Unity Some information on Fungus or tips on coverting Unity to Renpy


Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
Not sure if anyone can help me, but here it is.

I'm trying to manually, very tediously and slowly convert a Unity game to Renpy. Since the game logic is relatively straight forward...so far so good. (I'm about 1/8 through the game)

Unfortunately, the game dev is not really strong on the technical side of things. He used Fungus to designed his game with very limited save slots.
So for me to progress and figure logic out with just 4 slots, makes it very time consuming and difficult.

So my request is simple:
1) Does anyone knows the default save location where Fungus save it's games?
2) Anyone with general tips converting Unity to Renpy (Source code not available)

Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in Unity, Fungus (Or Renpy for that matter). I'm doing this because I like the game and it deservers a better game engine.
I speak regularly to the dev. He does not mind me doing this, but also does not have a lot of time assisting me, since 1) for him it's not a priority and 2)He is very busy with his current game... The original source code is so old, decompiling the assets, loses half the information.
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Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
No Worries, I figured out where it is saved...Registry.

Any help tips for conversion is still welcome!!


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Renpy is not a game engine, it's a visual novel engine. Unity can run renpy scripts, but renpy can't do unity.



Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
Thanks for the links...I have watched the multi save tutorial for Fungus already.
Have not watched your first video yet, but I have a general idea on what the difference between Unity and Renpy is.

(I have written small little games and dabbled in Unity and I have helped some developers with Renpy and are currently rewriting a Unity(Fungus) game into Renpy)

As far as I'm concerened Renpy is a "game" engine as in most game on here is written in Renpy and are classified as games. The fact that you can not write any games other then Visual Novels in Unity is besides the point. Like Unity, RPGM, Unreal etc. Renpy provides the framework for you to write your game in.

In any case, semantics as far as I'm concerned. I have seen quite a view guys converting certain type if Unity games to Renpy. So I was hoping, there might be some pointers in there. My method is more a re-write then a port.

Thanks for the help :)
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Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
2) Anyone with general tips converting Unity to Renpy (Source code not available)
Not sure if this is accurate, or is a help, or is worthless, but...

It seems to me that I remember the game "The Twist" using Fungus under the hood. (Also possibly my memory is faulty.) I mention it because there is a mod available for it that not only allows you to fiddle with the variables, but will also dump out files that look like they might be a representation of the Fungus logic.

That being said:
1. I may be wrong about The Twist and Fungus
2. Even if so, it may be that trying to adapt that mod to the game you're trying to reverse engineer is more trouble than it's worth.

But, if I am right, possibly you could contact the dev who made that mod and ask...
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