Pretty awesome game, the only sad part if I can call it like that is about the outfit option.
It's good that there is this "youtube-friendly" base setting, it's sad that there isn't a way or option so that outfit update real-time ingame... you know, for people who don't make youtube playthrough when playing this game...
This lack of option lead to 2 small problem :
1. lack of consistency, for exemple first Hypno scene with jane, clearly written that she is wearing only undies but it's staying on 'default' outfit.
Or reverse, if a character is set on underwear outfit he'll stay this way until you change it back.
2. You need to save and go back to main menu in order to change outfit.
So result is I found myself doing go-and-back to the main menu, just to change outfit of 1 character, just so it fit the scene, and then doing it again once the scene/ dialogue end to re-update it. Just to keep the consistency.
It's also sad because there is clearly this real-time update option because on day zero you see jane naked when she is in shower then dressed without needing to go change outfit in main menu.