VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Six Times A Day [Ep.1 Ch.4] [Edgame]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is Episode 1 - Chapter 4....

    For being such an outlandish story concept, I just had to laugh at the absurdity, yet the story teller seems to pull it off with alright story telling... It is very obvious from early on, that this VN will involve some over used incest, so be aware...

    The visuals of the characters are good, not top of the line, but decent... Some of the characters don't look completely original, but they are fine... There are not a whole lot of backdrops, and they look a bit sterile, but they are ok... The nurses outfit is so not what real nurses wear, like ever, but what can you expect from this sort of VN/Game...

    The script, for the most part is good, outside of some occasional spelling/grammar mistakes... It does get a little long winded during the initial character introductions, as if they developers are REALLY trying to drive their initial points across, for why the characters are the way they are... Not fully sure who the actual main protagonist will be, as thus far this is a completely kinetic story... It could be the older female neighbor, or it could be the younger male, don't know, and it may not even matter if this stays a kinetic story...

    The plot premise is a bit far fetched, and such a stretch of the imagination... But there is some decent story telling, and somehow it pulls it off, as long as you just play along and dismiss the absurdity of it... It's not perfect story telling, but it is a valiant attempt to focus on good story telling...

    Each chapter is actually pretty short... Which may require a re-think... If you've ever read a book, chapters tend to be lengthy, keeping in line with a particular part of the story... If I had to imagine the current content, as short as it is, as being more then one chapter, I might go with 2... The first being the character introduction and plot setup, and the 2nd being the entire doctors visit... Not split up, like it is, into micro-chapters... But it is their baby to do as they will...

    Overall. because the visuals are decent for the most part, and there is a good attempt at good story telling, it was fun to read... The plot premise is a bit out there, but as long as you have some suspension of disbelief, then it's not too hard to just deal with it, out of pure curiosity, for how it will actually be handled... This is in essence a corruption story, and we'll have to wait and see how the developers really handle it... Will it go off the deep end, or be clever in it's approach to explaining things away? Only time will tell... I can see some potential, but just need to wait and see if it continues to show, and lives up to that, promise, while it continues to develop... I will check back at a much later date on this one, as it seems content is trickled out in tiny chapters... And I prefer to see larger amounts of additional content, on revisits...