In my head it gets even better when they tell him he has to choose one of them (Well Bella does anyway, Liza is confused and just goes along with Bella, and Mom stands back and watches) He gets angry says he in fact doesn't have to pick anyone, says he will be waiting in his room for them to decide who he can love, and storms off. The girls argue for a few minutes with Rachel getting more and more agitated until she tells Bella that she is nuts, she's going to MC's room and will be waiting there with him for anyone who isn't crazy. Liza's insecurities kick in and she goes off to think before joining MC and Rachel. Bella who was sure that faced with a choice the MC would choose her, stays away for a few days and then relents (Still mad at MC for not only wanting her). Mom backs off the whole thing and MC has to visit her late to talk. She says that while it is painful, she has to back off and let her children settle things among themselves because as a mother she can't take sides.
This is my favorite VN here for the developed characters (Sure they fit into the standard anime cliches, but they are the most developed characters I've run into in any of these pieces, to the point that I can use them to write my own stories in my head.)