
Game Developer
Aug 26, 2016
So I know there are no plans to include any voice acting, which is a decision I agree with. But will there ever be -any- sound? A couple royalty free background musics and royalty free menu sound effects go a LONG way to improving the atmosphere.
With SU being a one man show, and its relative size we need to stay pretty lean on things we add. Sound was something we immediately removed as it doesn't add that much value in comparison to animations or other things. Now with any future projects such as our Newgrounds game and any other project afterwards sound will be included.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 13, 2017
As a warning to all, keep your expectations low for this update. There will be content but not strewn about. It will focus on 1-2 characters but it will be a long time coming with some minor stuff for others. Sunset is doing some stuff in the background to prepare for something, sometime this year. Let's just say it's to setup more scenes with more characters. This update will not be a very visual one where you can see all the work that was put in but it is necessary for what comes out in SU's future.

The next Roadmap should detail what was left out, what will be put in, and might highlight the 2018 plans since we are nearing the middle of the year. Sunset, Smoke, and all the mods on the Discord thank the Patrons who support him to keep this going and to the rest of you, interesting things are coming.
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Mar 1, 2018
One page ago, "lmao people will complain about milking"
This page "hey uh, you're not getting anything really this two month cycle because of...uh...stuff. B-but later! Yeah later you'll get something. Please pay two months for one release with nothing noticeable added. Thenk."


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 13, 2017
One page ago, "lmao people will complain about milking"
This page "hey uh, you're not getting anything really this two month cycle because of...uh...stuff. B-but later! Yeah later you'll get something. Please pay two months for one release with nothing noticeable added. Thenk."
Yet you are here posting. Must not be that bad of a game or update schedule if people like you keep coming back huh?


Game Developer
Aug 26, 2016
One page ago, "lmao people will complain about milking"
This page "hey uh, you're not getting anything really this two month cycle because of...uh...stuff. B-but later! Yeah later you'll get something. Please pay two months for one release with nothing noticeable added. Thenk."
Work is being done, what Haseo was trying to do was not spoil what was going on. Last months build was "a buggy piece of shit" (not my words but the community) so what do we do? We go and fix a bunch of stuff in order to remedy that. SR7 tackled animations this month, he worked on several with the expectation that he could finish them. Unfortunately they are not up to snuff (due to the community not wanting a buggy piece of shit). Remember the doing X instead of Y thing I mentioned as #2 complaint. I wasn't laughing when I posted that comment, I was being sarcastic, meaning that those comments were going to come irregardless of the content or production value of what we put out.


Mar 3, 2017
Hmm... So I'm guessing some Raven content to passify the unwashed masses (unless this is the animation he's having trouble with,) Terra content because Sunset hasn't become sick of drawing her yet and Harley redraw because she needed it. Maybe some Killer Frost if there is time or alternately some BF/SF content. I'm cool with a bug fix edition. It's time I restarted anyway... I'm way up in the 300s on days.
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Sep 18, 2017
I would prefer that the Dev gave the existing characters some more content, instead of adding even more plates he's spinning already. In the last update, we were given a pretty big package on one single new character , while many older characters got nothing. Each new character is a new plate needing to be spinned, many are looking almost stale for a while now, i would rather see those characters getting fleshed out, before new characters were added. But hey, content is content, i'll take what i can get.
Nov 23, 2017
Hey, Haseo and Smokey,

I've noticed you guys have reached a bit of a plateau for your monthly income on Patreon and I have a suggestion. The $20 and $50 patrons don't receive anything more than gratitude and from what I've seen on here, a lot of people are usually upset with what SR7 decides to work on for each new build. Why not develop a voting system? SR7 can come up with a sheet of characters and their content that needs to be developed and voters can decide on who and what they want for the next build. It can be a point based system with $20 patrons having their votes count as 1 point and $50 patrons having their votes count as 3. It might not bring in any new patrons, but some of the insider (maybe even basic level) patrons would probably bump up their monthly contributions for that kind of offer.

Obviously, the voting system would need to be refined a bit more to match SR7's workload and it would have to meet certain time limits so that he can have his full agenda before starting on each build, but maybe you can run the idea past him and see if it's something you guys think would work.


May 26, 2018
Hey, Haseo and Smokey,

I've noticed you guys have reached a bit of a plateau for your monthly income on Patreon and I have a suggestion. The $20 and $50 patrons don't receive anything more than gratitude and from what I've seen on here, a lot of people are usually upset with what SR7 decides to work on for each new build. Why not develop a voting system? SR7 can come up with a sheet of characters and their content that needs to be developed and voters can decide on who and what they want for the next build. It can be a point based system with $20 patrons having their votes count as 1 point and $50 patrons having their votes count as 3. It might not bring in any new patrons, but some of the insider (maybe even basic level) patrons would probably bump up their monthly contributions for that kind of offer.

Obviously, the voting system would need to be refined a bit more to match SR7's workload and it would have to meet certain time limits so that he can have his full agenda before starting on each build, but maybe you can run the idea past him and see if it's something you guys think would work.
Wow $20 just to vote!!?
Thats a bargain
And make it a yearly update as well
But seriously ur right though
Nov 23, 2017
Thats a good point but everyone who pledged should be able to vote not just the higher tier
It'd be a point based system, so maybe those that pledge at $5 and $10 could vote, but those that pledge more would have greater weight with their votes. It seems only fair that those willing to pledge $50 should have much more say than those only pledging $5. Still, this is only a suggestion and a rough draft at best. It would need some refinement, and that's considering the SR7 team even likes the idea at all.
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May 26, 2018
It'd be a point based system, so maybe those that pledge at $5 and $10 could vote, but those that pledge more would have greater weight with their votes. It seems only fair that those willing to pledge $50 should have much more say than those only pledging $5. Still, this is only a suggestion and a rough draft at best. It would need some refinement, and that's considering the SR7 team even likes the idea at all.
Yeah i agree with you but they rather go with yearly update than a voting system
Nov 23, 2017
Yeah i agree with you but they rather go with yearly update than a voting system
Yeah, but the whole point of the voting system isn't just to make the whole process more consumer friendly. It's also to try and get them more money, which will help them build their team. They've been hovering around $9600-$9800 a month for quite a while now and that's still quite a ways off from their goal of $11,000. This system adds extra incentive for people to pledge more. People who want a say/greater say in what content they want at the end of the two months will shell out more and the SR7 team's monthly income increases. This should lead to the team growing and, hopefully, newer/better content coming out.
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