Unity - Solas City Heroes [v2.0.7 + DLC] [Mr Zed - MrZgames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm loving this game. The sex-related stuff is god-tier. The animations are awesome and there's tons of them, as well as countless sexy enemies to fight/fuck. There's tons of costumes including sliders for color, shininess, etc. There's a bunch of themed stages, each with it's own bossfight.

    The customization in this game is unreal. You can tailor this game to your every need. Don't want dudes in your game? You can take them out. Like futas? You can put them in. Into bondage? There's plenty of options for that too.

    It isn't perfect in terms of game mechanics - the fighting can be a little too spam-y, and the enemy AI is pretty basic. (although the dev has mentioned in their roadmap on Patreon that they're going to work on these issues). But it's a porn game, so we shouldn't expect the world - it's certainly more polished and responsive than many of the other games on this site.

    In summary, I highly recommend this game!!! No game is perfect but this one is pretty close.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Honest Pirate

    Mr Zed , i have to say it: My Respect. You finally improved yourself.
    I played "Kinky fight club" for a short time and the other small game about a captured mistress or something. And both time i thought "Oh man, the spirit, the idea behind the game, the domination system, all the variation, all this good stuff and you make it with that poor graphic, what a waste."
    I couldn´t enjoy it.
    But you did it , you crazy guy did it, you really upgraded to better engine and you know what? Totally worth it.

    The beat em up part is already better then lazy Eromancers "Pure Onyx".
    I have punches, kicks, jumpkicks AND i can attack enemys on the ground once. How cool is that? I like that, never understood why i have to wait for they to stand up to attack again in other games.
    Sure, a kick -punch combo and some more special combos would be great but the Basics are solid. Its not Tekken but still okay.

    The adult content is unique again. Never saw a game with that domination system. Its a 10 of 10, no question. Sure i didnt see much animations i havent seen in "kinky fight club" already but never change a winning team !

    The three training rooms are very good:
    - A room without enemys for free training without pressure.
    -Next is for combat with enemys you select before (adult content possible if wanted but you can be defeated)
    -Last room is only for the adult content and you cant get defeated so endless fun.

    The "Options" are the secret Hero of this game. I am not kidding. I wish more games today have so much options for me. I can adjust pretty much anything and thats Amazing:
    -Adult content yes or no
    -Bondage yes or no
    -which restraints are allowed like: different cuffs and gags( i hate ballgags because its lookes stupid and i want to hear the voice of bound ladys in videos) and thats why this is a great option
    -Heavy bondage after getting captured or just adult content
    -Female enemys or male or both
    -positions i like and dislike for the adult content
    and so much more.......
    I say it again, the options are the best and playerfriendlyst i have ever seen in my life. If someone is not sure if he should give this game a try:
    Shia LaBeouf says: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0

    Yes i give 4 of 5 even with this best options in gamings History.
    The Graphic is okay, some improving would still be welcome but optional ;)
    Bugs are here for sure, like enemys hovering lying over the ground after i escape a grab.
    The trainings room dont work well, game remembers only last 2 enemys i selected .

    But the Game is on a good Way, i wouldn´t take so much Time to write this Review otherwise.
    (Version v0.6.1 )
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    There isn't much to say about Solas City other than it's a superhero game that doesn't feel like you are a Superhero. The main gameplay is a beat-em-up that is not fun and has been done better in similar games. The adult content is lacking and has a system that's more of a hassle than anything else. The adult content is tied to the beat-em-up gameplay and it's very buggy. (Enemies sometimes don't even spawn which forces a restart) An odd "tug of war" meter for the adult scenes that feels like it doesn't work most of the time. The best thing about the game is the cosmetics and customization, allowing you to make your character with a variable amount of clothes and accessories, but clothing and items are painfully expensive due to the currency which the player really doesnt get enough of; leads to more grinding with the worst gameplay. No fun content, grindy gameplay, boring scenes. At least my character looks like bootleg power girl.:PogChamp:
    (I ain't reading all that :WutFace:)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing!
    It ticks off so many of the right checkboxes in my brain having heroines in skin tight outfits, battling and leveling up with, and dominating said heroines. The "losing" scenario of the heroine waking up bound in the enemy lair and subsequently used by everybody there is so frikin hot.... I've been following this thread every day (as patiently as I can) for more updates.
    This is currently one of the top adult games out there in my opinion
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I see it as an improvement over the previous games in terms of animation. Models are a bit weird when you max out the sliders. The sex/combat balance is spot on.

    Would be nice to see some more things added, like a pose selector, option to undress only one part of clothing, better UI and ability to interact with the heroes from the Grand Hall and criminal bosses further, having sex with them maybe requiring a romance quest or smth.

    But as it is, If you enjoy fighting side-scrollers and the Mr.Zed style of games, it's worth a shot.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed v0.2.2 Fixed on 3/8/2022]

    I'm not sure why this is getting such good ratings.

    I mean, if I were to guess, I'd say that it's because this is an actual game this time around, rather than another Ren'Py, VN, or RPGM grindfest, so maybe that's part of the reason. Unfortunately, that's the only thing this game has going for it, and it's not much of a game at that.

    Sidescrolling beat-em-ups have been just about done to death, so it always amazes me when developers haven't looked at how the best ones have operated and copped their ideas more thoroughly. For example, why is the camera so close to the character? The classics of beat-em-ups have the camera a tad bit further back for a reason; part of the strategy of those games was about good positioning to avoid entrapment by enemies. Not that it matters in this game, but I'll get back to that.

    The game also suffers a bit from requiring more player effort than it really should. A decent, pre-emptive tutorial would be a nice start; I'm aware of the training grounds, but why do I need to go there for the day 1 basics? Shouldn't that be provided at the start? Although I guess it's not really necessary since I managed to spam punch and kick my way through up to stage 2-2 without trouble, at which point I grew bored with the game. I think I learned how the quick-time escape/sex event actually worked by around stage 1-3.

    Anyways, I digress, the combat is just garbage. Enemies don't seem to move with anymore thought than "approach to swing once" and "wait just out of player reach for other enemies to approach and swing once." Attack cooldowns and animations feel inconsistent and slow, and the dev's idea of difficulty seems to be "throw more enemies at the player", rather than providing a challenge with an actual learning curve.

    On top of all that, this game is just plain ugly. Despite what has been said, the modeling and texturing is subpar, and the animations are very basic and boring looking. The UI is also an eyesore, and why does it feel like I'm operating the game's menus underwater? Honestly, that's quite an accomplishment. My mouse's scroll wheel should at least be able to scroll up and down the customization menus, but it spins both directions in vain.

    I don't think I'll give this anymore of my time. The animations would need a drastic improvement for me to bother with this agian.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great already! And the step up from the first version to this (0.2) promises a great pace of progress. I loved the creators previous games but this is a step up and so fun and fappable already! Cant wait for more to come!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    You get what's advertised with this one so I'll address the separate areas I like to focus on.

    Gameplay: Solid beat'm up side scroller with depth game. Punch, kick, do a few moves. Could use more moves and combo's. 4 stars.

    Graphics: Outdated. The models aren't bad but they suffer from small texture sizes and low poly counts. 3 Stars.

    Animations: Surprisingly not bad. Dev has put in a lot of effort here as you can tell and the results speak for themselves. 5 stars.

    Story: It's exactly what you would expect the 'super hero' style to be. I'm not going to knock it because it's not my thing. It delivers the experience advertised. 5 Stars.

    Sounds/Music: Exactly as one would expect. Could be better but it's still early.

    Overall, you get what is advertised with this one. It's definitely something super hero style gamers would enjoy. Great job Dev. 4 Stars from me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A great, intensely promising start. The concept is simple and well executed, the stripping/struggling is fun and not just irritating, and the grapples are varied and interactive! Maybe an idea would be to have certain enemies focus certain fetishes/weaknesses (like the domme looking ladies being effective against subs), and maybe this is already the case, but I can't make it past the first level because it's so fun to lose :) I really hope there is much more to come in the future!