
Oct 24, 2021
Maybe im missing something but i noticed all those girls dont have the Nickname option, i dont know what is necessary to unlock this option but i think i've seen all the scenes with them


also, how to unlock donna and cassie? i have no idea
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Dec 8, 2018
So after downloading 2.3.6, Silver Age costume of Zatanna got deleted from the Vault Scenes and from the costume menu in her cell. For clarity, I had it before the update and now it says "Locked". Has this happened to anyone else, or is it just me?
Same. This is the most broken release of the game I have ever played over the past 2 years. A whole bunch of Cell commands just either plain do not work or hang the game, forcing me to shut the program down and restart. It desperately needs to be patched with bugfixes before it is playable again.

On the bright side, Donna Troy is like a tiny Diana and she's adorable. Not loving Cassie's artwork so much though.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
I have a few questions is the futa content avoidable, and are there any cheats or mods for this game, like money or stats?


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
So I gave the new update a go. A few thoughts, although I'm pretty sure the developer could care less about some game thread on F95Zone.

1) It's annoying that there's a bunch of characters that still aren't fully implemented. Their brothel scenes just don't exist in a number of cases. These are some of the sexiest scenes in the game, and about the only time you get to see four or five ways outside of special events. I do wish that going forward the developer should create a checklist for each character (Mercy, Huntress, Zatanna, etc.) which shows which scenes haven't been completed yet, and then pick one character each update to fill in the blanks so to speak. I don't mind new characters, but a 'one or two new characters along with adding missing scenes to an existing character or two' strategy would be nice.

Particularly for Mercy, she's been around since the beginning and should have a lot more content by now. I could care less about animations, I'm good with the 'two pose alternating' animations, and would rather have more content for each character than complex animations.

2) The Unity interface has several issues. It freezes on me often enough, and I've had 'hard locks' a couple of times that meant I had to give up on some character as scenes with them would just freeze up. Also, for 'usual rounds' sort of stuff, there are more 'click throughs' required than is necessary. A couple of examples of this are when hiring villians and when upgrading devices. While the villian dialogue is fine the first couple of times, it's just extra clicks that aren't really necessary.

So I'd suggest cutting down the number of screens to do this each time, i.e. a screen that has simple text along with the choice buttons after the first time you've spoken to them, as you established the 'ground rules' the first time you hired them, so you'd see text saying 'Do you want to hire Livewire' along with a 'Hire for $150,000' and a 'Not right Now' button, followed by a second 'confirmation' screen with a 'yes/no' option and additional dialogue on the same screen (i.e. dialogue above the buttons instead of on a separate screen).

Also, the amount of cash you have on hand for hiring and upgrades should be displayed on any screen where you are doing such actions, so that you can readily see how much cash you have onhand when doing these things. Some screens display this, others don't, and it's annoying having to 'back out' of a dialogue to check this if you haven't been watching the numbers closely.

Glamour Slam and Brothel Management should share the same screen, once you have both in operation. This would require a couple of extra switches, but since it's the same pool of girls being split between the stages and rooms, this would save a number of extra clicks.

3) This would work a lot more smoothly in Renpy I think. I get why Unity is popular with developers, but in this case the Unity implementation is quite glitch-ey, and has other issues, particularly when trying to run the game on a second screen. Trying to work out which resolution I could actually run full screen on my 4K 'second' monitor (I use a laptop) that would allow me to actually click on the buttons was a major pain, and it's a weird size that I ended up using.

Renpy is easy to scale to whatever size you want (just click a corner and drag), and it either works or it doesn't, and it'll tell you pretty much immediately if you've coded something wrong in most cases.

Also, once you get the hang of Renpy coding, you can do a lot of cool things. There isn't anything in Something Unlimited that couldn't be done in Renpy quite easily, including the 'overlay sprites' for expressions and such.

4) We need threeway scenes in the cells. I want to bang Kara and Babs when I bring in Babs using a leash, just sayin... after the 'lesbian introduction' scenes of course. Special events threeway events are too short, and only happen that one time unless you 'cheat' and repeat said scenes using the 'replay' option.

5) Rather than 'reset to zero' with the control devices, I think that once the girls become total sluts, at least for a number of them, that the option to put them to work in the Glamour Slam or the Brothel should be a thing. You've 'mind controlled' them into becoming your sluts, so at that point corrupting them a little further to do the brothel thing willingly isn't that big of a mental step... This option could open up after you've done the 'leash walk' a few times, maybe 'walking' them to the Brothel after a couple of times doing the street walk to warm them to the idea, maybe have them watch from the control room, and then someone mentions 'wanting to try that'...

That way, you could still bang them in their cells, or bang them in the brothel, or just put them to work once they've embraced their sexuality fully.

This should apply to Villians too. I'd love to see say Star Sapphire getting it on in the Brothel, once you've sufficiently corrupted them of course, just sayin...

You'd need more 'later game' expenses to offset the extra income of course, perhaps the Villians could take a 'cut' of the profits. 50/50 etc. splits with the courtesan and house are a thing at brothels after all...

7) Villians should have a 'weekly hire rate'. It's kind of silly to just 'park' say Atomic Skull on say headquarters defense for weeks at a time and just pay him the one time. In the later game, income accumulates rather quickly if your brothel has multiple performers, so there should be a bit more outflow on the expenses for such things. This wouldn't apply to heists of course, you are paying them for that one job at that point, but perhaps you should get the option to retain a villian after the heist via dialogue, in some cases. I.E. Livewire mentions that she had so much fun she wants to stick around for a while, if you pay her of course! This is mainly to reduce un-necessary clicks which slows down the game...

8) Back to streamlining. This is a big enough issue for me to mention twice. Every interaction should be evaluated in the context of reducing the number of clicks required in this game. The first time, yeah extra dialogue is fine, but unless the dialogue changes in subsequent interactions significantly, a stronger effort should be made to reduce click-through to do things. Less time fast forwarding through repetitive dialogue means more time exploring new content. There are a LOT of characters in the mix at this point, and all of the extra clicks detract from the story.

I do enjoy the artwork in this game, and the premise is interesting enough. I just find the excess repetitive clicking annoying and un-necessary.

Part of me has a desire to try to port this over to Renpy, but I'm behind on the projects I have now, the last thing I need is another project. I just think that the developer would ultimately be a lot happier using the Renpy framework, as it is a bit more stable than the current Unity implementation. Unity has it's usage case, but in this case it's more trouble than it's worth IMHO, for both the developer and the player. And less time debugging means more time focusing on the story.

My two cents. Waiting on the next update of course!


Jun 26, 2017
Glamour Slam and Brothel Management should share the same screen, once you have both in operation. This would require a couple of extra switches, but since it's the same pool of girls being split between the stages and rooms, this would save a number of extra clicks.
I would love this. Simplest implementation would probably be to add a new assignment screen in the Lexcorp Defenses for any hero you've upgraded their device to the max level. From there you can assign them to the Slam, Bordello, or Cells with Cells being the default if you don't chose anything.

I'd also like the option to just pay Roulette and Catwoman to rotate the heroes assigned to them. Or hire some OCD villain like Clock King to take care of scheduling.


Bush Rustler
Aug 23, 2018
I do wish that going forward the developer should create a checklist for each character (Mercy, Huntress, Zatanna, etc.) which shows which scenes haven't been completed yet, and then pick one character each update to fill in the blanks so to speak. I don't mind new characters, but a 'one or two new characters along with adding missing scenes to an existing character or two' strategy would be nice.
This is exactly what they claimed was going to happen. There's a collapsable box in the OP that mentions how a girl already in the game would get their story finished in each update as well as explaining the "temporary" shelving of animations. I don't feel like they've stuck to that unless they meant fast track the girls through their cell content.
The bordello has been severely neglected and stuff just skips straight to cells. Which is kind of odd in the way the situation escalates for each character. You'd have to downgrade the girl's device and then level it back up to put her into the bordello when the time comes. It's ass first for a lot of girls right now.

Animations were getting shelved to speed up development and will supposedly be retroactively added when the game is finished. I understand the decision but I can't see them being added retroactively actually happening. When the game is finished the patrons will want new content, they won't care about the content they've already played through getting spit-shined. As much as I want animations I know a vocal crowd of people will favour new content over revisiting old stuff. I get the impression that the money is louder than the artistic vision for this project now, which is a shame. I'm not saying there's no artistic vision left but the passion looks to be drained from it with a lot of shortcuts becoming more apparent.
I'm pretty sure the single pose we got of Donna dancing was the same pose she was doing when we very first entered her cell :unsure:


After playing through the new content last night I have to admit I'm becoming a little less enthused about this game.

The Bruce Timm style really appealed to me, he's one of my favourite artists (likely in part to nostalgia) to the point that I have framed artwork of his on my wall. And while I'd expect liberties to be taken in regards to sexing up characters for a porn game, the big round bimbo tits on a lot of the characters are pretty bad in my opinion and really go against the perky cone tits many of Timm's designs have.
I don't mind the inclusion of a bimbo-like body type or the fake tits look on some, especially more muscular characters, but all three Amazons are shredded with what look like bolt-ons. The lack of variety is pretty disappointing.
Hit Google image search and look at how Bruce Timm and other artists involved with the DCAU draw these characters, they are vastly different from the SR7 versions.

As I said, I don't mind the inclusion of different body types, I also don't mind SR7 putting his own spin on some things and I certainly don't want to push my tastes onto anyone else, but this isn't what I signed up for. I signed up for the almost one to one Bruce Timm emulated style that was present in the early content.

I'll keep checking this out, of course. I'm disappointed right now but there's nothing else out there that I know of that even comes close to the art style.
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New Member
Feb 25, 2021
I have a few questions is the futa content avoidable, and are there any cheats or mods for this game, like money or stats?
Yes. It's Just Miss Martian that has that, and even then it's just an option iirc
And here's a mod: https://f95zone.to/threads/something-unlimited-no-more-grind-mod.7174/
save 2.3.6?
There's a 2.3.5 save somewhere in the thread iirc. Just use that, which has like 90% of the current game done, all you have to do is the two new girls Donna Troy and Cassie
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Kylar Stern

Jul 29, 2017
So the added content for Artemis/Cheshire and for Starfire/Blackfire are great. Cheshire looks a little chunky in comparison with some of her previous artwork imho, but I'll look past it.

Now the new girls, Donna Troy (or Tory as the multitude of errors say) and Cassie were unexpected. At face value they seem like another attempt from SR7 to get away from his boredom of working on currently implemented girls. After playing through the update however they seem like plot devices to force Wonder Woman's submission. I personally find this weird since we were already supposed to have "broken" WW, but maybe there are bigger plans for the future. That's all I'll say because anything else would be speculation on my part, and the truth may fall short of that speculation. On to the girls themselves!

Donna Troy, so Donna's a complicated character. SR7 did right in mentioning that she has multiple backstories. In the Golden Age she was created by Hippolyta through mirror magic (think TRON's CLU) to be a friend for Diana since there were no other children on Themyscira. This has been retconned and added back with changes many times, which has lead writers to give Donna doubts about her identity, who she is, etc etc.

SR7 did an okay job reflecting this and using that as a kind of way for to have a weaker will than Diana, but didn't really play into that. Instead her character is overcome by pleasure unimaginable and promises to serve out of fear of returning to the Glamor Slam. Since an Amazon is true to her word, she continues to serve and sees herself as "fallen". Really though she's not fallen, she's committed to serve and keeping her word so she's still kind of there. To me this whole line of thinking was weird and the plot could've been better.

Donna's Slut costume was actually what I expected for Wonder Woman, and it felt really bland. Her after sex cumshot scene would've been better had she actually been shown to collapse after crawling on the floor, but I digress. I hope that her character is given some better plot and artwork in the future.

Cassie, I'm honestly a conflicted on. On one hand, it's stereotypical that the blond is a complete whore and all it takes is one BJ with the device for her to submit. It happened too fast for my liking. Then the art was mess. The end dialogue and the way she's brought in was my flavor however, and that Slut costume is stunning.

To me bringing her in and deflating her cockiness with a simple "who are you? Oh. Whatever, I'm just collecting Amazonians" is great and true to Lex's character. However, the instant whore ruins her character. Cassie was always cocky, but when push came to shove she was insecure and shy and needed to helped along. Personally I was hoping that it would've been a take on KRASH's comic "Wonder Whores" (just not with Diana or drugs). So really what I'm saying is that the beginning and end are great, but everything in between sucks.

Now this brings me to the game as a whole. We have two more girls, no updates in the Bordello, no updates on the Glamor Slam (interactions with other villains and whatnot), the main story is all but forgotten in favor of individual girls' stories, and the artwork is becoming a bit more stiff. For me this game has a lot of untapped potential and I hope to see more depth on the cell content if that's all we're getting for the time being. More things like Batgirl and Supergirl hooking up (but different character ofc), Lex not being so choosy with how many girls he has in the cells, Lex declaring that he has control over friends of the heroine, etc. I realize this takes a ton of coding and conditional statements in the code and the implications of it all, but the long term gains seem to make the game better.

Added content for existing girls 8/10
New Characters Art 7/10
New Characters Plot 6/10
New characters overall 6.5/10
Needs more cowbell


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Did they change the meaning of "animation" at some point in the last few years? The tags say "animated," and the dev talks about how much works goes into animating the scenes, but then in-game, every CG is just a single static image.


Jan 18, 2022
I keep running into a glitch where Cassie becomes unselectable in the bordello, and totally greyed out in the strip club. I can fix it by resetting her device and upgrading it again, but you can see how that would not be practical long-term.
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