HTML - Sluttown USA: Hometown Corruption [v0.40] [AmusingOddity]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    models and pics are good. (aidra fox is always a + for me :sneaky:)
    corruption is a kink i enjoy.
    so is incest...
    story is fine, concept for corruption is introduced propelly and makes sense ( somewhat)

    minigames.... fun the first few times... after 40 times you get quite sick of them.... I m kidding!!!! they blow after 2 attempts...
    Is quite a grind...

    TLDR: fun game, great models, okay story, quite a long play time but be prepared for some color matching minigames which... suck.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    My issue with this game isn't the gind, isn't the uncompressed files and 3 seperate installs. Personally you can get past that with a bit of coding and actually break the game to make it playable.

    It's even when that is done. The game doesn't work. Even when I use the base game events won't load, will the gifs and images won't. Just blank boxes. Like Karlee and abella for instance, nothing loads.

    Sluttown is a game you need to change variables to play, and even when that's done... the scenes don't load.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent selection of models and clips. Would benefit from tightening up the interface and QoL.
    Has an issue common to most games on here; the gameplay loop being a not especially engaging grind.

    There's a basic minigame you need to perform to gather the resource to be able to characters, which will give an insignificant amount(single digits) as the requirements for each individual character goes up as you progress.
    Plus the minigame consumes a timeslot and time and place is a trigger for all of the events.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    :::Reviewing version 0.30:::
    Wow! Lots of content. For an HTML + Realporn game this makes rather seamless use of the images into the story. Can feel a bit grind-y after a while as most encounters require an initial visit to trigger then the actual event. When you can only visit some characters at limited times, twice a week, that really stretches out the story, plus when those events are needed to move other character's story further, it can be frustrating.

    Looking forward to more content!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It really is a very good game. It is well organized with many beautiful models and nice event sequences. The dev has a good taste choosing the models (although I am more of a milf fan). I hope there will be more milfs in future updates. Oh, and the in-game walkthrough is very helpful but it needs some clarifications here and there. Other than that, BRAVOO dev.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The good first: the images/videos are nicely presented, appropriately sized, and consistent. The corruption is done well enough.

    The bad: Too many clicks to do anything. Going from home to school is like 4-5 clicks. Going from school to other side of school is another 3-4 clicks. It gets tedious near immediately. This is exacerbated by the particular kind of grind which I hate -- Time-restricted events. To progress with a girl, you have to find her at the beach on early morning only on sundays etc... skipping days or time periods is again 3-5 clicks. It's just ugh, no.

    Put links to all locations and sublocations on the map, put links to hub passages in all other hub passages, relax the restrictions on when you can things do things, add markers to highlight action availability (link change or highlight location when a girl/progress opportunity is available) that way at least there's a way to get to content without having to click away to skip times and days until the girl you're tracking is available again.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I did like the game but it was kind of too slow and too grindy in the beginning, i would recommend to learn coding (an option in the game) early on to meet HelloClitty sooner so that it becomes less grindy. It was way too slow for every character's development and i had to quit after playing for 3-4 days. The Juicy stuff begins after atleast crossing 10th/24 in most main characters.

    Just like most HTML games the interface is super clean and there are guides to help you out through the game. Characters chosen are really hot and some of my absolute favourites like Romi Rain and AJ Applegate.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I had quit playing for awhile but couldn't remember why. It kind of boils down to there not being any choices. This could be considered a Sandbox Kinetic Novel... If that's your thing, then by all means download it, it's great for that, like, really great! I mean, who doesn't love some good mind control incest.... lol my fav kinks I think.

    Fun.....Well written....Very interesting story.....Bright and colorful.....Great choice of different size and shaped women (could use a few more plus sized and less tattoos).....Good interface/map but with a couple big caveats (not efficient)....The Dev is really great at helping out in the forum

    Not so good:
    Could still use a couple more ethnicities.....No choices or decisions.....Gives the same tasks/hints even if you've finished some story arcs.....Few other niggles here and there.....

    Folks mention the charging app a lot. Yes it is extremely grindy but still very necessary in the game. I think it's really good, for what it is... I would just suggest the Dev give you a choice to disable it after you get your servers up and give unlimited charge at that point.

    The map is great. Looks good, nice and bright. But.. There needs to be a Map shortcut on every screen as well as ways to cut down on the extra clicks to go anywhere. You need to click 8 or 9 times to get somewhere it seems.

    No choices: For a few characters you have the option of public or private use when you corrupt them. The prob is that it doesn't really matter, they still end up with somebody else and it's your fault. You don't have any choice but to corrupt them and suggest they go have relations w others. The MC spends a LOT of time corrupting and trying to get characters to date others and have sex w them. Seems odd... and in that vein it would be nice to just delete the whole Karlee/Abella arc or better yet give me a choice in the matter. Honestly it's almost bordering on NTR.

    Wouldn't hurt to have another couple medium/large gals since the main one is dieting. I guess the sister is medium..

    Clunky install having to download multiple files.

    Probably could stand to have the Netorare tag since mc is forced to share.

    The Dev seems to also do a really good job of at least Trying to have sex scenes with characters that are in the game. AO really does well here, not perfect, but better than most other games I've tried.

    I'm not good at sharing so am unhappy with the private/public part not working. If they change that and add in some choices then I would most certainly play this again. Best of Luck to Amazing Oddity
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    v0.23. The only reason I was able to have a 3 star experience is because of the kind soul who explained how to cheat variable values. If this was not available to me, I would probably give this game 2 stars (and so I feel it is in dev's best interest to make sure players don't feel overburdened by the charge bs or introduce their own official cheat structure).

    • The story is okay but there are some pieces of dialog/writing that made me facepalm hard. A core example is the attempts at explaining how the sci fi tech works - would be better if the dev just didn't even try imo. It does at least make an attempt at doing something a teeny tiny bit different than usual hypnosis games, but it stumbles in execution.
    • Characters are varied - a good incest cast of mom/big and lil sis, aunt, etc. There is also a nice cast of non-incest characters. I'll say, since the game allowed for it and it was what I was most interested in, I focused down the family characters first. I did enjoy that I was allowed to progress very far, unblocked by the paths for other characters (however I have not played through them fully). However, each character takes a long time to slog through due to the day/night cycle and charge topic. Eventually this will make you impatient and you'll start skipping dialog.
    • The gameplay is... miserable. Or at least I can only imagine it is. It all centers around a variable the game calls "charge" (pains me to type that as explained in first bullet point lol). To hypnotize girls, you need "charge points". At first you only need a few, but later on you start to need metric fuck tons. The only way you can gain points is by playing a minigame at your in-game PC, up to about 10per play. Early game events cost 10 points. Late game events cost hundreds. I mentioned in bullet 2 that I started with the family path. I can only imagine there must be some in-game way to increase how many points you get (because otherwise the dev would be out of their fucking mind), but in playing for a number of hours I never found it. If it exists, dev really needs to rethink how they inform the player of it.
    • The sex scenes are, you know, real porn. They're fine - no audio, but there's an acceptable level of H dialog written and clips to accompany them.
    • As far as the kink list goes, I only played through the "private slut" paths of the female characters. I understand there are sharing paths, and a trans/sissy path? I'm not interested in the latter so I can't speak to them. I guess it's good that the dev allows people to pick what they want, but... Idk, just pick an audience and make a game for them? You're gonna end up half-serving someone anyways
    Summary: most things about the game are fine, some are good, except that it is a ball ache to play/experience. I can't wrap my head around it - it's 2023; surely all these devs have been around the block, played some games and have experienced how this exact style makes for a shitty experience. Yet, game after game...
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent writing, good visuals and a story which would be 90% the same if I was the MC. What else could you possible want?!

    Every girl has a different personality, wants, needs. Sime are born whores, others.. will become one soon. Some are cute nerdy girls, others are gym freaks. What I find unique, is that the author of the game added girls with psychological problems! Some of them are crazy, but crazy exactly as some of the girls I have dated. Obsessive, too shy, with too much influence from their parents, etc.

    The game is pretty grindy, so I believe the money and the charge system must be removed at some point. The progress is slow enough even without it. And who would need money if you can hypnotize anyone?

    The good thing is that slow progress is needed for games with hypnosis. the bad thing is it requires a lot of grinding and when you add on top the need to make money and charge points it gets too grindy.

    I gave it 4/5 due to the confusing navigation which requires a lot of clicks to get somewhere. Maybe parts of it are reserved for future routes, but for now they are obsolete.
    Example: to work in the Office building you need to click 4-5 times just to get there. However, if grinding is reduced, countless navigation clicks will also be reduced.

    My suggestion to the dev: remove point and money systems or transform them somehow. Make navigation simpler, requiring less clicks. Add more beautiful girls. Yes, I know that beauty is somewhat subjective, but there are many short and chubby girls. Yes, I also understand that having supermodels would ruin the game, but what is the point of playing an erotic game with not that pretty girls? Please add prettier ones!

    Good luck to the dev and I hope to see more content!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Review is for v0.21
    I love a good hypnosis corruption game and this ends up being an amazing one.
    The characters are pretty normal, although I really loved the sisters story line. As for the actual story, honestly is just normal. It's got a really slow start, and there's nothing that really jumps out as being unique or interesting, but it does allow for some really good gameplay. Now for the gameplay, ... a very satisfying gameplay loop. My only real complaint is the minigames to gain charges or improve your programming just aren't fun. This can be mitigated by a certain character to a certain extend, but honestly I wish the minigames where just removed they don't really add anything to the game.
    tl;dr- Pretty typical characters and story, but with really rewarding gameplay and some really sexy scenarios.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I find myself gravitating towards real porn games as my tolerance for bad 3d renders gets lower and lower. Came here after playing through one of dev's earlier stories, Whore New World, and enjoying that. There are some quirks, all of which surround UI and game mechanics, but I find this game to be excellent, particularly in the writing department. I love that most interactions have a little payoff, sometimes playful, sometimes sexual, etc., and almost all land as believable (or as believable as possible given the nature of the story) -- just really nice corruption storytelling. Don't put too much weight on the sissification tag if that's a problem for you like it was initially for me -- it's not about the sissification of the MC, and not a dominant theme of this game (yet), but some enjoyable interactions for the open minded.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    It has a few great ideas, but feels repetitive. The free roaming isn't really necessary imho, because nothing happens while you travel from NPC A to B. The models are fine, some of them are not used too often in real porn games which is a huge plus in my book.

    A few suggestions:
    - Get rid of the "charge" mechanic. It doesn't add anything of value to the game. I've cheated by modding the HTML file after half an hour, because the minigame gets boring fast and the overall amount of charge points you need for some events is WAY too high. It's not a problem if the game moves faster, games don't have to be dragged out for hours. If your game takes 5 hours to finish once it's done, that's completely fine.

    - Rework navigation. I like the use of image maps, but there have to be more shortcuts. It's not fun to click on the same empty locations over and over again.

    - Another reviewer mentioned the "tick tock" nature of corruption which is a great observation. You use the app, move things forward, use the app, and so on. While the dialogue is mostly well written and each character has a unique voice, the corruption process gets very predictable. There are no suprises.

    - Sluttown USA is a classical "be at location x at time slot y to see scene z" game. This isn't a problem, but a bit more player choice would be neat. You don't have to add different routes for each character, just some ways to role play for a bit. I really like that each character has a distinct personality and fetish.

    - Finally, a little technical thing (just my personal taste): Decrease the top/bottom margins of the speech boxes. A lot of screen space is empty.

    Overall, this game could be an absolute gem with a few design adjustments. I'll definitely come back to try future versions!
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I would say three and that is mostly for theme. The scenes are well chosen, it has a lot of work that went into it, but it is TEDIOUS.

    I think if you have been working with it as it has been updated you already have progress and so it's not so glaring exactly how much grinding there is, but there is a lot. Some scenes with characters "costs" 250 charges, baseline you earn 5 charge per mini game which involves 12 clicks or 5 keystrokes and 7 clicks. You can choose to double that with a mini game after so 10 charge per 12 clicks. You can choose to improve your mini game earnings which is basically a very simple typing challenge, also not hard but adds a whole new sweet of clickthrough. I did it for 4 reps each or roughly 16-20 typing challenges to raise that ceiling of 10 to roughly 18 or so.

    If you wanted to start a fresh game and see the end of a characters story it could take you 2-3 hours, even if you spend time doing the meta progression and hacker story It can still pile on hours quickly while sometimes the return on that grind is hearing how the girl you chose to have a private relationship with had a sexual encounter with some other character, or basically a scene which amounts to "you go girl boss" back to another 250 clicks and inbetween screens :D

    I get padding and I get spacing stuff out because dev time relative to play time is very skewed. You come out with an update and people blitz what took days or weeks to make in minutes, but there is an in-between which could be found.

    If you like the topics, the theme or like little typing minigames while you watch some show or youtube on the other screen then by all means go for it. But be warned, it will burn a lot of time to see the various character stories play out.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4854126

    I've been eyeing this game for a long time and finally pulled the trigger. It is a solid 5/5 game, with a story of corruption across multiple characters. The progression is simple with a good enough story and dialogue in between. What makes this a 5* is that most characters have a different sexual genre. In most games of this genre, you'll have 10 characters but the progression of each feels very similar. Will be the same plot and type of corruption. This game, instead, focused on a different fetish per character. Other than the incest, you might encounter a character who is into "free-use", another that is into "exhibitionist", etc... This made is so the path of corruption of each felt unique.

    I won't penalize the game for this but I do feel the dev shouldn't offer routes that are incomplete. While the dev has been clear that one route is being done before others, certain characters offer the alternative routes which have little to no content.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.14.7

    This is one-of if not the best male protag, real-porn, hypno games on this site (and TFGames also). If you're into those genres, then you definitely want to check this game out. Here's why:

    Disclaimer: there is feminization content and unavoidable male-on-trans sex scenes in this game. If that's a dealbreaker, then you may want to look elsewhere. However, if you're tolerant or even curious? Then please continue. You won't be disappointed.

    • Writing. It's lurid and raunchy in the all the right ways without being inaccessible in its vocabulary either. Scenes aren't giant walls of flowery text, but instead presented in language and spacing that makes it easier to consume. Yes, it's sort of a sandbox, but this is a sandbox with story too. It's also not Engrish. AmusingOddity had very few obvious typos or other errors -- it's obvious that they spend a lot of time editing and proofreading.

    • Characterization. The women of this game aren't just a bunch of generic paint-by-numbers insta-sluts, and there are a wide variety to play with; it's like a theme park. While each of their corruption stories are linear, it takes time and logical steps to get them from Point A to Point Sex Bomb. Along with their distinct personalities, this makes each pursuit memorable. I'm not saying that Amusing Oddity hasn't employed known tropes, but they've executed those tropes well enough that the player will be invested in their conquest-journies with earned love and hate in equal measure.

    • Images and Videos. There are some exceptions, but for the most part, AmusingOddity did a positively smashing job of picking models that they're able to stick with for every scene. That's a lot of work! They even found a model that started out heavy-set and got fit! On top of that, they also know how to remove audio and compress their images and videos so the game isn't a gajillion gigs in size.

    • UI/UX. While there are distinct improvements that can be made in reducing click-through, and some inconsistencies in info windows, for the most part this game is not hindered by its user interface or user experience. There's a map for easy navigation. If there's an interactable NPC in a location, there's a thumbnail telling you so (usually). If you're not sure how to progress with a NPC, there's a guide (and you can pin their tips to your main screen). If you want to review your progress with a NPC, there's a window for that too. All of these windows easily backtrack. Otherwise, there aren't a million different windows to find every details you need, nor are there one-off events that if you don't get your timing just right you'll never see again. You can take your time without being punished for not discerning some arbitrary "golden path." Furthermore, AmusingOddity is remarkably active with the playerbase on every website. They answer questions or comments in a matter of days if not hours.

    • Sandbox in Name Only. This is a negative for some people (not me), but it bears mentioning: this is more of a visual novel within a sandbox rather than a true CYOA. There is only one path forward with every NPC to see their story. There are very few actual choices, and some of them (e.g. private slut or public slut) are incomplete as of the time of this review. If you're expecting multiple paths for every NPC, you will not find it here.

    • Pacing and Resource mechanics. Be ready to tuck into this game, because you're gonna be here awhile. Unless you hack Sugarcube variables with the browser console, you will be spending a lot of time building up the currency necessary to hypnotize NPCs and then many days revisiting NPCs because the hypno action functions in a tick-tock model: day 1, perform hypno -> day 2, see the results. Repeat. Furthermore, many NPCs are only available at certain times of day, simultaneously, and pursuing a story event with one NPC will advance the time period such that another NPC may no longer be available that day. This aligns with the currency model, because as mentioned above, acquiring it can be painfully slow. This is only made worse by the progressive cost of hypnotism such that you may be grinding for days and days just to get some of the latter events. For example, as of this version, on average you can grind about 10-15 currency per day (depending on how much you like typing and matching mini-games). Advanced story points take over 100 currency -- 7 to 10 days of clicking through the same mini-games just to advance the story for one NPC.

    • Bugs and Incomplete Areas. Bugs happen - while there is a plethora of really good content and polish already present, this is still a game in the throes and struggles of development. Regrettably, some of those bugs can be gating, preventing access to other content, and aren't easily troubleshot either. Also, while there are image assets in the files for future content, that doesn't necessarily mean the story to use those assets is actually in-place yet. Lastly, while AmusingOddity has done a decent job of fault tolerance and hardening, you will still encounter instances where the logic scripting falls apart a bit, making references to scenes you didn't witness (e.g. spending currency on a NPC in one room or time of day rather than another), or getting stuck because you didn't trigger events in the expected order.

    All the above aside, this is a really good game. AmusingOddity is obviously very invested in its development - not only in completing their game, but making their game good. Sluttown USA is worth your time, and maybe even your money.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best HTML sandboxes in the site, Sluttown got a good selection of "real porn" content, and a lot of different girls you can get.

    My only problem, and the reason why I didn't gave 5 stars, is than it's needed a lot of grind to get the girls, and that doesn't work for me (fortunately, it's easy to cheat).
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    So I think this is a rating overlooking what might be major issues to other players. I'll lay out what I like and then get to that.

    Minor spelling errors aside, it's good writing. Better than that, it's good corruption. Better than that, it's multiple types of good corruption. We've got a sister/mother thing going. There's your cute secretary who want to know how to do her job better. An innocent college girl who needs some motivation. There's the college bitch/bully who needs tearing down a peg. We've got also a sex-crazed MILF down the street with a son to sissify, and what I can only assume is Xev Bellringer's real backstory*. That's not even all of them.

    Each of those characters is well written and needs actual convincing. Personally, I can lose interest when corruption comes too easily. I like the build up, the chipping away to a slow reveal. I mean, sometimes it's nice to jump to the end goal but I appreciate what Stuttown is going for. There's a sense of progression to it and each stage is progresses the character as well the interaction. I love that.

    So what's the big downside? Well, so far, there's a lot of game that doesn't lead anywhere. The first thing you'll notice is a large game world full of places and rooms. You'll not be using them. As of now they serve no purpose. The second thing is that there's a lot of character progression but very little pay off relative to it. It's great to have a range of well fleshed out characters but it's thinned the game out so much that none of them are complete.

    In one sense, it's a good thing. I've hit "end of current content" with all of them and there's not one I don't want to see more of. On the other hand, I've played a lot of game to still feel a long way off. I'd like to see some characters rounded off or at least given a little bit more end result (porn wise) over continuing to broaden the game ever more.

    The mini-games are okay. They only really provide for one main resource (charging your hypnosis app) but they do get stale quickly. And they very much have that feel that they're inserted to make this a "game" rather than because they're entertaining. I don't think the game would lose anything by giving you far more resources given the only "balance" they add is by costing the player time. There's no pressure to have enough beyond needing enough to advance.

    I feel like that's fair warning to new players. And I feel like ending by saying that I really, really enjoy each character and how they're dealt with. If you like slow corruption with a wide choice then this is a great game. But more than most games you'll play it's really suffering from being incomplete. A finished game of this quality would be a standout classic.

    *not really, but in my head it will be
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.7.1
    Good game, played with cheats so it's kinda like a VN with extra clicks --> which is supposed to suck, but it didn't bothered me.
    Good choices for the actresses, some unusual, which makes it better.
    Has quite a bit of content so far, altough you have little choice to what happens in the game.
    The amount to time to get to real content with each woman is inconsistent tough. I suppose it isn't bad, but I don't like it.
    The girls are pretty different from each other, yet, the scenes... aren't? Could have some fetishes choices I guess.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Very few bits of eye candy (if any IMO) worth even thinking about which is the main reason you go for these sorts of titles. Frankly the majority of the women in there are painfully unattractive at best. :poop:

    The few bits of flashy women in the game you see are just stolen insta-pics of co-eds or something to keep your attention while your toiling away at the stat progression side of things.
    There's a lot of 'rooms' in there that are not utilized, but sit empty with no interaction potential, seems wasted on this title(?). The navigation of them is sometimes confusing and annoying.

    To make matters worse there's a tremendous amount of stat grind with little or no payoff.

    If your just really really bored and want something to waste time on, this could be your thing.