I kept having the Bella or Susan exclusive romance my first few play through. ha Kind of love Bella. OK, an early way to get things going is the shower scene with Rachel. Let her get a good look at pepe when she walks in that first day. Don't chase after her, though. Be brazen about it at breakfast. The character doesn't actually let Susan know what happens, but it does increase Rachel's lust, leading toward the fairly quick progression with her. Overall it isn't much of a cheat to check their corruption, trust or relationship ratings in the little status menu in the upper right of the screen (the heart), which can help a lot along the way if you are not sure which choices lead to what response by the characters. I felt checking it all the time was a cheat, but there are some trickier paths to juggle. So, it can be an OK crutch for handling some of the more complex path interactions.