
Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2017
I don't think I've ever seen so much armchair development from people who don't even financially back the game. The fact people are upset they get their free update every other month when the overwhelming majority of SR7's audience voted for it amuses me to no end. Please continue the comedy, I appreciate it.
I'll tell you why some people mad lol. You ever met a girl tease you and shit and act like she want to fuck? You get that far and she be like I'm not ready then blue ball the fuck out of you. lol. That's how some people feel about this game their favorite not getting more content lol.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
There's nobody more dedicated to pushing out as much functional content as possible than SR7 and he does everything he can. He has mentioned multiple times on both streams and his discord that he isn't going to bring anyone else onto the project. If this isn't satisfactory for those unwilling to support him, then by all means go spend your money on supporting other devs. This is peak Something Unlimited development speed, even if there were to be clones of SR7.
That doesnt help his cause. You just reaffirmed why his development is slow and lacking.
I have been supporting the game over a year now through thick and thin because the dev is capable of delivering on time and always has satisfactory levels of entertainment for 5$ on Patreon. Not to mention the interaction and openness he has with his community when it comes to the project and the ideas behind his actions.
Not sure if you want a cookie but kudos i guess. Its already obvious your a devout fan, you made an account just to post after all. I like sr7, just not a fan of people calling our community something it isnt.

No, the free download sites have fooled you. It is an older picture SR7 made that gets included in every pirate repost, along with the picture of Lois being eaten out by Wonder Woman that isn't even from SR7.
Dont think this part is directed at me since i have no idea what this part is.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 13, 2017
I already like the game. Im more saddened its not happening today. I looked forward to my end of month update.
This kind of tells me that you may not know Sunset as much as you say you do.

1. Sunset is very open. He knows where the problems lie and will openly admit when shit has gone wrong. Last stream he mentioned this and was telling everyone who watched the stream that 2018 going forward he is going after the complaints. With 2 month builds he can give attention to the old and new. He knows he has been creating a lot of new characters and not finishing older ones but he is is planning on fixing that. Check on Discord and you would see how open Sunset really is.

2. If you knew about the Streams you would know that Sunset has been wanting 2 month builds for awhile now. Last October actually. I don't get why you would be "bummed" because we are already on the 2 month build system. Sunset didn't release a December update and moved it to January.

3. This also kind of tells me you probably don't support Sunset on Patreon. Don't want to be rude but this isn't new stuff. If you were a supporter on Patreon, you would know about all these changes since SmokeShank bombarded the Patreon with posts about the changes. He also mentioned this on Discord but it seems you don't check Discord (See 1 and 2 ^)

4. To quote you. "That doesnt help his cause. You just reaffirmed why his development is slow and lacking."

You kind of answered your own question dude. 2 month builds mean Sunset no longer has to hold back and cling to every possible second of time. He now has more time to work on a lot of stuff. You can't have both man. You can't have monthly builds and then complain about "Slow development". Right now Sunset really just wants extra time to do stuff with SU. Time that was very difficult to use effectively in monthly builds.

Again and I can't stress this enough. Instead of being "bummed" just wait until March and see what you say then. There is so much interesting shit coming in but you really just need to be patient and let Sunset work. Because while you don't care about content and "proper builds" to quote you again; many of us including Sunset do. That's why people voted for it.


Game Developer
Aug 26, 2016
I already like the game. Im more saddened its not happening today. I looked forward to my end of month update.

I just made a point that there is a reason people complain and they have other games to compare developmemt to.

I dont know what tune im supposed to change he had a two month build already and it was more disappointing.

I like his work but if you watch his streams you know hes unfocused, has content in the games framework but not implemented, and half the time because he doesnt want to get bored or burned out. Its a luxury he has that most professionals dont.

In short hes simply talented but not disciplined and patreon allows for that so more power to him.

Now ill be bummed all day.
I wish I didn't have to respond to these blatant misrepresentations of a person you truly do not know. As SR7's best friend of over 20 years, and business partner for over 3. I can say that I have yet to see this man bored, or burnt out. Like the damn machine is so well oiled right now that he could churn out pictures and content at a remarkable speed if he didn't have to allocate time to programming. I will go out on a limb and say that SR7 is probably the fastest and highest quality artist (Time and speed considering) in all of the H domain! Dude is a GOAT contender.

I'll tell you why some people mad lol. You ever met a girl tease you and shit and act like she want to fuck? You get that far and she be like I'm not ready then blue ball the fuck out of you. lol. That's how some people feel about this game their favorite not getting more content lol.
We get this and are totally working to remedy it. The girls who content are at a state of needing final animations have been at a standstill for sometime we are aware.


Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2017
We get this and are totally working to remedy it. The girls who content are at a state of needing final animations have been at a standstill for sometime we are aware.
Oh I'm not complaining I just wish I could have Roulette fully nude in the bar lol. I aint going to lie sometimes I wish this was a Renpy game that way I would have "Nudist Unlimited" lol


Feb 7, 2018
I really think some of you dont understand how the development of SU works. Sunset draws and programms everything. Thats why he changed his releases to every two moths so he can draw more and still have time to programm a new Version. If you really think about the timeframe of one month and the programming time is the same as the drawing time it equals to 2 weeks for both. If he would do the older characters it would probably kill most of the drawing time because every sex scene after BJ is animated. If he would still decide to do that in one month then the new version would feel even shorter than before even through the work amount would be the same.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
I wish I didn't have to respond to these blatant misrepresentations of a person you truly do not know. As SR7's best friend of over 20 years, and business partner for over 3. I can say that I have yet to see this man bored, or burnt out. Like the damn machine is so well oiled right now that he could churn out pictures and content at a remarkable speed if he didn't have to allocate time to programming. I will go out on a limb and say that SR7 is probably the fastest and highest quality artist (Time and speed considering) in all of the H domain! Dude is a GOAT contender
Tell people your a fan and you point out what is the common issues percieved......still jump on you. Dude first lay off. I like it just fine and said i was sad no update big fuckin deal. And stop with all the how amazing the man is. We fap to his work we know that part. But at least be real that some shit could go better. Every time one of you dev teams come here it goes through this cycle eventually youll get that everyone is a fan just voicing their fucking frustrations about it.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
I wish I didn't have to respond to these blatant misrepresentations of a person you truly do not know. As SR7's best friend of over 20 years, and business partner for over 3.
Don't do that. You can't say in the same line that dude is not objective about someone and as a reason give fact that you are thats person best friend for 20 years.
I'm not saying that you are not right, I think that SR7 is one of few decent ones devs. But come one, it comes as very whiteknight, bad argument.

a meme

Sep 26, 2017
I really think some of you dont understand how the development of SU works. Sunset draws and programms everything. Thats why he changed his releases to every two moths so he can draw more and still have time to programm a new Version. If you really think about the timeframe of one month and the programming time is the same as the drawing time it equals to 2 weeks for both. If he would do the older characters it would probably kill most of the drawing time because every sex scene after BJ is animated. If he would still decide to do that in one month then the new version would feel even shorter than before even through the work amount would be the same.
How about using the animation tool? You know, the only advantage Unity has over Ren'py while making a visual novel?


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
I really think some of you dont understand how the development of SU works. Sunset draws and programms everything. Thats why he changed his releases to every two moths so he can draw more and still have time to programm a new Version. If you really think about the timeframe of one month and the programming time is the same as the drawing time it equals to 2 weeks for both. If he would do the older characters it would probably kill most of the drawing time because every sex scene after BJ is animated. If he would still decide to do that in one month then the new version would feel even shorter than before even through the work amount would be the same.
You need to read the thread before posting. Almost everyone here is aware of the development process of this game


Feb 7, 2018
I already like the game. Im more saddened its not happening today. I looked forward to my end of month update.

I just made a point that there is a reason people complain and they have other games to compare developmemt to.

I dont know what tune im supposed to change he had a two month build already and it was more disappointing.

I like his work but if you watch his streams you know hes unfocused, has content in the games framework but not implemented, and half the time because he doesnt want to get bored or burned out. Its a luxury he has that most professionals dont.

In short hes simply talented but not disciplined and patreon allows for that so more power to him.

Now ill be bummed all day.
In your post before you said he is not disciplined enough and I think I made it clear in my post that its not the case because there is simple not enough time to make a better build. Also he did not have a 2 month build because like every human in the western world he took time free for the holidays. Also a comparison to 4ET is stupid because Mity is a two man team.
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Oct 14, 2016
I'm just looking forward to more private room scenes. Cant wait for WW, Zatanna, Hawkgirl, and Vixen!
The lack of WW content so far is a shame. Could have jumped on that after the movie came out to draw more people in.

Next up for private room scenes are Miss Martian and Artemis IIRC.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
In your post before you said he is not disciplined enough and I think I made it clear in my post that its not the case because there is simple not enough time to make a better build. Also he did not have a 2 month build because like every human in the western world he took time free for the holidays. Also a comparison to 4ET is stupid because Mity is a two man team.
Sorry, in my line of work if I get one day off for the holidays, its a fucking miracle. So I'm glad he does, I really am. I also don't fault him for it. I would too given half a chance.

His development is however all over the place, thats the very definition of undisciplined. His work says everything here. Much of the sections are unfinished before starting something new. He's not unique, not by a longshot in this. Many indie devs fall into this issue. I judge the body of work, sorry i dont care if its a 2 man team or a full development department. Body of work still judged. I've also give him some credit.

It's pretty obvious you came here just to white knight for SR7 (you only have 2 posts and its this convo in this thread.) and this is completely unnecessary. We're fans of him on the thread and we just talk among ourselves. If we really had issues, the discord server would be the place for that.

We don't need to be brigaded by his fans, nor do we need his staff jumping on every complaint. It's not the place for that. If you actually read these forums you would know that according to posters here everyone is milking patreon, everyone has little content and is a cocktease. you think this is bad, read the Dating my Daughter thread.

The fact you guys come in here bitching about us bitching is pretty stupid. If you actually READ or was apart of our community you would know that we follow a path of gossip, release day questions and feedback, followed by more gossip. keeps threads alive.
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Game Developer
Aug 26, 2016
Tell people your a fan and you point out what is the common issues percieved......still jump on you. Dude first lay off. I like it just fine and said i was sad no update big fuckin deal. And stop with all the how amazing the man is. We fap to his work we know that part. But at least be real that some shit could go better. Every time one of you dev teams come here it goes through this cycle eventually youll get that everyone is a fan just voicing their fucking frustrations about it.
I have never said "some shit" couldn't go better, in fact I have made it clear that it can, and we are working on that (2 month build cycle). If you have followed us for as long as you say, then you would see that we constantly improve/change/adapt to what is needed. Not only do we do that visibly but we communicate everything immediately. My major gripe was the talk of him being bored and undisciplined. Which was false, and actually it is quite the opposite (you don't release builds like clockwork unmotivated). I was not trying to jump all over you, and apologize if that is how it came off. We are aware of areas we can improve and all these things are boiled down and summarized to help provide SR7 with ideas on direction.

Lastly I know all of you are fans to some regard and have frustrations. That is why I'm here to set the record straight. Just wanna bitch, fine! I just want to set the record straight some of the time. Seems like we can all get along.

The lack of WW content so far is a shame. Could have jumped on that after the movie came out to draw more people in.

Next up for private room scenes are Miss Martian and Artemis IIRC.
We are aware of the movies and current trends. We avoid these at all cost in order to hedge risk when doing parody works. We plan on being around for a very long time, in order to do that we need to position ourselves accordingly.


Feb 7, 2018
Sorry, in my line of work if I get one day off for the holidays, its a fucking miracle. So I'm glad he does, I really am. I also don't fault him for it. I would too given half a chance.

His development is however all over the place, thats the very definition of undisciplined. His work says everything here. Much of the sections are unfinished before starting something new. He's not unique, not by a longshot in this. Many indie devs fall into this issue. I judge the body of work, sorry i dont care if its a 2 man team or a full development department. Body of work still judged. I've also give him some credit.

It's pretty obvious you came here just to white knight for SR7 (you only have 2 posts and its this convo in this thread.) and this is completely unnecessary. We're fans of him on the thread and we just talk among ourselves. If we really had issues, the discord server would be the place for that.

We don't need to be brigaded by his fans, nor do we need his staff jumping on every complaint. It's not the place for that. If you actually read these forums you would know that according to posters here everyone is milking patreon, everyone has little content and is a cocktease. you think this is bad, read the Dating my Daughter thread.

The fact you guys come in here bitching about us bitching is pretty stupid. If you actually READ or was apart of our community you would know that we follow a path of gossip, release day questions and feedback, followed by more gossip. keeps threads alive.
Actually i just stumbled in here. If you would look on my account you would see that I created this account a month ago. I am here for the same thing like everybody else. I simple think its stupid to complain about something that he cannot do any better or tries to do better and you also should care if its one or two man team because the worktime is different. Also even if you are fans false information is still false information i just wanted to correct that and annoy some people along the way. But you are probably right i should stop that nonsensical act


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
I have never said "some shit" couldn't go better, in fact I have made it clear that it can, and we are working on that (2 month build cycle). If you have followed us for as long as you say, then you would see that we constantly improve/change/adapt to what is needed. Not only do we do that visibly but we communicate everything immediately. My major gripe was the talk of him being bored and undisciplined. Which was false, and actually it is quite the opposite (you don't release builds like clockwork unmotivated).
your misreading me. He's not bored, that only producing narrow focused content would make him bored. The undisciplined statement comes from the body of his work and developed releases. Its on time, its generally about the same amount of content, but it lacks focus. As I have said, it's not uncommon but rather prolific in this section of the industry. Rather finding someone with a narrow focus is very rare.

Lastly I know all of you are fans to some regard and have frustrations. That is why I'm here to set the record straight. Just wanna bitch, fine! I just want to set the record straight some of the time. Seems like we can all get along.
I actually like you and SR7, I'm just an asshole. I blame my drill sergeants for leaving that impression on me.

Sadly for your there is no setting the record strait. It's impossible in your position currently. You tell us your bias so anything you say cant be given unbiased credit. But I will never call you a liar either for what that is worth. Just pointing out inherit bias for someone who knows SR7 for 20 years and is his business partner.

Honestly though, I don't get why you bother. If patreon is correct, the six figure income derived by SU should be enough to know whatever we say matters absolutely none. There is no need to defend yourselves when money talks.

Actually i just stumbled in here. If you would look on my account you would see that I created this account a month ago. I am here for the same thing like everybody else. I simple think its stupid to complain about something that he cannot do any better or tries to do better and you also should care if its one or two man team because the worktime is different. Also even if you are fans false information is still false information i just wanted to correct that and annoy some people along the way. But you are probably right i should stop that nonsensical act
Ill refer to the 6 figure income above and point out that shooting yourself in the foot doesn't give you some kind of pass. He's talented. Hes good. Doesn't change the outcome. In the end business is business and just being one guy vs other that have multiple guys means you have to perform. Thats competition for good or ill. But again, 107,748 says whatever I think, say or do matters absolutely zero since I will still play every release as they come because the product is still a good product. We can whine about how the product is made all day. we can fight all day and night about it, but the end result is still a good product.


Mar 1, 2018
It would be nice if there was more of a framework than "GirlX content" being discussed. People keeping up can tell that Miss Martian is getting private room and some cell content. Why not just say that in y'alls outline? I understand not wanting to over-promise and have people grab pitchforks when it falls short, but something more than so-and-so content surely can be explained.

Even though others have said it and there's claims that it will be addressed, until it is people should continue to be vocal on the wide as an ocean deep as a puddle problem which is the #1 issue with the game. I won't attack Sun on workethic, focus, whatever. However, for as many characters that are in the game now it needs to grind to a halt on introducing new people and finishing on a base level the ones we have. I'm not a huge fan of her, but Babs is almost done! She just needs some "Why do I like Lex boning me now?" BS in the cells with him porkin her and you can just say shes done and have events added later (Poison Ivy). Great, got it. Killer Frost is going to be getting content but despite begging Lex to make her a sex slave the next update may not even have a blowjob from her. Just go down a list and reach a base finishing point with the girls. Have patrons vote on it, draw it out of a hat, I don't care what the order is. For as long as this game has been worked on, not having one character "done" is perplexing.


May 28, 2017
can someone explain to me the attraction of artemis? shes as boring as a old nun on a stripper pole.. who the fuck voted for her to be an update in the private room ahead of any girl in the game?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
The lack of WW content so far is a shame. Could have jumped on that after the movie came out to draw more people in.

Next up for private room scenes are Miss Martian and Artemis IIRC.
I know those are the next ones and Im glad we can have more meat for the bordello! I just cant wait til some of the heroines I really want get added
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