@Perverteer I've just finished day 33, and have looked into a couple bugs. Here's what I see:
I went to the concert, and at the end of day33 I stayed with Liza and didn't get the mom scene.
if (r_relationship and day31_r_tickets and not day32_r_visit) or (m_relationship_soft and not m_relationship):
"{i}You cuddle for a very long time, until it's time to go to sleep, you kiss [l_name] good night and go back to your room."
jump day33_evening_choices
$ day33_l_sleep = True
"{i}You cuddle for a very long time and then kiss [l_name] good night and go to sleep."
jump day34
You don't stay with Liza if you are (in a relationship with Mom and not on the Discreet path), which is can be incorrect. You also don't stay with her if (in a relationship with Rachel and you got tickets and you didn't go to the concert). This is supposed to be (went to the concert and on the discreet path and in a relationship with mom), so you can get the mom scene. It should be (day32_r_visit and m_relationship and m_relationship_soft).
The end-of-the-night mom scene doesn't check for m_relationship and m_relationship_soft, which is why people not on the discreet path are getting the scene. The jump in day 32 does check for m_relationship and m_relationship_soft.
if r_relationship and day31_r_tickets and day32_r_visit:
$ day33_night_event = True
jump day32_p_room_scene
FYI, you can simplify (r_relationship and day31_r_tickets and day32_r_visit) to just (day32_r_visit), because it's only set if (r_relationship and day32_r_tickets):
"Go to concert" if r_relationship and day31_r_tickets and not day32_r_visit:
$ day32_r_visit = True