3.3 was awesome! If this was just a little less sexy, it would make a fantastic blockbuster crime thriller movie! (It sucks how movies aren't allowed to be as sexy as this.) This is the best game I've played in a long, long time. Couple notes, though...
First of all, perhaps I'm mistaken, but it doesn't seem like the choices have much impact on the course of the story. It seems like the story is unfolding the same way no matter what choice I make. It would be better if the choices carried real consequences. And second, there are way too many typos and grammatical errors. Reading a big, glaring spelling or grammatical error can really take you out of the moment when you're... you know... which can be quite irritating. I'm assuming the developer isn't from an English-speaking country. I'm a former newspaper editor from California and would be happy to lend my expertise, if you're interested...
Also, minor point that I know it's too late to fix, but Russian Mafia? I know that, colloquially, Russian criminal organizations are sometimes called "Mafia," but that really pisses me off, because "Mafia" is a uniquely Sicilian thing. Every region in Italy had its own criminal organization that it's known for. In Campania it's the Camorra. In Calabria it's the 'Ndrangheta. In Apulia it's the Sacra Corona Unita. And in Sicily it's the Mafia. My ancestors came from mainland Italy and couldn't even call themselves "Mafia" because they weren't Sicilian. So it pisses me off when people who aren't even Italian think they can get away with calling themselves "Mafia." Furthermore, Russian organized criminals don't even call themselves "Mafia." Because "Mafia" is an Italian word, and they don't speak Italian. There are numerous Russian organized crime syndicates. The most common blanket term for them is "Bratva," but "Organizatsya" and "Bor" are also used, as well as more regionalized terms. But "Mafia?" No. It would make just as much sense to call them "the Russian Yakuza," because they're just as NOT Japanese as they are NOT Italian! Anyway, Mafia is Sicilian, not Russian...
And also, I know you probably started working on this game before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but it is kind of weird seeing Russians portrayed as tough guys now when that war has proved that they're anything but. I mean, since 2022 we've been seeing that the real bad-ass tough guys of Eastern Europe are the Ukrainians, not the Russians. Russians are just a bunch of cream puffs! The only American who's still afraid of Russians is Donald Trump! And it just seems weird to see them trying to be scary given what they've shown of themselves over the past three years...
But don't let those notes discourage you. This is a MAGNIFICENT game! The best I've played in years! And I can't wait for more content. Thank you...