RPGM - Completed - Slave Girl's Adventure [Final] [Maron Koubou]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The slave going on a quest for her Master thing is different, the H content isn't all that much but decent CGs, and the game's main story is... well, I completed it, and apparently, that does nothing. Literally nothing. Your Master won't even acknowledge you did. M'kay.

    Combined with pretty uninteresting gameplay that also has some wildly illogical bits (if you defeat a group of enemies, they'll still kidnap those of your girls that dropped to 0 health, however KO'd crooks pull that off), not really worth it.

    Short enough giving it a whirl won't cost you much time, though, and the WTFness of it all might entertain you, possibly more than the porn.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    BDSM Connoisseur

    The game is really bare bones, extremely simple battle mechanics and no level progression at all.

    Like said before, there's no level progression, you can finish the game with very few fights. I think four will do it if you go on "dark path". You still may need to grind fight to get gold to purchase new characters. There's also few weird and non-trivial switches that make it sometimes difficult to understand what to do next.

    Battle Mechanics:
    It's really simple, kill your enemies, before they "kill" you. When one of your character's HP goes to zero, she gets restrained. You can save her during the battle by using keys or skills. If she's restrained by the end of the battle, she gets taken away and you have to go talk to her, where you found her. If the party is wiped out, you'll get short message and wake up in the first village. "Rescued" main characters will be in pony bondage, while in it, they can't use most of their skills. That's pretty much it, there are some status alignments, but they are vanilla RPGM and really rare.

    The Story:
    It's really short and straight forward. Basically it's gather 3 things after that talk to some characters. Every interaction is really short, including those that advance the main story. Combined with non-trivial switches, it's sometimes hard to guess what to do and where to go next. You can speed run the game and see all the content in less than half an hour, but the first playthrough will probably take well over 2 hours.

    The Content:
    There's not much of it, but it is enjoyable. First of all there are battle sprites. You will see only one that is in the first row. Each character has 3 pictures, healthy, slightly damaged and restrained, some of them are slight variations of other characters some of them are exact copies. Four main characters also have pony girl forms. There are also few single picture rape interactions for those four main characters. And that's pretty much it. Recovery of defeated characters is just straight forward: "you rescued me, thanks" without any pictures. Party wipe out is the same, except you'll get message something like "master saved me".

    I am biased in the sense I really like the theme. I like the content but there's not much of it. The game feels unfinished as it feels like a lot of content is missing. Like, what is the point of "rescuing" a defeated character mechanics, if there's no content in it? Overall 3/5, a short and simple, but sometimes confusing game.