
New Member
Aug 28, 2020
These ones look so good as solo HD pictures


New Member
Aug 28, 2020
Nice Wallpapers , hey ?


Sep 26, 2017
Maybe a minor heads-up, but Sleepy's been contacted by Patreon's "Trust and Safety" team...again. So he's packing up and leaving for SubscribeStar.
Yep, I found the message about that (seems anyway that Patreon wants to commit a suicide by killing all the big creators...):

(IMPORTANT!) Dear Patrons,

Could 2020 get any worse? Yes, it can! The Patreon “Trust and Safety” team contacted me.

This was never good when it happened before, but this time they’re specifically targeting my content. By doing so they triggered the EXODUS PROTOCOL. Its STATUS is now ACTIVE.

The TLDR of it: I’m moving over to SubscribeStar

If you’d like to continue supporting me, please do so on Subscribestar!

Of course, you may have a lot of questions. I’ll try my best now to answer them:

It’s basically like patreon. A lot of adult creators were forced over there by patreon, including big names like Animopron and Sabu. At first I was a bit sceptical because the site is based in Russia, but I've been using it with a private account for two years now and I never had any trouble with my credit card info. I also set up the tiers exactly like you’re used to them here on my patreon. So, the friction in transitioning should be minimal and you should feel right at home over there. The only thing different is, that I had to lose the $2 tier for technical reasons (Substars fees just don’t make such a low tier viable).

I’m really sorry, but I can’t continue to release them here. They’ll be released on SubscribeStar according to schedule. Only Family Values I need to push back to Thursday, the 26th.

Yes, that’s a problem. I’m really sorry about this. That’s unfortunately the only option on SubscribeStar. Of course, you can wait until the first of December to go over there and pick up the recent comic pages together with the stuff coming later that month. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience. If you can’t make it over to SubsribeStar for whatever reason, send me a message and we’ll figure something out. Just be aware that it could take a while until I can get to it. There’s a lot going on right now.
To everyone willing to go over to Subscribestar now, though, let me try to make it up to you!
You’ll find there TWO NEVER SEEN BEFORE PAINTINGS + TWO SKETCHES as a bonus for making the move now. ONLY FOR THE REST OF THE MONTH you can pick up the sketches, though. They’ll be gone in December.
And who knows, maybe there’s even a THIRD PAINTING for the higher tiers.

Please, please do so! That would be a tremendous help to me! So that I don’t have to get to know you all all over again.

I understand that some people are just more comfortable with supporting via patreon. I’ll try to keep it as a tip jar. I will reduce it to only one tier, though, and only release one “lighthearted” pinup painting here each month going forward (Which of course you’ll receive on SubsribeStar as well). Soon, you will notice that the appearance of all tiers will change and many posts will go missing. Again, ALL COMICS move over to SubscribeStar. You won’t be able to continue receiving them on patreon.

Indeed the whole situation is unfortunate. You help me most with just taking your support over to SubscribeStar. And when I announce the move on twitter, I’m happy if you retweet it. Probably some of you would like to support me by commissioning me to do a painting for them, but that’s unfortunately impossible. It’ll be very time consuming to move over to the other site in the coming weeks.

That’s all from me for now!

I see you on the other sid(t)e!

Yours truly,



Dec 23, 2017
This guy is awesome. Both art and writing is very good.

I only wish there were more content (more full comics and story arcs).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2019
Anyone got the latest art? Just discovered him and he's great. Love how dark his themes are, without being too dark to enjoy. Hit's that middle ground just right. And the continuity is amazing. Seeing the girl from Fled show up in Through the Looking Glass was a great delight!

Also, am I alone in hoping that this is how Nancy Templeton's Day Off ends?
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[Industry News] Weird behavior (c)
Game Developer
Dec 16, 2019
Question for Nancy Templeton fans. :)

In which order i must to read all her "misadventures"? :)
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Active Member
Dec 21, 2017
Question for Nancy Templeton fans. :)

In which order i must to real all her "misadventures"? :)
Hard to tell as there has never been an established time line of Nancy's "adventures", but short of asking Sleepy himself, from what I can gather from certain panels or comments by different characters in the comics:

1. Night Of The Living Dolls

* A comic that was cancelled by Sleepy after 5 pages because he couldn't make the whole "Bimbofication" theme that won the monthly poll work. The last page of the comic seems to imply that Nancy wasn't a part time detective yet, in the debating team instead, sucking at it and not happy, so it seems this is where it would have been where it all started.

2. In Trouble Again

* Nancy in the first page describes an anonymous letter she received asking for help as her "big break".

3. Mystery of The Vanished Heiress

* The comic now refers to Nancy as "Crystal Height's most famous detective" and she also now has a proper detective costume, something she didn't wear in the previous comic, so it seems Nancy is chalking up the previous comic as a one off misadventure and still wants to stick to being a detective.

4. Girl Detective No More

* At the start of the comic, Evelina is watching a video of Violet raping Nancy on her laptop which is from "In Trouble Again" judging by the costume Nancy is forced to wear in both the comic and the video being watched looking identical. There is one comment by Nancy when thinking about quitting being a detective, which refers to how Vanished Heiress ends for her so this comic clearly comes after Vanished Heiress as well. Also the last panel has Nancy getting violated by Evelina among others and Nancy saying "Why does this keep happening to me" through her mouth gag which implies more then once, hence my thinking this comes after both In Trouble and Heiress in order.

5. Yoga Hypnosis

6. Mystery of The White Phantom

* One panel refers to the previous Yoga Hypnosis comic among other misadeventures that were never made into a comic. Nancy also refers to being up against "Real Monsters" and an image of Evelina and Violet is shown in disguise to visualise who she is referring to, so she clearly remembers all the times she was captured and violated by the two in past comics.

7. Like A Thief in the Night

* Comment by Trixie/Black Fox referring to past "wild" stories of Nancy getting captured. Nancy and Trixie seem to be just roommates despite Trixie being attracted to Nancy.

8. Through the Looking Glass

* Seems this comic comes after Thief in the night because Nancy and Trixie seem more friendly with one another instead of room mates as seen in Thief in night.

9. Nancy's Day Off

* Current comic in progress and seems the latest in the time line as Trixie is much more friends now with Nancy, hanging out together on holidays and Trixie has her suspicions of Evelina and her interest in Nancy (or could be jealousy). The last panel this month ends with Trixie about to look in Evelina's phone for any interesting pics, which one could assume will feature Violet and Evelina raping Nancy. Evelina does have on her School laptop a video of Violet raping Nancy anally (as seen in Girl Detective No More), so Evelina will more then likely have more proof on her phone. If that is the case, Trixie will remember how she hogtied and left on a sex machine Violet at the end of the "Like A Thief In The Night" comic and realise Violet and Evelina are a team who constantly capture and rape Nancy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2019
Hard to tell as there has never been an established time line of Nancy's "adventures", but short of asking Sleepy himself, from what I can gather from certain panels or comments by different characters in the comics:

1. Night Of The Living Dolls

* A comic that was cancelled by Sleepy after 5 pages because he couldn't make the whole "Bimbofication" theme that won the monthly poll work. The last page of the comic seems to imply that Nancy wasn't a part time detective yet, in the debating team instead, sucking at it and not happy, so it seems this is where it would have been where it all started.

2. In Trouble Again

* Nancy in the first page describes an anonymous letter she received asking for help as her "big break".

3. Mystery of The Vanished Heiress

* The comic now refers to Nancy as "Crystal Height's most famous detective" and she also now has a proper detective costume, something she didn't wear in the previous comic, so it seems Nancy is chalking up the previous comic as a one off misadventure and still wants to stick to being a detective.

4. Girl Detective No More

* At the start of the comic, Evelina is watching a video of Violet raping Nancy on her laptop which is from "In Trouble Again" judging by the costume Nancy is forced to wear in both the comic and the video being watched looking identical. There is one comment by Nancy which refers to how Vanished Heiress ends for her so this comic clearly comes after both In Trouble Again and Vanished Heiress. Also the last panel has Nancy getting violated by Evelina among others and Nancy saying "Why does this keep happening to me" through her mouth gag which implies more then once, hence my thinking this comes after both In Trouble and Heiress in order.

5. Yoga Hypnosis

6. Mystery of The White Phantom

* One panel refers to the previous Yoga Hypnosis comic among other misadeventures that were never made into a comic. Nancy also refers to being up against "Real Monsters" and an image of Evelina and Violet is shown in disguise to visualise who she is referring to, so she clearly remembers all the times she was captured and violated by the two in past comics.

7. Like A Thief in the Night

* Comment by Trixie/Black Fox referring to past "wild" stories of Nancy getting captured. Nancy and Trixie seem to be just roommates despite Trixie being attracted to Nancy.

8. Through the Looking Glass

* Seems this comic comes after Thief in the night because Nancy and Trixie seem more friendly with one another instead of room mates as seen in Thief in night.

9. Nancy's Day Off

* Current comic in progress and seems the latest in the time line as Trixie is much more friends now with Nancy, hanging out together on holidays and Trixie has her suspicions of Evelina and her interest in Nancy (or could be jealousy). The last panel this month ends with Trixie about to look in Evelina's phone for any interesting pics, which one could assume will feature Violet and Evelina raping Nancy. Evelina does have on her School laptop a video of Violet raping Nancy anally (as seen in Girl Detective No More), so Evelina will more then likely have more proof on her phone. If that is the case, Trixie will remember how she hogtied and left on a sex machine Violet at the end of the "Like A Thief In The Night" comic and realise Violet and Evelina are a team who constantly capture and rape Nancy.
It should be pointed out though that Nancy has memory, but only a select memory. And most are probably from events we don't see in comics.
She remembers Like a Thief in the Night, In Trouble Again, whatever happens in the end of Girl Detective No More when shes convinced to go on another case, and on stage in Mystery of the Vanished Heiress. She knows who Violet is, but doesn't know Evelina is in on it.
Through the Looking Glass, for example, she has no idea that Country Girl is stashed at Evelina's, or that all that transpired. Same for Yoga Hypnosis, etc.
Also, it's hinted that Evelina implanted the idea of her to be a girl detective last pages, so I imagine in the aborted Bimbo story Evelina put some long term hypnosis into effect.
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Active Member
Dec 21, 2017
It should be pointed out though that Nancy has memory, but only a select memory. And most are probably from events we don't see in comics.
She remembers Like a Thief in the Night, In Trouble Again, whatever happens in the end of Girl Detective No More when shes convinced to go on another case, and on stage in Mystery of the Vanished Heiress. She knows who Violet is, but doesn't know Evelina is in on it.
Through the Looking Glass, for example, she has no idea that Country Girl is stashed at Evelina's, or that all that transpired. Same for Yoga Hypnosis, etc.
Also, it's hinted that Evelina implanted the idea of her to be a girl detective last pages, so I imagine in the aborted Bimbo story Evelina put some long term hypnosis into effect.
Interesting, though some points:

* It is established that Nancy is dumber then a bag of bricks and that is before being drugged. It is why despite Evelina's very specific features (Tall, Long black hair, face and huge boobs), Evelina being a teacher at the school Nancy attends and even when Nancy sees Evelina naked in "Nancy's Day Off", Nancy still hasn't even come close to working out Evelina is one of the two who have repeatedly raped her. I mean Evelina is the one who arranges and sets Nancy up and still Nancy doesn't put two and two together. Things get more messy if you take into account the individual gallery pics Sleepy has done like for example "Christmas Party" where both Violet and Evelina and friends are there partying with Nancy then the last image has Nancy drugged and about to be raped by all the girls and one has to think she still doesn't remember any of it as she still thinks Evelina is just her teacher, so one has to assume the same for Violet that she just thinks Violet is a friend of her teacher, not one of the two who repeatedly rape her. Of course the drugs are a convenient plot point to explain why Nancy can never remember anything other then that she got violated but not by who.

* Detective idea being planted: No doubt, but it may not be Evelina who did it as Nancy says she has had bad experiences with hypnosis in Girl Detective No More, alluding to the Heiress comic and it seems like Evelina trying hypnosis on her is a first time thing the way Nancy responds to the idea by Evelina, though there is a gallery image Sleepy did that shows Evelina using hypnosis on Nancy, though no idea if it relates to becoming a detective or just to violate her as usual. If anything, it is also possible Evelina's Auntie Carmilla who is far more formidable and has demonstrated hypnosis abilities just by talking over a phone as shown in Family Values when Carmilla "insists" to Evelina about the nephew, as well as Through the looking glass. Or they may have even hired The Great Selene and never shown it as in the Heiress comic, it does show Violet and Selene doing business before it all goes wrong, so maybe they have done business together previously. Selene also seems to be related to Evelina and Camilla but seems to be against them as seen in the monthly pic "Freddy & Selene". So yeah if you include the individual monthly pics, it makes things much more messier to keep a track of.
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[Industry News] Weird behavior (c)
Game Developer
Dec 16, 2019
Oh, thanks people for such a complete answer. :)

Did somebody know SleepyGimp is French? He is male or female? :)
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