feels more like a tech demo, it is quite polished for a first release, mostly lacking content but the mechanics are there, could use more graphics options, being able to remove all those horrible post processing blur bloom and idk what would be optimal, they just clog resources and make things look worse, lot of people complain about the dificulty, what i found out is each girl has their own preferences and they have a hard limit, the green bar is their likeness to things, the pink one next to it is their sexual interest, the red one is them being angry at you, blue is their pain threshold and gray is their boredom, what you do first is talk to them say hello and tha they are beautifull, them you start asking if you can touch them somewhere specific, back and arms is what works most of times, them you touch them for a while, you can't do it too fast or too slow, if they are liking it hte pink bar will raise, after you stop stimulating the green bar will raise after a couple of seconds, after you get the green bar almost to halfway the max usually they will let you touch things like legs/calves, it varies with each girl so you keep trying, you need about 80% of the green bar and same for pleasure to maybe be able to penetrate her, sometimes even if they protest if the red bar does not rise you are ok to go, the easies way is to make them lay down on the desk side, don't try to remove their clothes unless they are about 80% pleasure and likeness (green and pink bar), each girll will be different and i take you most vote for the slutier girls that they are good for the job in their personality review in the computer to get more slutty girls on the next gen after a week, anyways it is a good tech demo, could be promising game later on since they nailed down the hardest part, some girls you must just skip cause they won't let you touch or do anything, usually the good girls to try to seduce will start the interview with some green bar and will like your compliments, some girls dont get bothered by pain so you can slap them a lot for pleasure/likeness and to lessen boredom. some girls have a hardlimit to their likeness bar, they will say they can't go beyond that point and a small shield will lock the green bar, if it is about 80% you might still be able to penetrate them, any less you should give up and try the next girl.