I guess I'll also take the time to address some of the stuff I've been reading. Yes, if you shat on me, I read it, and I know who you are.
If you don't like the farming system, that's totally fine. I'm not making games for every single person to enjoy; I'm just making the games that I would really like to play myself, and a Rune Factory game where you can fuck every single person in town is a game I would have loved to play. That said, I've been planning from the beginning, ways for people who don't like that aspect to progress through the game. If you leave the farm completely unattended and don't engage with it, you will still be able to make progress. It's just so early in development that I want to work on what would be the ideal core gameplay loop. I just have to get to that loop part.
"All of the fucking grinding." Look, I know it's too grindy. It wasn't my intention. As a developer, for me it's hard to adjust these things since I know the best and most optimal way to get things, even if I play like I think most people would. It's not like I forget the game I've designed. I will be adjusting the difficulty slightly, and on top of that, I'll be adding a cheat menu to unlock stuff for those who truly don't have time and just want to JO.
"The game is aimless or unfocused." Yeah, a little, depending on what people are referring to. Some might be by choice. I like games that just throw me into a world with very little direction and let me do what I want. If I want to ignore that epic storyline you crafted, then let me do that. If there's a character you don't like, then I want you to ignore them. This game has no story, it has no objective—besides the obvious one.
For those calling me a scammer, idk man, I do what I can. I don't have massive amounts of money to just throw at programmers and modelers. I have to work within the confines of my capabilities. Yes, I know remaking a game a bunch of times looks bad. I didn't want to. Stuff keeps changing, and I have to keep adapting. I also learn new things. Sometimes I realize that something I did wasn't optimal and I have to change it. To be fair, that mostly applies to my 3D models, not so much the games.
Also, if you want to shit on the game, piss on my face, and fuck my mom, that's fine. It's the beauty of the internet, but at least give some criticism to go along with it, something I can work on, not just a free insult XD.
Lastly, if you enjoyed the game and you commented, thank you so much; it means a lot to me. Even for the people that didn't really like it or really hated it, I'm really happy that you even took the time to check out my game, even if there wasn't much to check for those who couldn't play. I hope I didn't come across as mad or combative at any point. I'm not mad at anyone; I get it. I used to be on this forum a lot before I made my games. Now I only know work.
Thanks, everyone. Love you <3
My 2 cents...
And morons are gonna give me shit for this, because people love to do that aimlessly.
I think most of the problems, are just the fact it's an early build. And most of the shitposts love to ignore that fact and act like this is a fully released game by some AAA company
Technically, this is the 2nd build of the game. (to my knowledge you did a 2.0a with this new melded version and then this 3.0).
So it's very rough around the edges, and doesn't have a completed world with content everywhere.
I'm honestly surprised that there was as much sex content as there was, since usually games stick to early type sex content and leave sex last. (which annoys me to some extent tbh).
So I genuinely appreciate that there is some "EndGame" content so to speak.
My one criticism is that there is no way currently to see what content you have or haven't completed.
Since these are early builds I highly reccomend that, to save the players time.
While nothing will ever satisfy the haters who stick around for some reason, that will be a heaven sent blessing for players like me who genuinely enjoy your games.
Last note... and this is a request... can we PLEASE have some um... Cervix penetration :S You tease it, and I was expecting it, but it never happened D:
Genuinely had fun though.
Now for some suggestions on the game mechanics:
Fast Travel. I see scooters here and there, so they'd be a great way to do this. Given that time ticks constantly it would be a massive benefit.
Speed up time, similar to bench, but more a button or something that just puts game on 2-4x speed or something. Bench could instead be for skipping a specific amount of time (e.g. you can move a slider or clock to skip 0-12 hours)
Watering: Currently the one by one, is quite tedious, a watering can would be great (already see the place holder) where you can just spray everywhere (pun intended).
Even a sprinkler system at some point would be neat.
Seeding: (yet again pun intended), A way to plant more than 1 seed at a time. Not sure how you would implement this though.
Copper pickaxe: I get the logic behind it, and the chance to get copper from stone. But, maybe have an option to upgrade the stone pickaxe to do it as well? (just more costly so it's a trade-off).
On the mining, I would personally enjoy a smelting minigame of some sort. Obviously a very down the line thing to add though.
Also an actual mine to explore would be neat. (and some monstergirls to give some D to

This is similar to the idea about letting the player know what content is finished, on items that can't actually be crafted yet or rooms in house that can't be made, a note saying so would go a long way.
That's about everything for now.
Thanks again for the update.