The issue with the difficulty that the guns update changed is that many of us played the game before that bloody overhaul and found the base combat quite fun, cause you have to remember that there's ways to make the combat optionally harder like adding the body BDSM accessories that restricts your movement and stuff, but those are optional so if you're up to a challenge you can have them but if you don't, you just turn those off. The issue is that the guns and stuff got added as an unavoidable BS of the BASE game and sure, the folks that wanted a more soulslike akin experience in difficulty (like BTW, the dev is) would love that overhaul but others like me who hate that kind of crap on the base gameplay and specially enjoyed it when it was nice and easy by default, simply have their fun ruined. Cause I gotta tell you, lowering the difficulty in those cases is only a patch, not a solution, since the annoyance is still there, just in a minor degree, which EVERY game with high difficulty like soulslikes seem to have.
I think it wouldn't be as much of an issue if the base game was like this from the start. Tho the people that would enjoy or pass on the game would be the same, it just gets extra annoying when the game used to be fun but now isn't. Cause folks, is super easy to make a braindead piece of cake game into a nightmarish hardcore challenge if you're up to it. But how in the brick do you make a hard game into a fun easy experience? See what I mean?