VN - HTML - SlutEd [v0.15] [Shark in a Hat]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've ever played hands down this is really simple and well done and the story is very well written. Not your generic girl has sex all the time lots of good corruption even though it lacks a proper slow burn (though you can play more that style if you wish).
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    As far as real porn, "corrupt the female protag" games go, this is a good one. The art is unique. I really like this new trend of putting filters over porn to make it look cartoonish. It's so much better than random porn gifs that look nothing like the characters.

    I do like that we, the player have a fair amount of choice in how quickly character turns slutty, though I wish we had more choice in regards to the main storyline. You will be a slut. That much has already been kinetically written. It's just up to you how fast it happens.

    The writing is fine, if not a bit cliche'. Nothing new there. Blackmail, yadda yadda. We've been here before. But the sheer amount of options to pick from and different branches of choices were refreshing. Again, I just wish they all didn't end up leading to the same outcome.

    That being said, this is a fun corruption game. Excited to see further content from the Dev.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4814239

    Played many times, great graphics, hope for future updates. Storyline is not linear. There are so much clothes to buy and wear. If I want to add thing, i wanted to play endless game after main content.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent corruption simulator. Great art and clothing customisation, and a decent amount of sex content. The choices have interesting branching paths that make frequent saves or replays entertaining. I'll be checking back regularly for updates!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    this is for v0.7.1

    Overall - 5/10
    Art - 4/10
    Gameplay - 3/10
    Story - 2/10
    Content - 6/10

    - So the art is just RL porn images with a cheap pastel filter applied, which works if you don't want to be just another RL porn game, but it also makes everything look kinda ugly and cheap.

    Gameplay - The gameplay is very lackluster, with a few limited choices at any given time that typically result in things getting "worse" for your character regardless, so it really just becomes a question of, "how quickly do I want to become a complete cum dump?"
    Personally, I am not a fan of games where you have to personally want to make your character do things that would be detrimental to their well-being, largely because that goes against everything gaming has taught me about playing a game.
    A lose to win scenario if you will, which is always a terrible concept just in design itself because you either resolve yourself to win as quickly and aggressively as possible to unlock a gallery at the end of the game, or you just give up on treating it like a game at all and grind through events.

    Story - The story is pretty much negligible through and through since almost everything is driving your character to be a bigger slut.
    Don't want to be a complete slut? Too bad.
    Want to react realistically to some jackass trying to blackmail you by putting him six feet under? too bad.
    The game might as well just take a linear path on everything because no matter what, you will become a slut, which is the point of corruption games, but it's usually executed terribly, including here.

    Content - If you take away the poorly executed "plot" devices that are in place, the content is actually pretty decent, especially with the multitude of clothing you can wear (even though a lot of clothes don't fit the avatar properly and just look awful).
    Unfortunately, there are quite a few instances of content paths just not existing (gym, spa, nightclub, etc.) or instances not syncing up properly at all, with the character referencing events that haven't even happened yet.

    Overall - It's decent, but also very much not impressive.
    Aside from the pastel filter, there is nothing that sets this game apart from any of the other HTML porn games out there and while it is decent enough in the corruption aesthetic, it's comparatively as good as any porno where your "step"-sister needs money or gets caught stealing and agrees to suck your dick before things rapidly escalate to a full blown impregnating know, because she needed $50.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    i think this game has one of the best stories i ever played or read the becoming slut was little fast but i like because i don't have to wait for the updates and the dev is also cool dude not running for the money and listen to the community.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Gunner Rey

    I downloaded this game on a whim along with three others I had higher hopes for but was surprised I ended up playing this by far the most so far. As of 0.7.1 this has plenty of content to keep you occupied for a few hours---and then find out there's other content you missed and need to go back for more.

    The Bakshi-style of painting over real porn images works well, making the little slut real-looking and smoking hot in the girl-next-door lithe athletic build sense. I can gather you can keep her pretty much a good girl and see only the kind of scenes you prefer, but playing these games my mission is to get the little slut exposed much as I can and even this soon into the game (maybe a week or so game-time) she's been thoroughly used and abused and seems to like it--my kind of slut!

    This game has a bit of a dark edge, but not so much the girl loses her appeal and is more comparable to a less-buggy version of the Chloe18 series with less of a juvenile presentation. The writing is actually pretty good for a porn game, it reminds me a little of the 'Breaking Bad' world and I hope it manages to maintain its fun but still somewhat gritty atmosphere at the same time the little slut gets enjoyed more comprehensively.

    Five stars, as at this juncture of its development it is definitely amongst the top twenty percent of releases on this site and has jumped to become one of games I will be looking most forward to seeing on the Latest Updates screen.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The models are sometimes weird, but the story is cool and the clothing options are nice (if weird in their calculations of sluttiness). If you're looking for slow transformation then this probably isn't it.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Like this alote. Good story with decent art and satisfactory progression until the last couple of game days.

    Really needs the locations content expanded upon.

    No animations is really the only reason its 4 stars not five.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best HTML games out there, artstyle on point as well, story seems great with either slow corruption or fast submission, choice is there. Updates are coming fast and furious and seems to b heading the right way. Can't wait for the full release.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I play wonderful the story attracts me a lot. Congratulations on the beautiful game you are producing. I especially like the disco club scene and the slurm scenes. i hope you can continue with the game for a long time if you need help as a supporter contact me i am happy to spend on this game
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    the story is decent the used images are nice. id love some gifs and obviously more content. but its great. i definately want more :)
    would also be cool to have more information about some stuff. for example the bar dude tells me to "come back later" and i didnt know if i had to wait in game or if the game just didnt have this stuff implemented yet. since it didnt continue before i finished the game i figured its not done yet
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best games on this site, assuming you are into this type of content.
    The only issue i have with this game so far is not enough content, what's already there is plenty and it's just a matter of time before it gets fleshed out properly in other places than school/main story, but as of now (v0.7) it's still a flaw that i had to mention.
    5/5, waiting for more.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome. It is well balanced combination of fem sim game and visual novel. Plot is very casual and at the same time engaging, making the game a delight free from any dark themes.

    And last, but not least, the outfit system. It may be one of best, if not THE best outfit system already filled with multitude of styles and levels of sluttiness.

    Only disappointment is that the game is not a true sandbox that would last as long as player wants. The version reviewed by me ends after first week. Not sure if it should be improved. So far author has a working formula to deliver a decent, working and engaging game. I'd rather get another 'fixed' week and replay the game instead of seeing it going down into huge pit of problems after author's attempts to make it even more sandboxy.

    One actual suggestion: now some clothes that need to be purchased separately seem to be different ways of wearing same cloth (unbuttoned shirt seems to be example). I would love to have opportunity to modify clothes (just like - by accident in this case - school skirt was torn) and wear them in different ways (just like shirt can be worn in more and more slutty ways).

    Oh, and I love choice of the MC :)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Female protag corruption game featuring genuine exhibitionism and beast? Count me in! One of a very small handful of games to have this combination.

    • Unique, pleasing art style that looks easy enough to produce at a quick enough pace for future development
    • Lots of good premises, locations, clothing systems
    • Regular(ish) updates, albeit typically minor
    • Humorous, even if sometimes for the wrong reasons
    • Saving is a mess, but offers renaming, which helps fill the gallery shaped hole in the game
    • End of content is abrupt and can trap you from experiencing side content
    • There just isn't much content here yet, maybe wait like 7 months and check back in
    • Writings is eh... less than stellar. There are few if any story altering decisions to be made, and the setup is extremely porn game. That's fine but it's really only serviceable
    • Corruption is breakneck speed. Of course you have some control, but literally nobody is going to take the non-porn options with the point above. Nobody's gonna like roleplay this
    • Generally unpolished. Forgivable but it definitely feels like a bit of a tech demo
    The large block of cons may give the impression that I don't like this game, but that's not the case. That being said, it's mostly because I like the tags. If you like the tags like I do and are here just to fap then this game is excellent. Anybody else should probably move on along, at least for now
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Some of the things I focus on and love in the connection to the dark exhibitionism such as thrilled, humiliation, solo, blackmail, forced, barefooted, left naked, torn clothes then lead to all bare, sneaking, degradation, reluctant, etc. in which not many games that it is implemented accept for this one.

    I also admired the balance of this story. Not trying to end her life to the point of no return but at least allow her to manage almosttttt enough to stay strong to continue her life. :p

    Great work btw.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I wasnt expecting the game to be this good. There are very few images but since story and presentation is good enough, you dont mind it. Unlike others, this game actually feels like a game thanks to how its coded.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The best ENF / Corruption game I've ever played.

    Very solid amount of content for a 0.6, mostly bug free, love the artstyle.

    My only request would be a little more solo action and less dicks, but certainly no complaints about the direction overall.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    It's interesting, I do like clothing system... although it does have issues.
    I don't need towel to appear there every time I have used one.
    HOWEVER, there is practically no content yet... puzzling for "0.6"
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I saw it. I try it. I like it. I love ballance how you can choose what will be with MC. Clothing system is very good, but I missing some kind of wardrobe to store excessive cloth. Showing day time would be also helps. Can't wait to next conntent. I hope that this project doesn't end abandoned and whis good luck to finish it.