is it possible to adjust the effect of the sluttify action? For example I prefer some tweaks to make sure the girl does not orgasm from the slightest touch or by even looking at the penis... if this is already possibvle, please point me at the right direction - maybe there is a config file or anything? thanks a lot!
The original plan was to make sluttify data driven. But I scrapped the idea when I saw I needed a new file format with 800+ name/values.
More importantly, you could already do this via Monkey. Sluttify a model, save it, extract the JSON, adjust anything value you want, load it back. With quickload it's as convenient as Sluttify.
Next Monkey will offer a simpler way to add sliders for any gene, so you will be able to do this from the UI too.
Adjusting Sluttify will however require considerable efforts. SMA behaviors are often the result of large combinations of genes working together, and the learning curve is steep.
As a bonus, if anyone gets a better result, they can share either their saved model or their JSON.