Unity - Some Heroines Climb Up a Tower to Ask God Why the Game Has a Name That's So Long [v2.42] [Sinful Salad Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm keeping in mind that at the time of writing this the game is still early in development and considered a demo. The art is great and reminds me of an old school Newgrounds game from back in the day. The designs and characters feel unique and the music slaps too. I really enjoy the ideas behind the gameplay mechanics. Combat reguires you to think and there's a layer of strategy that you don't usually find in H games. The story and writing is also quirky, whether you're into the humor or not is entirely up to you but I'm glad the devs are trying to inject some personality into the game rather than "Look boobs!" or the typical mindless sex dolls that you see in most porn games.

    I do have to say that this game is hard and casual players are going to get frustrated and have a bad time. A lot of this stems from the fact that the game relies heavily on rng. Everything from starting skills, enemy spawns, and world map are completely random. I did have a much easier time once I unlocked more skills and items to work with, but getting started can be pretty brutal.

    Losing a heroine also means your chances of recovering your run will be slim to none, especially losing the archer. Only the archer is capable of dealing double damage if enemies are within her zone while the ninja and swordwoman can only deal 10 dmg if the enemies are in their zones(the trade being that sword pushes enemies back 1 space and ninja pulls enemies forward with base attack while archer cannot) . Archer also has the ability to set traps, fire arrows capable of hitting multiple enemies/lanes, and most of her abilities will do max damage or is capable of hitting regardless of what zone the enemies are in. This makes the archer the most valuable character by far so if she is incapacitated then you're pretty much done for.

    This makes me think that the game could use some tweaking and character balancing. Ninja has a powerful aoe attack that shreds anything in the blue zone and poison attacks but I would think that a ninja would have more trap focused abilities which would help compensate for the archer. Swordwomans abillities focus on pushing enimies back and inflicting burn damage, but a lot of her abillities can only be used on enimies in her zone and it'd make sense for her to have the heaviest damage output and aoe focused attacks but she feels weak compared to the other characters. I also think it could help if ninja and swordwoman have a chance of doing a critical hit if enimies are within certain areas of their zones (maybe 15dmg instead of 20) but not entirely necessary.
    A character revive item could also fix some of those issues for me. They could just make it expensive so players would have to choose between spending their money on more healing or reviving a character(maybe with the added benefit that revived characters wake up with double damage buff state).

    Speaking of character revives, I have to point out one of the more nuanced details that I enjoyed. If you do lose a heroin you can get her back by repurchasing her from or defeating the slaver. The rescued heroin will then be in a corrupted state for the remainder of the run where she wears revealing bdsm style clothing and has more looks of satisfaction when being assualted by an enemy. Good stuff right there. Glad they added voice acting as well I just hope they don't do full voice acting and keep the speech and story segments text based.

    I can tell a lot of love is going into this and I'm looking forward to see where this game goes in the future. Getting started and dealing with the difficulty curve can be rough but the gameplay is still really fun and addicting . If there's one point I want to get accross it's that this game doesn't feel souless and it's not just mindless porn. I think these devs have potential and something great on their hands here. Hope they stick with it and can't wait to see what they do in the future.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Game seems very fine for a demo version, but i played it like 3-5 hours straight and can say

    Game have broken mechanics if you gonna go deep into it (What i mean by that?)

    1) Skills having flat damage (By flat i mean they deal 100% 10 or more damage) And they can hit in every Red/Blue/Green areas, lets take a Warrior skills, which easily can deal 10 or more damage in any area making game easy to complete (DEPENDS ON RNG OFC)

    2) Girls. Love the art-work, in game icons very great, by great i mean its looks like a [REDACTED] which good game too, attacks could be better but for demo that's enough

    3) Loop-gaming. Didn't expected to be in there but its good enough to enjoy the game again and again

    4) Nude-Mode. Kinda fair and kinda not, There is no option for a nude mode but clothing is good way to make Armor (There is no nude mode in [REDACTED] shop....)

    5) Is it worth it? Yes, waiting for future updates

    6) Sex-Scenes. Sorry i'm not hunter for these, i need only gameplay to enjoy it, games made for it

    Rating - Game seems very fine for a demo, found 1 bug when been fighting some bomber man which soft-locked me but its fine

    I'll rate 5/5 only because game is good in my opinion
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    since sex scenes are nearly non-existent i can't justify it rating more than 2.

    this is basically a slay the spire spin, but with some unique elements. enemies are constantly coming, you have 3 characters, all have specialty in different ranges. i dont like the art nor the gameplay. unlike other roguelikes you don't get stronger the more you play (maybe if you finish game idk) it is a bit too random. sometimes first couple of scenes are very easy, or it can be very hard. all depends on rng.

    you can probably waste a lot of time on this game just purely for the RNG. but these games where rng makes up most of gameplay are imo bad.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game, great concept, great writing, almost perfect save for some balancing issues.
    All useful damage is done in divisions of 5. The max per-hit damage is 10 per character, with the hunter being able to get a double occasionally. Red and Green attacking in the blue zone will still do 5 damage per hit, but attacking any further or using blue in the wrong zone will do less than five. Since all health in the game is divisible by 5, it is never useful to do less than that, since its basically just a turn countdown do when you'll do enough damage to kill.
    There's a few buff items that add extra damage do your attacks, but these fall under the same problem. Since you're doing a bonus of, at most, 2 or 3 more damage with these buffs, they're useless until you can stack multiple on the same character to actually make them more effective. If the buffs instead gave an extra 5 attack it would open up a whole new set of opportunities per turn.
    Onto the skills. Skills do static damage no matter where they hit. This is great, but it makes it so that instead of using them for their abilities (the AOE, the status effects, etc) their main uses are just attacking at full strength in every zone.
    Hunter even has a skill for this that makes her normal attacks do full damage everywhere, but why pick that when you could instead pick something that does full damage AND has a bonus effect?
    The game just needs to treat its damage numbers as they.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    As of writing this review, the game's just out with the main release and the bugfix that came a week after or so.
    And my goodness is it good.

    I don't usually write reviews, but as far as I'm concerned that's one of the if not the best porn game I've played.

    Setting's cool, characters are great and so is the art (archergirl bestgirl). The music never had any buisness going THIS HARD
    The gameplay takes some getting used to but is really nice. First game I see where sex is neither punishement not inconsequential. It's a pretty interesting risk and reward where you might get corrupted beyond repair, but if you aren't then you're in for a pretty sweet comeback.

    The rogelite part makes it pretty addicting, and the number of different sex scenes means most runs will have you seeing a new one.

    Speaking of sex scenes, they're really great too. Each character has their own, a bunch of enemies have uniques ones (the imps and vodoo dolls are great btw) and also
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    Writing's nice too. It doesn't take itself seriously and breaks the 4rth wall like it's a national sport, and the jokes are funny : D

    Honetstly play this game, if you're here you're probably gonna be into it, and it's very, very good.

    Goodness am I looking forward to see where this game goes from here, because that is one hell of a start.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    very addicting to play, super fun gameplay loop and really great art!
    my only real complaint is the crushing difficulty, its really hard to get to the second stop on the map without getting absolutely swarmed.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game and unironically really fun. If it weren't a porn game, I'd tell my friends to try it out. Hell, I'd even buy it, but it's porn so I can't let myself have it on my steam library. It's a decent rogue-like game with an interesting turn-based strategy system. A lot of people here saying it's unfair, but that's really only true if you get unlucky with abilities. I've beaten each boss I got to consistently on the first try. But with shitty abilities? I barely get passed the 2nd area. Either way, I'll be keeping an eye on this title.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It definitely screams early access, with its bare menus & UI, and the extremely unfair difficulty of the gameplay. But it also oozes potential! I'm a sucker for the art style, goddamn those bodies look great! And the gameplay loop could be really wonderful, as long as its given enough thought and tested properly.

    Really looking forward to seeing if this goes anywhere, coz it really could I think. Just a bit too rough around the edges and honestly far too difficult for me right now. I want to play to see more of that glorious art, but it's really painful, even after reading a few guides in the forums, its just not fun to have to try that hard, and thats coming from someone who really enjoys challenging games.

    Keep it up devs! 5/5 purely for art style, potential, and so more people see it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm here to do my part! There are a lot of good things going for this game and this is still only the demo. The gameplay is overall straightforward, but still has decision making and random aspects to give each run something a bit different. The art works well and I like the way it is implemented into the mechanics. I like the UI, and various small details like the cursor being different for each of the characters. I don't know if the humor is for everyone, but it works for me. The self-aware nature of the comedy doesn't take itself seriously, but doesn't try to belittle the game or the genre. I also really like the archer and her design. Best of luck to the developers!!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game as a full release would be worth paying money for.

    +Porn game that integrates with engaging gameplay.
    +Fantastic original art
    +Very high quality compared to the majority of games on this website.

    -Specific scenes can be very difficult to find even if you know where to look.
    -Demo currently lacks a gallery and enemy viewer.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    An unpolished diamond. Gameplay has a unique and great foundation of mechanics that meshes well with existing sexual content, with potential for more.

    The writing, if you care about that kind of stuff here, is both casual enough to skip but clever/cheeky enough to enjoy reading.

    Music surprisingly bops. Sound design is solid.

    Art style is refreshingly unique. Keep an eye on this one.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Hope there'll be a way to recover losing a heroine, and it's reasonably common to get softlocked (it is a demo after all), but other than that I'm really digging this gameplay and art direction.

    If they ever start looking into VA or sex sfx, some Bad North-esque sound pacing that increases the tension & excitement of losing could really work.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is better as a demo than a lot of completed "games" on this site.
    The art is phenomenal and full of charm.
    The gameplay is both actually a game, and not just clearly a ripoff of a successful non-porn game.
    Good sense of humour to the writing, though as of yet there's not much to follow from.
    The only "bad" parts of this game come from the gameplay needing polish, but that will certainly come with time considering where they are at already.
    The developers are also notably active in the discord and appear to be very passionate about this game, and it being a 2 person team means there's less likelihood of burnout that is so often seen in solo developers.
    I don't often rate games on this site, but i just knew i had to give this one a glowing review.

    While it's not perfect, and some might say 5 stars is too much for so early into development, the potential alone gives it the boost to 5.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is seriously incredible for just a demo. There are a few bugs and sometimes they're frustratingly gamebreaking, but that's mainly a downside because the game is so good. It can stand entirely on its own and be a sellable product, I only wish the porn aspects of the game were easier to reach. Character design is well done and so are the ero images when your heroines do end up caught, but it's simply difficult to get there unless you really try. Looking forward to this game's future.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall, "Some Heroines Climb Up a Tower to Ask God Why the Game Has a Name That's So Long" is a delightful and enchanting gaming experience. Its vibrant visuals, engaging gameplay, humorous narrative, and memorable characters captivate players. This whimsical adventure will bring countless hours of fun and laughter.

    10/10 would highly recommended
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Gravy Dog

    I love the potential this game has as a game. It can be a really solid roguelike with enough love and development. The porn is incredibly lacking at the moment, but I don't really care. The game has enough potential in gameplay to stand out by it's gameplay alone. It just needs to refined and expanded on. A solid demo for sure.

    I love the pushing and pulling mechanic to deny enemy actions. I love maneuvering my enemies into skill ranges. Pulling them into traps and messing them up is very satisfying as well. It really needs good sound effects to really land that satisfying feeling though and currently they are not there yet. The heroes seem really dependent on AoE and the game doesn't always give you AoE immediately. Enemies spawn a lot and keeping up with them without AoE seems quite demanding. There is very little relief to help you if things get out of hand either. A break between waves would help a lot.

    As for the porn, it is very poorly designed. If you want to purposely lose, it takes a long time, all the groping animations are quickly skipped through, and the game quickly transitions to the game over screen with very little fanfare once all your characters are captured. So you might think you'll just play the game normally and enjoy the porn along the way. Problem, the game is designed in such a way that you are either dominating the enemies or they are spiraling out of control with no comeback potential. This means the porn is quite limited to really quick groping and maybe your character gets stripped nude in a boss fight. There was only one time where I had a character die and came back from it. otherwise, it was just stomp the enemy and never ever let them get out of control.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    the darkest dungeon row combat thing is interesting, and despite the fact that most of my runs end before i can get them, the item and skill systems are solid as well. i just wish the sex part of this sex game was more accessible -- the heroines usually run out of stamina and die before they actually get naked, and if you lose one, it's basically game over already. would probably make a pretty great regular roguelite if all the porn was removed and the core systems were polished up.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    oh my goodness gracious. the gameplay is also good but the RNG sucks sometimes. the tile mechanic is something really unique and i hope the devs do more with the idea. the cutscenes of the characters getting grabbed and stuff are too short though, make an option for it to be longer please. more enemy variety as well hopefully later. solid as hell demo though.

    also pls futa content
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Awesome first release. Gameplay from a conceptual standpoint is great, but it doesn't feel very rewarding yet. Runs are relatively short and the roguelite progression is not very extensive (yet?). The art really needs to pick a direction though. It currently feels like its randomly cobbled together, from the high quality character portraits to the MS Paint style UI.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really good. Top ten I played this year for sure (in general, not only hgame). It is a "demo", so you should expect some bugs, but it's fully playable, and there is A LOT of content. The art is top, the kinks are vanilla with a twist (which I love it), and strong girls as protagonist, the best kind.