Is there already a sex scene between the MC and his stepmother?
In this update no
In game 3 real sex scenes 2 bolojob 1 tits fuck 1 sleep sex 2 dreams and some pussy licking
anyone have full skills save
i don't know how to increase communication/sex
For communication skill up read all books Art of speaking v1 and v2.
and go to security job in the main mail.
Any girl
1. Conversation - Threaten - You do exactly what i want....
2. Conversation - Threaten - If you not cooperate i will call cops....
3. Conversation - Interogate - How many items have you stolen ?
4. Askt to remove cothes - inventory - search
5. Undres - change pose try to find in mouth
6. Use Whimb to up red bar to full
7. Stand wall face me - Fuck.
Each founded item +1 commune point
Sins this job v.0.5 so some girl not cooperate, just send him home and try luck with next.
For sex skill you can up it to 10 at home by playing game and masturbation
Next work at spa but Buy Triangle Bolster
10 to 15 or more in spa first give girl bolowjob (You don't need naked girl to fuck her mouth) up to 15
15-20 just fuck her ( Girl must be naked in image just pose where funcion fuck is possible )
Hope it helps