2.90 star(s) 8 Votes


Jan 5, 2024
I only played the first version because I'm giving it some time to cook, but yeah, it has a lot of potential.

I think the biggest issue I had was feedback and options. Very few sex scenes, and when I was in a sex scene it didn't feel like I had a lot to do. You won some dominance points and then kicked the alien off you, or shot meteors that didn't seem to do anything.

I think the sex needs plenty of work to integrate it properly with the rest of the game. From the changelog it does look like the Dev is thinking along similar lines though. I appreciate a guy who can take criticism.
You are right, I need to make more animations in order to fully integrate what I have in mind. Again if you or anyone else has any ideas about the animations or anything else, I'm willing to listen and consider. If you request an accessibility feature like the guy above wanting a way to make the text bigger or a compass, I'm immediately adding it. If the mechanic is interfering with some of the existing game features, then I will have to think about and consider it. There's a list that I made about do's and dont's even before I started the project.

Btw, the meteors should damage the enemy if you call them or damage you if the enemy spawns them.
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Sep 12, 2021
If you tell me which parts of the UI look small to you, I will add a slider to make them big. Is it the dialogues, animation scene ui, settings, menu, inventory?

Which mini game exactly?
Thanks for your answer.
Pretty much all the UI.
The main subtittles are a bit too small, but everything else is way too small.
The ammo count, the action prompts, etc...

I think the only text I can read is the one when launching the game after selecting the character, where we can change her clothing and access the setting screen, launch game, etc.. (the grey menu with the 3D avatar)

The minigame is the sex game after the shooting tutorial. Since I couldn't read the subtitles, I don't remember how it's called, it's the one where we have sex with the dummy.

In case of that UI, I had to use the windows magnifier up to 200% to begin to be able to read anything.

I can somewhat see the icons and text in the upper left corner, but everything else is way too small, even when getting closer to my screen.

The controls prompt on the left are just a bunch of pixels, and while I can see there is text in the right panel, I can't read it.

About the issue:
The first arrow point to the right panel, at the camera position, i think, trying to interact with it does change the camera.

Then, the arrow points to the left panel, where there are the (W) and (L) prompts. Trying to click on them does nothing, and trying to use the keyboard does nothing either.
There is no animation or anything else.

Pressing (T) to take direct control only prompts to push (space) multiple times, but once again, when the gauge is filled, nothing happens.

Ah, and another, way smaller issue. When we wake up in the infirmary during the prologue, the typing sound is inverted, the nurse is on the left, but the sounds comes from the right, and when looking to the right, the sound comes from the left. I think it's the only sound issue I got, but I didn't play much due to the troubles reading and being stuck in the tutorial.

There is a voice cover that is in Chinese, but I suppose it's on purpose considering the character's name.

Edit: I play in 1920x1080 on a large TV monitor. (native resolution)


Jul 27, 2018
Even as demos go, I think this was released too early. There is no explanation of mechanics, you just have to figure it out. When you do figure them out, the minigame gives no reward, so it's pointless. There is also no way to tell if you're going to get caught or killed. There is no way to heal, save or load a checkpoint. So, while you are trying to learn, the game is frustrating and players are more apt to leave and move on. The combat is... terrible. Aiming is from the hip not ADS, it is floaty, no hit markers and the areas are too small to lend themselves to shooting. Melee weapons would make more sense. There is potential here, and it looks the Dev is active here and listening to feedback, so I think there is hope, but I think this half baked "demo" would have gotten more positive attention and less negative if the mechanics would have had been more polished.


Mar 30, 2020
After your feedback, I have added

Points of interests during all quests in the lvl.1 - they serve as a compass (see on the right)

View attachment 3740976
good work.

fly camera - currently working on it, yes it's something that can be done quick, but when there are also 20 such things and I need to prioritize.

story - I'm not a writer and not using AI to come up with the story, what I have so far (no in-game, but in docs) is in my opinion a decent story in a game similar to Doom where the writing won't matter much. I don't have a writer to save on development costs and will keep it like that for now.
thank god we aren't constrained to a few select views anymore.
you don't have to be a writer to write, but the issue is the story doesn't fit the type of game you're making. it feels tone-deaf.

also, while you may not believe it, the story of the original Doom games does matter to a lot of the people i know in the Doom community. a lot of them feel as though the new games aren't nearly as good as the originals simply because of the narrative disconnect between the originals and the new. the originals had you playing as presumably the last human and space marine alive in a research base 140 million miles away from home. the new games have you playing as a violent take on Jesus.

so for you to say that Doom's story doesn't matter as much is a little dismissive of the narrative the originals had, because at the end of the day, Doom's story is bleak.
" also, what is the point of "charming" enemies? "
- healing yourself
- damaging the enemy
- stealing their organs (now in the works)
- having seggs
the problem is, you can stay in this state forever. most players would assume that to do damage or to heal, you'd let the animation/minigame play out in it's entirety, but it currently lasts for infinity. plus, the minigame itself is... very poorly designed. a rhythm minigame where you spend the points you earn on other sex positions???? i don't know, the entire thing feels very jank in both concept and execution. very unintuitive.

a game i recommend taking a look at for it's sex-integrated gameplay is Seal of Lutellaria and Setalia the Demon Realm, both by uzuraZanac. the way you heal in these games is, when your semen/lust meter is at max (gained through combat), the character can have sex with defeated enemies (or in the case of Setalia, your faerie allies) and gain back 4 to 8 hearts of health. the system works flawlessly and is one i highly suggest other dev's take note of.

on the organ part; why make organs come from sex? to me, that makes no sense unless during the sex scenes you can quite literally rip and tear your enemies apart. it's just not very intuitive. i suggest making organs apart of either A: some other kind of action where you gib the enemy (a la Cruelty Squad's 'Power in Misery' cannibalism mechanic) or B: just make them drop from killing the enemy in general. either way, making them drop from sex is a very strange idea in general.
" this is not a porn game. this is a regular ass unity game with porn slapped into it. that's why it's been posted on this site. "
my goal was to make a game that has porn in it, not slap a bunch of sex scenes and try to come up with game mechanics around them.
many porn games, even the good ones, start with the latter. coming up with game mechanics around the pornographic elements of your game has more flexibility in terms of your creative thinking. for example, say i start making a porn game. what do i think the pornographic scenes in the game should give you in order to incentivize the player to engage with them? well, i'd make them give stat bonuses, a type of currency that can be spent on whatever (like being able to give semen to a trader/merchant type character for them to give you weaponry, stat bonuses, cosmetics, etc.), or what have you.

start from the porn, build your porn game around them. don't make a porn game by making the game first, or else you'll have to redesign your entire game to be built around the pornographic elements because you weren't thinking of them first or alongside the main gameplay mechanics.
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2.90 star(s) 8 Votes