Ren'Py - Sins of Night [Release 3.5] [MakinWaves]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played 3.5 version.

    Lot of interactions with characters. As there were no many updates, I would definetly play it in some time soon again. Love your milf, that sporty blondy hot as a princess =D in overal, I would try to develop the story as it was becoming a loop of the same actions. But your renders are great. take care and please finish your game -=)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    So we have yet another game about vampires. I like such stuff and it looks good but does it really stand the test?

    The game is something different than you could expect by playing it for 5 minutes. It begins with a very lengthy prologue which you mainly watch and occasionally choose something. So you may believe it will be a story driven experience, similar to watching a movie.

    But it isn't. It is a micro-management game a bit similar to Tamagotchi. Instead or caring for some virtual pet, you care for women. You have to talk to them, massage them, give them money and so on. Repeat it hundred of times, collect enough points and they may reward you. Maybe there is still some story between all of this but it was lost to me.

    It is not my cup of tea. But you have your choice.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a very promising game.

    I really loved the gameplay, and although I think the models might not appeal to everyone I did find them incredibly hot.
    I hope that it lives up to its potential, because if it does, it will probably be one of the best adult games ever.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I think this game is just...ok right now.

    The story is nothing we havent heard before. Its pretty typical vampire romance stuff but with a dude who turned you rather than a sexy lady.

    The dialog is really hit or miss. If you play with default relationships some of dialog doesnt make sense, like calling someone landlady instead of just her name. Im kind of over devs wanting to make incest stories but using a platform that doesnt allow it. Just make the game non incest, it would have zero impact on the game and make the dialog actually make sense. The choose your own relation thing just doesnt ever work well.

    Renders are good

    The sandbox is very sandboxy. Its nice not having to navigate a map, but the grind is still pretty bad imo. If you need to see the same scenes 15+ times to get enough points to unlock the next scene to just watch the same scenes over to get more points that is way too much for me. You dont NEED a grind to have a good sandbox game.

    If the repetition was cleaned up and dialog was tweeked just a bit I think its a pretty easy 4/5, but until then it gets docked a point.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Game version: [Release 2]

    I enjoyed this but it's very light on actual sexual content and the writing style kind of irks me. Realistically it's more of a 3/5, but since it's only on the second release I'll give a star for "potential." Out of all the "let's mix Vampire: The Masquerade and porn" games we have been racking up, I think this one is the most promising. Instead of going for some tired VtM plot retread with lore dumps and 90% vampire politics right from the start, we go straight to "you're a vampire, Harry, better get to work corrupting your mother and sister right away, because what else were you going to use those vampire powers for?" Which is also part of the game's weakness, at least in its current state. There is barely any side content to go along the mother/sister stuff and that tops out at "you get to make out and grab some titties."

    There are three actual sex scenes with side characters in the game, you get to fuck your sister's best friend in a club toilet (easily the best scene in the game) and one blowjob and one vaginal sex scene with a prostitute (easily the worst scenes in the game.) The best friend scene works well because it feeds into the vampire power fantasy, it has stakes connected to your sister and also it's just really hot and nasty. The prostitute stuff on the other hand felt very "why is this here?" Some people hate prostitute stuff in general, not me, but the context and how she acts just felt wrong for the type of game it is. Like, you basically get funneled to her from your maker and she knows about vampires and clearly isn't afraid of them, which is already really boring, but then she also puts on this femdom act complete with leather gloves, calling you "boy" and wanting to finger your ass. You can tell her to stop and just have "normal sex" but it's fairly vanilla and there's no "turn it around on her" option, which seemed kind of weird. Like a prostitute is the last place you would expect the choice to be "femdom or light femdom without her sticking things up your ass". Also, the MC has pretty dominant scenes with his family members even in this early stage, but he can't smack a prostitute around? I don't even hate femdom, I just don't feel like it fits this MC or this game. Like, you're fresh on an insane power trip from becoming an immortal killing machine and starting to corrupt your family and you're going to let some random prostitute "dominate" you? Like, if it was at least some kind of Queen of the Vampires type character, maybe, but she's literally food. Idk, I just wasn't into it.

    The progression system / "sandbox" is kind of undercooked and confusing. It's not terrible terrible, but it definitely needs some tweaking. Like your mother and sister have a dynamic schedule and there are so many events that you really never know when the specific event that you're looking for is up, but then there are also events that take longer than one time slot, so you might skip over the time where you needed to be and it's all a big fucking struggle. Like, either make a schedule where you can look up what is when or make all events only take up one time slot, otherwise you end up having to spam one-slot events you don't need to find the thing you actually want, which is just stupid. Also what's the point of capping the Love/Asshole points, you cap out so fast by literally doing every event once that the extra points from "achievements" you get end up sitting unused.

    Now, my biggest problem with the game is the writing. The dialogue is fine, but the narration is consistently self-indulgent and pretentious. It feels like every sentence tries to be edgy emo poetry or something. Like, I get you want to "stick to the theme" and put some character into your writing, but you overdid it, you need to calm down. Like at some points it borders on incomprehensible gibberish, because apparently you're writing while flipping through a thesaurus, but then you also misuse words and it's really unnecessary and weird. The game already does a great job of building atmosphere without all that. The renders are great, you chose good environments and good character designs. The mother and sister are bound to be controversial, but at least they're fresh and interesting. I'm not really into chicks with muscles or emo teens with whatever that abomination of a hairstyle is, but I still appreciate the bold choices more than standard Daz models I've seen a half dozen times. Nice music picks too and the intro screen basically felt like knock-off Bloodlines, which was great.

    Related to the writing, the character motivations are a little undercooked too, especially with the MC. We don't really get a good sense why he so easily falls into the things he does, apart from "he's a vampire now and apparently the super horny kind." I mean it's mostly fine, but once you get into influencing your mother to fuck ugly bastards in her dreams or your sister to become a snowbunny for... reasons (?) it kind of goes off the rails. I mean I'm all for degenerate content like that but it kind of feels very out of the blue. The whole dream influencing thing should maybe be pushed back further and then introduced bit by bit and with some story justification. Like just start with the simple stuff like making her more into you or wearing sluttier clothes and keep the weirder stuff for later. This also loops back to MC's motivations. At no point is it communicated to the player that MC is a huge perv or has weirdo hidden fantasies, so the first time you click the dream menu it's like "excuse me?"

    If you tighten up the writing and the sandbox a little bit and actually pump out some content I think this game can be great.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The developer apparently does not understand at all how to properly entice the player to go and subscribe to his patreon. Did he really think that piling a ton of dull text from the intro onto the reader and calling it a variety of mechanics would be a good idea? Okay, the plot seems interesting, but then i just can't stand this diarrhea of explayning text. And even if i skip that trash intro, sandbox still received lame as hell.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved "Love and Vice" and noticed Makin Waves also created this game. I am typically not a fan of supernatural horror like vampires and werewolves but this game changed that. The internal conflict of protagonist becoming a vampire and dealing with the downside was well fleshed out. Very promising beginning, good writing, nice choice of options and tasks without being too grinding. Amazing renders as well. Personally love that angled shots of "feeding" leaving it to the imagination instead in your face gore close ups.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    When I saw the title I just knew it would be some old boring vampire thing. Wrong! I was pulled into the world of our mc, the characters are well written and the story thus far is quite good. It took some time to get used to the points system, but that is really straight forward. I can only hope that this story carries on in the same vein and is not watered down into one of those horrible time consuming games. Keep those updates coming, good job. When will we see some BDSM or other fetishes?
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Uncommon Sense


    - Renders


    - The main plot
    - Textures of some of the models
    - Models in general
    - Gameplay

    From a lowly pizza delivery guy to a vampire that's creeping on your family the main story plot is already made the important decisions for you. Either way you're going to do others bidding with the faux idea that you're in control. I don't see the MC as being more than pawns of Hugh and Kate. On the the gameplay the story nosedive when it revolves around repetitive things like creeping on your family, reading dairies, etc. The love interest aren't attractive to me, there's maybe Kate and that's it. Evelyn and Harley looks like they've escaped from an 80's explosive. Nothing screams hotness from the two. I also don't enjoy the old man skin features on the MC. Between the dodgy story, the grindy gameplay trying to hide the minimum gameplay and the forgettable cast. This seems like a let down.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Underrated for sure. Slow burn so far, but it has all the foundations to be a proper Vampire game, and one that isn't full of grinding time wastes. The girls look good, though I'd like maybe the ability to change some of their looks? Not a super fan of muscle girls, so some choice would be nice. The writing is also quite good and believeable, no cringe and there's no grammatical or spelling errors at all so that's really refreshing. The games also got a pretty good in depth hint/guide system in place and you can toggle off the sharing/ntr shit so you can avoid it completely. Overall, I think it really sets the mood for the darker vampire atmosphere, but there's not a crazy amount of content yet so we'll wait and see. However, so far, it's very promising, you should try it for sure.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The story follows as an unsuspecting pizza boy is killed and revived into a vampire, who is now embellished into the world of being a vampire. I have seen few or very few games that involved the themes of vampires in a game whilst my time of playing adult games, this game just serves it nicely on the platter. It delivers on the ambiance and feelings of being in a underworld world of vampire. The dark energy and resonance really brings this game to being an immersive experience. Origin story of becoming of a vampire and lore surrounding it is explained very well.

    The main character is a nice fresh air of what an MC should be. Confident, but not overly too cocky. He delivers a cool vibe, something that you as a reader want to be in. Other supporting characters are great as well, with certain flairs and unique characteristics that make them stand out and easy to identify.

    There is a chunk of content that will leave you quenching for more content (about 2 hours, depending on how fast you progress). So far there are two main girls for most of the content, where there are virtue and vice sides of it. Virtue is the romantic route and vice is the corruption route. It’s got a good amount of variety of content but at the moment it’s more so currently teasing and only one sex scene from a side character.

    The gameplay is a sandbox game where you have to manage your money, and your thirst for blood and build relationship points for girls. Amongst other stats, but aren’t too important in the current version.

    The core gameplay of the game is fun. You are able to progress and spend time with the girls, doing various activities. Some are to build relationship points and some are more devious to get lewd scenes. There is a sense of free autonomy where you are able to play at your own pace. I love this, it feels liberating and there some games that have time constraints that make the experience a bit more stressful.

    What I will absolutely commend for this game is the hint system when navigating free roam mode. This is an absolute life saving especially to those who are playing this on a phone. It’s such a small addition that makes the quality of life of finding the right button/event that much easier. I can’t tell you how many games with free roam I spent mindlessly clicking on random shit to progress through.

    The visuals are super great! They nailed the visuals of the game being set in a broody underworld city. All the characters fit into this vibe of this neo-dark. The characters are done great. Each character feels unique thanks to the quality of their outfits and varied body types.

    The UI seamlessly adds the ambience and makes the game more immersive.

    The sound design in this game is great. The music does an amazing job with the sinister tone and thumping bass that keeps you on edge. There are a few sound effects, but not more as I would like. I assume this would be added as the game would progress in development.

    I can't wait for the next update and installment of this game. Especially the netorare and swinging content, which I know will be absolutely fire. If you're into a vampire games, especially corrupting ones. This is the perfect game for you.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    What an amazing game! It's been a long time since I last saw a game that got me this excited about it. Really amazing art, a very engaging gameplay and an interesting story to top it all. Great stuff, really looking forward for more of it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A VERY promising game that delivers a lot in visuals and presentation.

    The vampire theme is interesting but there is not much development yet, the gameplay loop of slow burn corruption offers no challenge but has a satisfying sense of progression and fells just like the right pace.

    Though the real gem of the game are the mom and sister characters, both have stunning and unique models, with good personalities to boot. Can't wait for the next updates!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The pitch for this game: AVN Sandbox meets Vampire Masquerade secret vampire society. That's it, really.


    There's not much content here yet, not enough for what I'd consider even a solid single AVN chapter at least. But the quality of the writing, both narrative and dialogue, starts off very strong compared to the standard AVNs.

    The dev respects your time and intelligence, so the intro doesn't bore you with lore dump exposition or explain what vampires are.

    It's a sandbox type AVN, so it'll have a non-linear storytelling approach. I expect the future content updates to be a mix of side quests and main story updates. Hopefully the story goes somewhere interesting.


    The character designs are interesting, very Vampire Masquerade. You know, the 2000s gothic punk aesthetic. There's also incest, and the mother and sister stand out design wise because they have a big 80s hair glam rock look to them feels a bit out of place.

    The renders are good, and animations are solid.

    The average AVN dev usually struggles with dark night renders, but this one does it well.

    There's even good use of music that really sets the right mood for this kind of story.


    As a sandbox, players need to manage vampire game flavor stats like hunger (for blood), lust and a tracker for their ability levels. There's also money and time system too.

    So far, the UI is easy to navigate and the map is easy to use, so it avoids the usual pitfalls of bad sandbox games.

    I'll put it 5 stars for now. Will revisit later once further content updates are posted.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. Genuinely almost nothing I would improve. Except I wish there was more.

    -Artwork is great, has a unique style, doesn't look at all like dime a dozen Daz games, theming is consistent across the world.

    -Sound is decent but minimalist, providing an ambiance reminiscent of 90s games (this isnt a bad thing for me).

    -Mechanically is where it shines, it's not quite what I'd call a sandbox, since those usually involve world maps and lots of cumbersome clicking. Yet it's also not a pure visual novel. What is it then?

    I'd best describe it as a streamlined hybrid; all the navigation functions are well laid out - it's a little confusing and overwhelming when you first start compared to your typical renpy click-through game, but soon it becomes second nature, and it's a pleasure to navigate between events.

    -Story and Characters are great and unique. While I'm not partial to the vampire theme, I like any game that can build a convincing world for itself, this it does. For me, the Harley update was especially a high point - things like her blog entries on artwork really build the sense of the character.

    On track to become one of the best games on the site, that's not hyperbole. No matter what your interests are it's worth checking out. Furthermore, dev does a good job of clearly demarcating various fetish content, so it's sure to please a variety of tastes.

  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Serious VtMB vibes, as others have stated and I'm sure is the influence. Lots of room for lore and non-lewd gameplay to carry things. Renders look very nice although outside of Kate the girls look unattractive to me, ymmv.

    So far not much content but there is already some adult content. The basic frameworks are in and it's definitely one to keep an eye on.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This one was a surprise. A great start for a thrilling adult game with Vampire themes. Most vampire games tend to be boring, generic, predictable, not this one it's actually quite interesting. It's dark but not over the top. The characters are remarkable, the story is incredibly well paced. MC is attractive, a relief considering most AVNs tend to have nerd looking guys. The girls look very lustful and unique. The main aspect i liked the most about the game is how the world doesn't revolve around the MC. He's still learning how to evolve and climb the current social hierarchy.

    About the characters:
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  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Vampire: The Masquerade collides with a well-designed and conceived incest-themed sandbox RenPy game, coupled with well-done 3D renders. While it's at an extremely early stage (so far, you can only seduce one character, and at least one of the routes ends before it gets too hot and heavy), but the content that's there is extremely impressive in both its design and presentation.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Release version 1.

    First I'll say that I am pleasantly surprised with how it started.
    As of late vampire games take after VTMB
    (Vampire the masquerade bloodlines) or famous recent tv shows.

    Which honestly tends to get a bit old, where its either you are being like adopted into some other vampire family or protection. That tends to make the game tiring when the starting seems to remind you of so many other games.

    With that being said, this game has a feel to me of something before VTMB, a tv show called "Forever Knight" now the so called masquerade has been around before VTMB. But I like how this is done because it doesn't feel like the start of the game isn't ripping off something else.

    You are told you need to make a choice, however my first gripe is you dont get to actually make this choice, rather its made for you. I would have preferred to walk away from family but that's me.
    (maybe in time?)

    In the tv show "Forever knight" there is a so called father figure named
    Lucien LaCroix, which to me is almost mirrored here with your sire. Not showing to much emotion to you, but actions stating he will care about you to some degree.

    There was a scene that stuck out to me from that show when Nick said "You taught me to take what I want." To be corrected by LaCroix instantly "I taught you to take what you need and nothing more!" The sire reminds of LaCroix and if you seen the tv show, you understand the win there.

    I liked the fact right off the bat its told to you and shown to you, sunlight will kill you fast specially when being a new born as age will make you stronger against the sun. Then pulling your arm into the light to show you how fast you get damaged.

    This game is showing a lot of promise so far, however it seems to be evident a bit that a lot of that "potential" is going to be missed. Its stated dont trust any supernatural beings. Ok I get that but the two based around you, seem to show that, your sire wants you to grow up fast and dump you off and that the other female likes you but wants nothing to do with you.

    There seems to be a lot going on but each character is showing a pattern of "needing to be distant". I'm giving leeway right now being its release 1 but when each character is showing a pattern that makes me wonder.

    The story line so far is great, it doesn't steal from others at least currently.
    I'm curious to see how skills will be put into the game. If it will be something interesting or more of a grind feature of "if you have level 2 you can do this", I hope it more takes after a game called Genex Love in that regard where maybe you can unlock special stuff and it not be just a numbers game.

    The open world is a bit annoying but its not as bad as some games I've played, with that being said, I hate open world games in VN's. So how you will feel about it will differ for sure.

    I cant wait to see more vampires and other beings in the game, I hope this doesn't go the road of becoming more of a kinetic novel.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Even with the very little content we have right now as i'm writing this(Release 1) this is already showing massive promise beyond many other projects. Eagerly awaiting how far this dev can go with this.