VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sisterly Lust [v1.1.11] [Perverteer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 376272

    I just played through this and really enjoyed the game. I love all of MC's female family members and fully enjoyed chasing after each one. The secondary women are fun to bang, too. I like that the game is not grindy and find his sisters and mom hot as hell. It's a very easy story to get into and I really got into to doing what it takes to get a crack at having sex with the three lovely sisters and sexy-ass mom.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    really suprised by this one. one of the few games, which got me interested in the charakters.
    The Pros: good writing, nice art and the right amount of "gameplay" vs. sex scenes.
    The cons: maybe still a bit too short if you are only interested in one or two of the charakters.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    by far one of the best games ive played, deserves place in popular games for sure. Not too slow nor too fast, quite interesting and keeps you locked to the computer for hours. Even when i finished version i downloaded, just had to play it again to see some other options and enjoy bit more
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really good game and I agree with a lot of you- it should be more popular than it is, the art is good, the girls have different personalities and interactions with the MC, the story is solid-ish, and the MC isn't a total douche-nozzle. This game really is a hidden gem in a mine of overdone, cliche, repetitive dung.

    There is a decent amount of content from what of it I have played- and I've only been pursuing the the Redhead (she kinda has that Amelia Pond quality) because she's cute and seemed like she'd be the most fun to pursue. She is the only one that I've established any kind of relationship with and there's never been a lack of content for her character. I cannot speak for the content that the rest of the characters, but from reading the comments- it doesn't sound like people have been too disappointed with the updates and what's been in them.

    From the first release- you've never had to start from scratch or deal with 172 patches just to bring it up to the current version, the save games from the last version integrate seamlessly in to the update, you only have to enter the "naughty code" once and it carries over the next the release, and the releases have been rather consistent.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of content, very easy to follow. Don't have to worry about missing an interaction that was scheduled as each time slot allows you to perform all the available actions for that time.

    Especially like how having inherited money removes the need to grind a job in order to interact with the ladies.

    Very well done.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall, this is an excellent game and story, with all sorts of hot and steamy sexual content and awesome buildup over the course of many different interactions with the various characters. All of the women have well fleshed-out personalities and are distinct, and while I have my favourites, they are all very desirable and attractive.

    Liza and Mrs. Smith are absolutely gorgeous and my personal faves. Bella (love route) was very endearing, but I think the pacing and amount of content for that variation was perhaps an issue, because I found myself overlooking her sometimes in my first playthrough. When I chose the dominant route over her instead in my second run I found her to be extremely sexy and memorable (pacing the second time may have been better only because I was skipping the other already-seen content...hard to say). The dominant route honestly felt a bit slimy initially, but it worked out fairly quickly once I understood her bad attitude (kudos to the writer for making that initial bitchiness not only acceptable in a dom-sub relationship, but work well within the storyline). Rachel was initially a worry of mine, since she had a body that made her seem way too young and that was a turn-off (note: there are times where her tiny proportions with her large head seem a bit off visually), but after some time her playfulness and "eager to expose her inner slut" nature grew on me, and in any other game she'd probably be a stand-out part of the story.

    Apart from the exceptionally solid main story, there are some extra spicy additions that really put this game into GOAT status for me. One of them is the way "old style" erotic language is utilized in Mrs. Smith's novels, as it is invoked alongside the extreme subject matter of those stories. That is something that really works. Hard to say why exactly, but I always enjoy finding another one of her books lying around. The developer(s) truly understand the meaning of the saying: "Variety is the spice of life." The use of "I wanna have sex now" side characters earlier in the story is not all that distinctive from other games of this type -- granted -- but the hardcore nature of those well-written and primal-feeling interactions (especially Alina, as much as her too-youthful appearance initially bothered me) really made the early anticipation increase for where the main storylines would eventually lead. The contrast of innocence with full-on debauchery added a lot to the overall setting. It did perhaps make a couple of the main storyline scenes that occurred around the hardcore activities seem slow and a bit too tame, but that was fairly minor (maybe referencing them in some way during the slower sections could help alleviate that feeling?). Anyways, keeping the player's interest that well at the outset and building the story to greater and greater heights :)-) *cough*) is the mark of a well put together game.

    Version Reviewed: 0.9 Extra Scenes Edition
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Man i'm enjoying this game the story is very nice and interesting along with the characters and the art is good. All i can say is it is worth a try only a few minor issues.

    Art 9.5/10
    Characters 10/10
    Sex 9.5/10 rimjobs would be great
    Story 9/10

    Beat game on 9/25/20

    Art 9.5/10 after playing more games it is a 9/10
    Characters 10/10
    Sex 9.5/10 had rimjobs
    Story 9/10 ending was great
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the writing of this game. I'm not saying the English is impeccable or that the story telling is transcendent or anything. What it is however is coherent which, unfortunately, is a significant thing for an erotic game.

    The characters have very cleanly laid out motivations. The narration isn't arrogant in it's portrayal of the story. The MC actually knows what he's doing and acts with conviction and at least some degree of intelligence.

    I just spent the past few hours beating my dick raw because I simply could not stop with this game. At no point did I mistrust the MC in his love and adoration for the women of his family. Even in his sexual encounters with other women he was in the moment and determined to please these women. This is how these games are supposed to be done.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is not rushed and takes its time. The characters are very well written and the art is good. There's a lot of variety in the girls (shape, ethnicity or behavior). I can't wait to see were it's going.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is nice and compelling and gives the player plenty of room to pick how to play. The art is okay, so are the animations. Also a big plus for the diverse number of secondary characters that you can develop a relationship with.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Started a new game , wonderful work, this is a significant and worthwhile update. It was alot of fun, i have nice relations with all three sisters and Mrs Smith is beginning to open up to me. We are also on an island where wincest isn't taboo at all...and mom may not be able to go back to her job possibly because of political reasons.....this could get real good real fast. And guess what? The story is nice and by the end of this update's content i am happy and excited for the next. This is definitely going in with my favorites. Thank you Master Perverteer for the hard work you put into the game and Thank you Kasey for uploading it here. Also thank you Perverteer for engaging amicably with us despicable pirates, you have my pledge sir!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Really a nice game.
    Wish it had some scenes repeatable.
    As the story is going day wise you cannot repeat a scene.
    There are many scenes which can be repeatable till you sleep and wait for next day to continue story.
    So it would have been better like if the update is made like of 14 days so you can repeat some scenes till the update of 15th and 16th day comes.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful artwork. Each characters has their own appeal (both physical and emotional) and is affectionate without being total doormats.

    No action with the main characters yet (as usual for <1.0 games), but minor characters are available and appeal to a few different tastes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the biggest reason I voted this as excellent was the writing. Every character had a different personality and was reflected in the dialog with the brother. The renderings were better than average, improving throughout the different releases. Also, the MC's dick wasn't as large as his forearm for once. Lastly, I thought the story was well done, the choices were realistic, with predictable outcomes, not just random chance... i.e. you could somewhat steer the story how you wanted. Can't wait till next release.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely LOVE this! I love that you can get some action early with some characters, but still enjoy the longer, slower seductions with others. Really enjoying the D/S sub-plots as well. Hope we get to be even more dom with Bella!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Storyline 1/10 - Zero originality. Male protagonist tries to fuck his sisters and mother, couple of peripheral female characters to fuck in the meantime to keep the patreon fappers donating. Same generic family dynamic "the bitch" "the cute one" "the authority figure" and the "NTR bait"

    Pacing - 2/10 - Within the current 10 days of gameplay you can already start foreplay with your younger sister

    Rendering - 5/10 - Being generous here. The renders are clean. The dev has put zero effort into fixing the bugs that come with conforming clothing hence why all the clothes look like they are glued to the characters chests.

    Character design - 5 / 10 - Dev has at least attempted to make the characters look different from the standard Victoria 7 model that gets recycled every game. Younger sister is the only one who doesn't have cartoonish proportions though.

    Playability - 3/10 - This game has zero margin for error and basically is unplayable if unless you use a walk-thru or are exceptionally lucky. All progress with any sibling requires you to make every single decision perfectly otherwise you just end up going nowhere with any of the main females.

    Overall. Just another forgettable "i wanna fuck mom and sis" renp'y / Daz game with very little thought put into it. Fine if you want one fap and never to return but in terms of playability you will get very little enjoyment.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    My first playthrough and my opinion:

    First I was a little scared to know that the older sister spends the nights in her boyfriend's house but everything clears up and has a good story, then I'm shocked again that the little sister has two super sluts as friends but she is nice innocent girl and the story is going well, then I get scared again when I find out that the middle sister is being blackmailed for sending dirty selfies but again everything is resolved well, Alina is ok not exactly my fetish but a little fun added, I do not like Ana but accept that although the walkthrough says that nothing happens if you reject the truth is that you will lose important points especially with the older sister.

    But what I most disliked was the mom, you find out that she is workaholic, working 20 hours a day, does not go to sleep at home, is entertained by reading erotic texts, the card of her work only says "Discret Inc" so is pretty obvious that she is in something no good, but based on the stories of the sisters I thought it would end well. I thought that she would be managing a escort agency or for the texts she reads that she would be running an erotic magazine / books / website but nop, she is a prostitute giving happy endings to dozens of men per day, EEEWWWWW !!!.

    But hey, you just have to click on "This is not for me" and focus on the sisters, endure the horrible Ana for the sake of Liza and never think of the mother that you never see anyway because she is busy being a cumdumpster.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has a really decent storyline so far for each of the different girls with a good variety of characters.
    at many points you can choose different interactions with these characters, of which some definitely will have longtime effects while others seem to be for flavor (or maybe some hidden stats), the flavor definitely draws you in though imo.
    The general writing is in decent grammar and easy to understand.

    I would give 4.5 stars, but thats not possible so I rounded it up because I was feeling generous, this review is valid as long as the quality keeps being on this level.
    I am also kinda biased since incest is a big fetish of mine.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    There is some content already - particularly with secondary characters other than the sisters, but nothing actually sexual so far with any of the three sisters that I could discover in my 50 minute playtime. Once the game has more meat on it, though, I would recommend it a bit higher. Sex games where you fuck your sisters are a dime a dozen, particularly those that use this animation style, so for now interested users should turn their attention to Superpowered, Big Brother, etc.

    There is nothing very unique about this game, and it needs something more to its UI if it wants to make effective use of the Ren'Py system. As-is, it's just a VN with an invisible point system that the user doesn't have any guide for.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...

    (01/15/2018 - Original Review - v0.42)

    I've played an earlier version of this Visual Novel/Game before and it was an entertaining story then and now...

    The visuals of the characters are good, not perfect, but all the body proportions are really well done and they look mostly unique and creative... The backdrops are good as well, even though some are not unique since I've seen them many times in other VN/Games...

    The script is pretty good with hardly any spelling/grammar errors that I saw... The main plot is fairly simple, the male protagonist moves in with 4 women... If you play the Taboo version they are his mother and 3 sisters, who you've not seen since you were very little, otherwise they are not blood relatives... So depending on what version you play/read, this VN/game includes the overused Family Sex stuff... He lives with these women and basically tries to form a relationship with them, sexual or otherwise, all depending on your choices... There are lots of things going on with each woman, so that brings in several sub-plots to work through, so in that sense there is a good deal of depth and meaning to the overall story... It's still a sex focused game, but at least there is a good balance of story thrown into the mix...

    There are two stats to be concerned with, even though they are hidden... Trust and Corruption, which makes this basically a corruption based VN/game... These stats play an important role in determining what options become available with each character and what content you get to see/read...

    The matriarch of the house doesn't have a whole lot of interaction content with the protagonist, but there is a mystery based story that the protagonist has the opportunity to investigate, surrounding her actual job... I couldn't really tell what she did for a living, but I have my suspicions based off the content I experienced... Of course the other 3 women in the house fit the stereotypes typically found in this genre of VN/games, with one being very open minded, one is super shy, and one starting off hating the protagonist... I'll guess the author/s used those personalities to cover multiple fetish's?

    Overall, I did enjoy reading and playing this visual novel/game... The main story wasn't very deep and meaningful, but the subplots and all the different character interactions made up for it... This plays out sort of like a mix of love/romance, mixed with lust filled sex scenes, mixed with date sim, mixed with family protection, etc... It was more balanced then I originally thought it would be, to be honest... It's not at the top of my list, but I still enjoyed the play through... I will definitely check back on this one, a ways further into it's development...

    (03/18/2018 - Review Update - v0.7 Bonus)

    Well I've played the latest updates since the last time I did a play through, and there is quite a bit of new content... It's about on par with prior content, just with further progression with each woman character... There are a few twists here and there, but nothing to major... I'm very glad the mess with Liza's boyfriend is becoming more a distant memory, but you never know... You get to find out a lot more about the mother's job, which was interesting, but I sorta predicted some of it from prior content...

    I did find a few of the visuals of Liza seemed better in some scenes then others, so I'm unsure if they are just crisper looking in later scenes, or if it's just the lighting... But the face of Dwayne's mother leaves something to be desired... I did run in a just a few spelling/grammar errors in the most recent 2 game days content, so some proofreading may be needed...

    The current content is leading up to a family vacation to a beach resort, but that will not happen until the next content updates... Overall, the protagonist is getting further into the corruption of most of the women characters, with some just being booty calls, and some where the protagonist is beginning to have a small romantic influence on a few characters as well... But there is also a new negative influence on the protagonists plans with his youngest sister... We'll need to see how it all plays out as this VN/Game continues developing... I will probably wait again for several more updates before revisiting... Keep up the good work...