
Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
If this really does take place in the Bordello, as has been suggested, then I'd be interested to see how she interacts with Catwoman. May be some amount of rivalry there.
I pretty much assumed if you have her guarding the Bordello and bat girl is in a private room then this scene happens. But you are absolutely right. I want to see them fight for dominance over each other.


Mar 2, 2017
I really wish this guy would do things step by step rather than doing a little update on a different character every patch.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 13, 2017
I really wish this guy would do things step by step rather than doing a little update on a different character every patch.
The only reason Sunset doesn't do that is so he doesn't get burnt out. He jumps around because that is a good way of still feeling attached to the project without feeling like he is trapt/killing his creativity.

The end game is still the same. All characters will get finished but right now people think that the game really needs finished characters but in all reality, while one person will love say Terra to be finished, others will sigh in contempt.

Sunset will finish characters but it's best to let him decide when.


Mar 1, 2018
Yeah it's a bummer if another guys waifu gets finished before yours does, but I think at this point most people just want one done so that's not an excuse to avoid finishing any. Plus it's been so fucking long since he's touched the first set of characters that you can't say "oh man I sure am tired of drawing Lois again". There's little confidence so far of any getting finished because there's always a bullshit character he adds. Enoughs enough. Even on the roadmap there was mentioning focusing on current characters and then goes and fucking adds Terra draining content from other people talked about in the roadmap.


Mar 2, 2017
Make a list, go by release order. I am not saying he should please people, but it is just a more organized way and it is also easier for EVERYONE. Him, the players and the testers.
The way things are now, people have to go all over the game to "see the new content", because sometimes Batgirl gets new content and she is right at the start, but sometimes Artemis or Blackfire get new content, and they are way further down the line.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
I can't wait til it gets to the scenes where the heroines are completely broken and begging for it all the time.

I think the game is progressing pretty well. I can see how people don't like his sporadic content updates, but he stated many times he doesn't want to get burned out progressing one person's content. (I like the randomness personally.) I just really want the Bordello content to get done so I can finally put all the heroines as cogs in my money making machine (Would love two more heroines added so terra isn't alone)

And then maybe hopefully one day. You can have villainess' working at the GS and MB. (I can only dream.)


Jul 27, 2017
I have no problem with the randomness of which character gets updated. I just wish there was some kind of notification once you "completed" a character for a certain version. Its annoying to put them into the bordello just to find out there is no content for it and you cant change it for today anymore.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2017
I have no problem with the randomness of which character gets updated. I just wish there was some kind of notification once you "completed" a character for a certain version. Its annoying to put them into the bordello just to find out there is no content for it and you cant change it for today anymore.
This. it's frustrating not knowing when you have all the available scenes, costumes, and other stuff. The Vault kind of has a list but not really.


Jun 14, 2017
This. it's frustrating not knowing when you have all the available scenes, costumes, and other stuff. The Vault kind of has a list but not really.
That's what I've been saying. It drives me nuts and it's the easiest fix in the world. Instead of saying LOCKED on every single scene in the vault, just change the unimplemented ones to UNAVAILABLE or just remove the entry all together. The vault should ONLY have available scenes. Same for the costumes. Instead of labeling everything locked, just change it to unavailable or remove them all together. It's confusing for no reason. I feel like it's a horrid oversight or just pure laziness. I spend more time in this game trying to unlock costumes and scenes that are between the ones I already have, and they aren't even in the game yet. It skips randomly around and acts like there's something in every slot when there isn't.

They could take a note from some other games, like Big Brother for example. When you got to the end of a quest for the current version, it would tell you in the log that you've reached the end for this version. Then when the next version comes out, it removes that part of the entry and let's you continue. So then you know if there's more content or not and you don't waste your time trying to unlock stuff that isn't even there.
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