Okay, for those asking for saves and such, heres plainly everything, of both Helpless Heroine & Slavegirls Rising.
Note, the save files arent laid out like a gallery, and i dont really have an idea anymore at what point i generally was saving, but it should be close enough as the game was being saved frequently in my playthrough to reload a battle/scene if i wanted to, the sheer number of HH saves stand as testament to that.
(Helpless Heroine)
IMPORTANT to read the readme if you want to use the save files from Slavegirls Rising.
Will be helpful if deciding to use the files as a cheat is already present in those savegames or if going to a newer game version, and i CANNOT be bothered cleaning each savefile myself.
And no, not making a walkthrough whatsoever, cant be bothered plus games are simply too big to attempt it.