If the update doesn't roll up in 1-2 months, wait longer. Usually takes that long.
If not in 6 months, wait longer. Those imply a new engine, or new random generator.
If not in 1-2 years, spam the dev.
If the dev sends an official message declaring abandoned status, only then is it truly abandoned.
I need a tutorial on how to make Unity work in a specific version. It keeps shitting out errors.
Something I have isn't found where it's supposed to be.
Wrong disc, can't read the version, no access on that particular disc.
Despite being Admin, doesn't let me do shit.
Firewall problem.
Needs 'Media Player 2015', if I haven't butchered the name, automatic download fails 100%.
List goes on.
And the dev still hasn't added testicles to the male model :/