too angry and NOT friendly at all.
    On reflections where you should see the MC, he's invisible.
    Way too much time spent with his face up asses.

    Last words:

    Still a new project finding it's legs. It has some growing to do. The story is starting to make some sense and while fun and sexy, it needs a bit of a bite. So far the manipulation is a bit too heavy handed, it breaks the flow and makes it seem like the player and the MC have no say in anything. I hope it will change later on.

    My rating is *** right now, happy to reconsider in the future.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not much a reviewing type lets start here.

    I'm a sucker for "redneck" fun, and I mean in family fun :)

    Renders, and the women are incredibly sexy, dialogue isn't off-putting.

    The story is pretty fun for what's present, and have 3 episodes this quick, can't wait for more, very few that have a little bit everything...

    Hey, not everyone will agree with my opinion, and that's fine, hot women, hot renders, and a decent story will always win me over ;)

    EDITED for misspelling, and dumb redneck grammer...
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    TL;DR: Typical pushover, virgin and mentally challenged MC. Everyone pushes him around and he's a dick to the one girl that has a right to be mad at him. Also, choices are meaningless. Now, I did find the girls really hot which is a shame, all I can say.

    If you got a kink for being taken advantage of by women who are in a position of authority compared to you, then this game is for you. The mom and the big sister both treat the MC like a kid, calling him cute and pointing out how adorable he is when he gets shy, yadda yadda yadda. I'm sure there are some people out there who get a hard-on for this, but unless something like this is specifically your kink, then I don't know how you can enjoy it. He's supposed to be 21 so why are they treating him like he's 12? I can only assume that it's because he acts like a 12-year-old.

    And yes, they do take advantage of him. The big sister literally pushes his head towards her ass to get off and this is forceful, by the way. The MC literally suffocates and he can't escape because she's so much stronger than him. I'm sure this qualifies for the "female domination" tag which is loosely used these days.

    He's such an unlikeable little shit. The younger sister is right about him. He's an ass kisser, always sucking up to his mom and big sister and whine like a brat when they treat him like a kid, then he goes and treats the younger sister like a kid. It's really frustrating, honestly. Some girl literally falls on him, baring her tits out then she slaps the hell out of him, snaps at him and he apologises.

    The choices are meaningless as well and you have no control over the story. Also, back to the MC, does every single interaction have to be about how his big sister treats him like a kid? Seriously, it's so fucking annoying and the MC's incessant whining doesn't help either. I hate him so much, honestly, he always throws Amy, the younger sister under the bus when he wants to let his big sister see how much he has grown up. He's pathetic and Amy is right about, he's an ass kisser.

    As for the guys running the simulation, it makes the whole story meaningless. They literally make the women horny and teleport him to places and make everything happen. The whole journey is meaningless. Aside from that, there are only two sex scenes and they're both just blowjobs with no build-up, they just happen because the simulation demands it. Also, after one of those scenes, one of them decides to erase the memory of the girl for whatever reason, making it even more meaningless.

    Also, he literally has the ability to turn back time and he got into a really messed up situation because of the bitches running the simulation, like he's in deep shit, but he doesn't turn back time god knows why. He did it previously just because he didn't want to talk to his sister, lol. This is truly stupid and not in a funny way, it's quite annoying actually.

    I think the plot of this game is beyond salvaging at this point, but if the dev wants to make it enjoyable in future updates, he should allow for more choices because the MC's too much of a little bitch to give him too much control over the story. The plot's already a clusterfuck anyway, no need to try and explain why he's suddenly acting different since nothing makes sense anyway.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The only good thing in this game is Jen and Beth. Otherwise its a flaming bag of shit.
    Plot makes no sense, no choices, just keep watching forced content with girls i dont even like. Its so sad that such hot models are being wasted here.
    Dont understand why there is no kinetic novel tag? i played the latest update on skip and it went till the end without stopping.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent quality of rendering, the scenes in the dressing room was amazing and the character Jenifer is by far the best.
    Can’t wait to see the next update, hopefully it contains some animations that are on par with the rendering.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The first 3 episodes got me hooked.Very fun and creative mixing many ideas of diferents avns and making something unique.the girls are hot plus good dialogues and scenes to make them interesting each of one in their own way.overall great game waiting anxiously for new updates.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Well neither good nor bad, the women 5 stars Hmmm.. ❤

    Too few animations, then it becomes somehow boring, misleading, too stupid for me to continue reading the story... It's somehow not nice... Grrr
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant novel, fun, good graphics, excessive charm of the girls that appear and aimed at provoking and much more eroticism than sex. The protagonist has some kind of mystery that leaves the reader with the uncertainty of what will happen to him and the female characters are gaining depth as the novel progresses. It's short for now, but it promises to be very good.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    UPDATE: Episode 5 was another HUGE upgrade and had some of this game's best moments, with extra content, improved renders, and some funny moments (Amy still needs work IMO).
    Camera angles are creative. Great music and dialogue. And the designs of the women are already quite captivating.

    Overall, I love where this story is going and I already am starting to love the characters with Jennifer and Melanie being my 2 personal favs.