
Jul 5, 2019
Why bother putting "Magala" in this update if she has only three scenes? Why not just save her until her content is fully completed?
View attachment 2459860
Fuck it, I already know why.
Because Sunset needed to fool his smoothbrained patrons that the Themyscira content that's delayed to the next update is fully finished, but just causing technical issues with the game.

The truth is that the 3 Magala scenes in this update was ALL of the Themyscira content that Sunset made probably like a week before the update dropped. Hence why the other content is "delayed" to the next update, because in reality it doesn't even exist.

"50/50" focus my ass.


Game Developer
Dec 25, 2017
Try having sexy fun time with Nubia one more time, see if that unlocks her. That's what worked for me.
Tried that several times too - doesn't work either :cry: I bet she's just bugged af like her counterpart on the main map...


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
Fun point : you almost need to restart every 2-3 builds to avoid random bugs. Most of you duders locked on nothing might have reached that part in your playthrough
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New Member
Jan 1, 2019
Tried that several times too - doesn't work either :cry: I bet she's just bugged af like her counterpart on the main map...
Try resetting the Themyscira event in the office and play through it again. I did this and she popped in during one of Nubia's story conversation at night. After that she has her own room in the villa.
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Jun 9, 2017
I don't know why so many people make excuses for SR7 when he does clearly smoothbrain shit like copy/pasta his code when like you said he could just use the same code. He could keep notes, or better hire a better coder since they make more than enough monthly to afford somebody to JUST work on the code, they don't because that would actually force them to put out more than like 5 updates a year.
I just have to laugh at the idea this guy , that made a 100k (or so) a month game does anything "smoothbrain". So the option at this point are

1. Hes been having "Bug Issues" for about 6 years now. Built aforementioned gaming company, but doenst hire a game coder.
2. He realizes that this games funding is basically on auto pilot ,and all he has to do is release the absolute bare minimum which is about 3 of the same picture with a slightly altered face, every 3 months.

SR7 is not a "soothbrain". Heck if anything hes roughbrained lol. Ive said something similar to this before, but I dont even think negatively of him for doing what he does at this point.

If you went for a job and the descriptions was "100K per month, every 3 months you have to submit 3 hand drawn images". 100K, You start out inking painting and framing gorgeous pieces, As the years pass you start to live the 100k life style. you travel, and life happens. You rush and send a quick pencil drawing....and you get that 100K check. Next month same , so you stop all that extra stuff. Now you realize you dont have to do more than erase the face or doddle a dress you can send anything, and you will get a 100K check . Why would you do more? Worse case people stop this point youve made millions, youve brought property, invested, your doing this because why kill the golden goose, but if the goose dies, Ok.

We've all seen artist burn out. I would argue MOST artist burn out. They grow up, they have kids, they become adults, and drawn cartoon tits and ass becomes less rewarding. In this case Sunset is feeding the golden goose, but im sure the allure of taking care of this thing is gone. One trait that you can see in the artist that stay is a need to grow. To improve there art style. SR7 has gone in reverse. Look at lois, mercy , then look at tera, cassie. Then realize that when lois was being made he was making about 5K a month. I paid early on, i love the game when it was just the first 3, then the "bugs", and delays etc. I dont pay anymore, so i dont mind that he does what he does, but i just laughed at the "smoothbrain" part, and the comments that assume hes lacking, and not the more obvious, he doesnt care. Which is fine, Thank you for the free Crisi butt shots.
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