well yes, and yet she is still alive and with enough firepower to turn things around!
do remember even tough hardraadad will not be returning 30 ships will!
(harald´s orignal fleet were 300 ... )
his sons will want revenge on those who failed to provide suport!
and with 30 crews of at least 20 dudes (depending on the ships taken a regular drakkar would take around 30 but there where those who could carry up to 90!)
she can still manouver politically, if she can prove Candrid killed the earl and Ragnar as she just might!
she can turn the tables on the bloodybears recover her "people" and thanks to being a witch she can become
the new paragon of the future king of norway Danmark and the north sea,
which was haralds empire... (not the baltic mind you!)
if you want the pagans suport you need to be legitimized and who better but a volva of Nox´s power?
it somehow reminds me of the battle of Moscow, Stalin was fucked, but by sheer luck he survived it!
1st the germans started operation barbarossa 2 months too late cause the Italians invaded the balkans and got bogged down in Greece...
so yes Greece saved the USRR by delaying the german army...
2nd the germans were too stupid to have saved up 3 million Polish soldiers who absolutely hated the Russians
3rd they were even more stupid by not taking over the Ukranian 2 million men army that despised the Russians!
4th the germans divided their forces wrongly they should have pushed harder for either Aztrakan Baku or Moscow instead they dangled around keeping the Russians off balance yes... but loosing too much time!
5th the winter arrived 2 weeks too early compared to "regular" seasons! at the time they were at 80 km´s from Moscow!
6th the japanese inadvertadly betrayed the germans when they let it slip that they would be marching on China and not on eastern Syberia freeing up 5 million men from the eastern army to arrive just in the nick of time to save Moscow!
at the time the Russians had already run(lost) trough the western army and their central army was being grinded down to dust so these soldiers were needed, but had they removed them too early and the japanese might have attacked syberia.. had they moved them too late and Moscow would have fallen and from there to the urals 70 to 80% of the Russian industrial power would be lost plus 80% of their oil in Southern Russia (krasnodar Baku Aztrakhan and so forth)!
so if the analogy stands/holds Nox still has a clear path to victory all she needs to do is bide her time to check who returns from haralds folly ( Harald assumed the northern front was done and he partitioned his army in 3 diferent winter quarters after having failed to destroy the northern english army since they were in negotionations for the northern earls to defect to him...
also the southern army was caught unwares cause it was winter so they didn´t position scouts... the middle army tried to save the southern army and when they arrived they were exausthed and then had to fight a retreating batle and finally the northern army of harald who was at the gates of york got caught beteween the southern Saxon army and the army and walls of york...)
and this is it for today´s history lesson, please copy it clean and present a report tomorrow!
so Nox is still in a strong position, everyone else needs her so she can choose which of the returning princelings she will suport and how they can destroy the bloodybears getting the raven warriors back and perhaps play up to katja to get the cannibals on their side while taking over the white wolves wealth to pay for it all!
cause what did she lost? she still has all her "magical" power and special fallowers, so she lost a cave with dumbwits
its easyer to sustain her current group and if its well hidden she doesn´t need that many rapist brutish and over eating warriors! also the mermaid might have secured an alliance for revenge from the attacked earl... so 100 warriors minimum when payback time comes?
fuck the MC on the Candrid path thanks to that baluart might have saved their sorry asses,
since he is not a contender for the throne nobody is willing to loose months in a siege
while the other contenders for the throne run around amassing wealth and food to get a new army and secure the throne!
So he can probably get quite a few great proposals in exchange for his suport!
beteween the bloodybears the outcasts and the ravens he can easily gather what? 200 - 300 warriors?
thats a force that can tip the scales, thats an earls full military force