
New Member
Oct 26, 2020
Looks interesting to me. But I's a bit dangerous to use patreon for that, because patreon banned slavery plots, if I'm not mistaken.


Nov 17, 2018
I think this game may be tagged as abandoned, this was the dev's last update.



Slave Archipelago Royale
Game Developer
Jan 17, 2018
New life for the project, but not with me in it.

Hi, all.

I hope this message finds you well. I meant to reach out sooner, and I apologize for the radio silence over the past few years of radio silence.
I value the support and engagement of everyone here and on Patreon.

Without delving into too much detail, many things have happened in the last few years, both on personal and professional plans, and I couldn't legally put any time into this project. (family, corporate job, and country in which I couldn't use a VPN)

Even if life wouldn't hit me, I'm also not an artist, which made things more complex even if I could have found a way, so I needed to drop it. Please know that this hiatus was not planned, and it certainly does not reflect my commitment; I wanted to see this project finished by collaborating with an artist when I started it.

I am genuinely sorry for any disappointment or inconvenience my absence may have caused.

Here's what you can expect going forward:
Someone who contacted me on discord from previous supporters will take over the project and will continue this project in a few weeks/months from what I understood he will be between jobs and he planned to work on this project for a few months as a relaxation period. If you are still interested, please stay close.
Unfortunately, I lost the Patreon account with whatever it was into it; it was much work even to connect here. The person who is going to take the project from me is going to create a new account.

As an ending not I put my trust into him he is also an artist, please let me know what you think about his art. IMG_4151.png

What platform do you recommend for this, considering the terms and conditions of Patreon?
Also, a question regarding the game's direction, what should be prioritized from your perspective?
  • Sandbox mode
  • Main character creation
  • Audio
  • Better dialogue system
  • Save system
  • Fight system
  • Character interactions
  • Animation
Thank you for being so understanding, and I'm sorry again!
PS: I will give this person my account from here so this will be my last post, sorry I let you down.


Dec 30, 2017
What platform do you recommend for this, considering the terms and conditions of Patreon?
Also, a question regarding the game's direction, what should be prioritized from your perspective?
  • Sandbox mode
  • Main character creation
  • Audio
  • Better dialogue system
  • Save system
  • Fight system
  • Character interactions
  • Animation
Hmm... in terms of platform, I don't have any first hand experience but I have heard is more friendly towards "questionable/adult" content (less likely to be thrown off the platform), but Patreon is the more famous one. So I suppose it depends on what type of content you wish to add and/or if you wish to limit yourself to Patreons guidelines.

I think the first thing you need to figure out is what type of game you are planning on making and what game engine will suit it. (rpgmaker, Renpy, custom? etc.)
Once you've started it will be difficult to change.

Then perhaps figure out what archetype you want.
  • Renpy, rpgm or text based navigation? Or custom/unique?
    • Do you want a VN/choice based adventure (railroad/routes)?
    • Text based adventure (system/event based, with or without art)?
    • Sandbox/Freeroam sandbox?
What is priority depends on the type of game your planning to make and the engine you plan to use.
  • Audio is not that important and is optional I'd say. Depends on what you want
  • Unless you have a vision to make animated scenes a large part of the game, then I'd say it's optional and can wait. Animations will be more important if you plan on using 3d renders.
  • Character creation and customization is a possible main feature. You either have it, or you don't.
  • A prototype should have some form of save system. (save incompatibility between versions are acceptible in the beginning. But the more frequently people have to start from scratch, the more likely people are to either drop it or skip multiple updates).
Here are some variety of games you can take inspiration from, if you wish.

The Fixer
  • Good character creator and execution
  • Sandboxy
Flower Princess Elulu
  • Good harassment and undress combat system
  • Mostly onetracked, but with some freedom
Princess Sacrifice
  • Decent RPG mechanics
  • Very good H-combat
Degrees of lewdity
  • True sandbox
  • Very text based
  • Special "Combat" (hit or miss)
Wings of Roldea
  • Sandbox RPG
  • Character customization
  • H-combat
Lust doll (I'm a little rusty on this one)
  • Grid map system for world navigation, one possible direction to go
  • Text based
  • Some Character customization
Crusoe had it easy
  • Similar'esqe concept to what you originally intended?
  • Multiple choice VN
  • Short game

Not all forms of game and gameplay fits everyone, each of them have various strengths and weaknesses (and pitfalls)
There's also the golden rule:
The better the gameplay, the less adult content it needs as a crutch. The worse the gameplay, the more adult content it needs to make up for it.

Create your niche and find your audience.

Good luck.
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