So I dicked around SD and Loras (already tried before they were a thing so this is a new experience) and made Gwen from Total Drama in the SU style. Hope the rules allow it.
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They do, the rules that is. It's SR7's style, which is what this thread is all about, well and superheroines in general...
Any chance that you'd be willing to put together a set of sprites for dancing/stripping/toyplay in the Glamour Slam? Also a couple of conversational poses...
Some sexy fun time sprites for the Meta Bordello could be fun too, but those are a lot more work...
Essentially in AI generation terms, it would be very helpful to use monocolor/very simple backgrounds so that the sprites can be cropped out more easily and superimposed on the SU backgrounds.
I've been looking for a few 'fill in' characters to drop into SU ReImagined to work at the GS and MB, for demo purposes that is...
As for what I've been up to lately, I'm going back to my first love as far as making artwork is concerned, i.e. Daz Studio. That's not really appropriate for this thread though as I'm about to tackle my own thing, but if people are curious...
When I say 'my own thing', I mean my own 'cosplay' brothel-themed game. It'll be a bit more 'generic' with 'inspired by' characters (with different names just because) along with new ones, I'm just working out the backstory in my head atm and throwing together a few fun characters in the meantime. It'll be a while before it's ready for prime time though (months, and two other projects are on the front burner atm).
I'll be dropping one more update for SU ReImagined once I work out a couple more scenes to showcase summoning, but after that it'll be up to others to transcribe existing content. I'll probably come back to SU ReImagined later in the year, but right now what it really needs is transcribed cell scene content, which I have no desire to do. I've always been about creating a framework for others to work within, with new ideas incorporated, but not about transcribing existing content, it's a community effort and while others have been plugging away slowly at such things, more help would be nice.
Anyways, just wanted to give y'all a heads up. SR7's artwork and art style is awesome, but it's his artwork and I'm moving on to my own things atm.
Carry on!