
Jan 26, 2020
What files and folders need to be changed for the pregnancy content?
none, preg content is in there by default, it must be a placeholder or something. just note that preg content, while it is enabled - if you enabled it in the settings - will not show up properly until you have definitive knocked someone up. for assistants that is combined with a message like 'she is unusually happy' along with the typical sex message. for trained slaves it's mostly just luck, how much you've nutted in them, and how long you have them in your company - you wont know they're pregnant until it's been about two in game months after the fact, or if you have a nurse slave, a week afterwards.


New Member
Nov 4, 2020
Works on Win 7 & Win 10 for me:
Copy "flashplayer_32_sa" to SlaveMaker directory. Run "flashplayer_32_sa" -> drag "SlaveMaker3.swf" to the window.
"flashplayer_32_sa" attached to post.
ps: forum add "[VIRUS]" prefix to attached archive. i don't know why. may be because *.exe file inside. may be because "flashplayer*.*" inside.
holy shit you are a legend bro thank you
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