
Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017

You're talking to the person who built a functional Renpy framework of his version of SU in 2 months. He put Cell content in while you claim it took you over a fucking year? Get real.

Start post a little over a year ago:

And just two months later:


This. Just this.
Not sure why the 'sub-quotes' aren't showing, that's weird... in any case.

I just want to clarify that xMendoza actually started all this, and that SU Rebuilt (2) s a much better example as far as transcribing content, a lot more of the SU Unity content has been added to SU Rebuilt (2), it has a gallery function, etc.

My 'spinoff' effort came a month or two later, and is mostly designed to try new things. As such, not a lot of content has been transcribed over from SU Unity as of yet, as that's not my primary focus atm. And it's a team effort, a number of people have been contributing to the project to varying degrees, I mainly just focus on the backbone.

SU Rebuilt (2) kicked off around the end of October of 2022, so it's been about 16 months of effort put into that project, and it still has a long way to go.

SU ReImagined has even farther to go, but that's because it's a proof of concept demo, not really a full game as of yet. It's designed to show off new ideas and try new things, and not just do a carbon copy of SU Unity. If you want to play Something Unlimited, play SU Unity, that's the actual game. If you want to branch off in new directions, and try new things, that's one of the goals of SU ReImagined.

The official SU Ren'Py android port is another option, but there are significant differences that others can highlight. I don't have an Android device suitable to play it, and have no desire to.

This isn't a competition, Something Unlimited is it's own animal and is the Original, Official game.. SU ReImagined, is a different animal, although we cover a lot of the same ground using SR7's artwork and core gameplay ideas as as the 'baseline'.

As for what SR7 is working on, he works at his own pace, and goes where his whims take him (something that I can completely relate with), so it is what it is, and not something that I stress over. He's an artist at heart, let him be one!
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Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Let me give it to you straight. Your Unity engine, if we can call it that, is old. You're probably going to completely lose the ability to build for Mac if not this Fall then next year. Windows, while generally good about backward compatibility, will close security holes that can introduce issues.

You can't code yourself, so if suddenly you're hit by a wall of incompatibility due to an update by Microsoft, you're screwed. I'd recommend you make your game on a platform that gets regular updates. That's not the ancient version of Unity you're using.
So you're recommending we move to Ren'py? Well we showed that in June/July of 2023 with SU:Android.

As I told others here our official posts from Oct have stated what you've seemingly repeated. I appreciate the thought, but we're far ahead of you at this point.

SU:Android is in Ren'py (currently has all the cells and yacht, prison, Kasnia Wedding events. Basically 75% complete)
SU:Themyscira is in Ren'py as well (It's a singular event).

So as you can see when you read official news from October you would see we're doing what your recommending. So I would recommend you follow our official channels and stay up to date (or closer than what this thread is currently).

Brass tacks: I booted up the last update and couldn't get a single new piece of content to work. And I wasn't the only one. It was reported up and down the thread.

Maybe I'm not in any position to tell you gentlemen how to spend your money, but sooner or later, the elephant in the room will have to be addressed. Not only is fungus severely outdated, but the game has incurred so much technical debt that it will never be in a good state.

There is, of course, the reality that patrons need to be pleased or they'll stop supporting. Going dark for a year would impact the cashflow. And that's a fair point. Can't begrudge you guys for making an honest buck.

But there's another, more obvious reality on the table that might offer a solution. Whether we're paying or pirating, by day's end, we all just want to see some real degenerate shit happen to comic book characters. It's porn. The art is the game's main draw, while gameplay is a distant second.

Hell, the fact that so many are paying in the first place for something so widely pirated is proof that they want to support the project in the long term. No shade, either. That's a pretty sweet deal for you guys. I'd bet the majority of Patrons would be satiated with regular art-only releases while the game is rebuilt and updated in the background. Before you know it, a year comes and goes, and the new PC and android releases are ready to go. Goodbye fungus; goodbye decade of technical debt

But what do I know, right? I'm just one of those thread guys, right? You know, the thread with over 37,000 responses as of late that serves as one of the biggest hubs of discussion on your game? What do any of us know?
If you were a supporter, or a discord user you would have seen anouncements that the December build was going to be small. It's not our fault you choose to get information second hand, from individuals not invested in the success of the game you clearly like. As well this was our first December release in 5 years now, as we typically do a small November release that has zero content. Again that information is well known within our knowledgeable community.

We had addressed Fungus being obsolete not only in earlier replies, but also on official channels back in October.

We have people who we employ, stopping payments because this thread wants us to is utterly ridiculous. Plus we're growing at the fastest rate in 5 years.

As far as degenerate shit goes, our scene creation count hit an all time high in 2023. This thread will debate this, but we have internal metrics on content creation and output that we monitor closely. So in 2023 you got more degenerate shit than you have previously.

Your comment on art only releases while we rebuild the PC version is due to you not following official posts, or being engaged in our discord community. We did exactly what you suggested, and released a Android rebuild that is 1:1 and had cell complete content on day 1 release. This Android release was the largest requested item we have had ever, and we delivered. It currently outpacing PC downloads 3:1.

Is this thread large? Yes, there is no denying it. But does this thread add any value to our community, or efforts. Then that is an easy answer. No. Unless people here start getting informed, and start offering up criticisms that are new, and not repeating ones that have been addressed in either corrective action, or reasoning. Then this thread will remain insignificant in the overall direction of our projects.

Since coming back in an official capacity, there has been only TWO great suggestions from this thread that I will be bringing to our meeting today. That is pretty sad for a huge thread that supposedly cares deeply about the success of our project.
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Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Not sure why the 'sub-quotes' aren't showing, that's weird... in any case.

I just want to clarify that xMendoza actually started all this, and that SU Rebuilt (2) s a much better example as far as transcribing content, a lot more of the SU Unity content has been added to SU Rebuilt (2), it has a gallery function, etc.

My 'spinoff' effort came a month or two later, and is mostly designed to try new things. As such, not a lot of content has been transcribed over from SU Unity as of yet, as that's not my primary focus atm. And it's a team effort, a number of people have been contributing to the project to varying degrees, I mainly just focus on the backbone.

SU Rebuilt (2) kicked off around the end of October of 2022, so it's been about 16 months of effort put into that project, and it still has a long way to go.

SU ReImagined has even farther to go, but that's because it's a proof of concept demo, not really a full game as of yet. It's designed to show off new ideas and try new things, and not just do a carbon copy of SU Unity. If you want to play Something Unlimited, play SU Unity, that's the actual game. If you want to branch off in new directions, and try new things, that's one of the goals of SU ReImagined.

The official SU Ren'Py android port is another option, but there are significant differences that others can highlight. I don't have an Android device suitable to play it, and have no desire to.

This isn't a competition, Something Unlimited is it's own animal and is the Original, Official game.. SU ReImagined, is a different animal, although we cover a lot of the same ground using SR7's artwork and core gameplay ideas as as the 'baseline'.

As for what SR7 is working on, he works at his own pace, and goes where his whims take him (something that I can completely relate with), so it is what it is, and not something that I stress over. He's an artist at heart, let him be one!
I can't see who you respond to so they must be on the troll list. But I do want to address these other rebuilds.

I want to say that we have absolutely no input on these community made projects, and have used them for some sublte inspiration on occasion, so they are a great asset and we wish them all the best. They have never approached us to get guidance, or support.

But when it comes to content included in any "rebuild" the community projects cannot keep up to the official, and in no way should they. We have a full time programmer inputting assets, that speed is not manageable from a community stand point and nor should it. Putting expectations on these projects is a way to burn out the creators fast. Enjoy the steady trickle of content for what it is, a fun adaptation. Suggesting these projects even compare to content addition that of the official projects is extremely unfair for these individuals, and does more harm to them than the potential harm others feel they are inflicting on us.

Mendoza from our stand point was initially going for a 1:1 recreation however our Android build stymied that, and has since went back to exploring some fun story lines (Joker for instance). We cannot do this for obvious reasons as it would put the Android version ahead of the SU:Unity game in content (that's a big no no). To note Mendoza was contemplating ceasing his project, but thankfully kept on.

Owee's project is pulling from all sources for assets. Official SR7 art, AI art, Fan mad edits, his own edits. Creating fun, new scenarios that are meant to be enjoyed as unofficial explorations of storylines. This project has many transient elements and is going for a completely different feel than that of Mendozas more true to source adaptation.

Lastly prior to these two peoples hard work there was another attempt at a rebuild. That one is abandoned.

As long as the community projects work to not confuse users from official releases we have absolutely no objections to them, and wish them all the luck.
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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
A couple of thoughts...

SU Unity thread (this one). Updates released 3-4 times a year, 1862 pages.

Milfy City thread. Small updates released 2-3 years apart. 4029 pages. Lots of trolling/rehashing about broken promises, lack of updates etc.

SU 2016, Milfy City 2018 initial releases.

This thread (SU Unity) is a little more troll prone than others, but IMHO we are talking orders of magnitude here r.e. the level of hatred here vs. certain other threads. Yeah I pretty much ignore the Milfy City thread, only checking once or twice a year r.e. progress on the game. Also, it's 'completed' but not really completed...

Also, let's talk about how helpful people are in this thread when people need gameplay help. Say, Unlocking Themyscira...


Around 80 posts, a lot of 'how do I' and 'do this' posts to help people figure out which triggers they may have missed.

My point here is that, trolling and reverse trolling aside, there ARE a lot of people in this thread helping each other out. I even made this quick reference sheet a while back (linked as Guide #2 in OP), which is still helpful to this day, up to later Themyscira content anyways... which saves a number of people some time/heads off a few questions in this thread.


There is a more comprehensive guide for SU Unity linked in OP, but it's a bit older now... not sure whatever happened with the effort to create a new guide. Mine is just a reference sheet, not a full guide.

And a number of people are just here for the downloads, and cheat guides and gameplay guides. These items, if they exist, are in the OP usually, so people don't need to post anything to find them. Indeed, there are a number of games I follow on this site that I've never made a single post in the associated thread, just leaving a like here and there, usually in the OP, and sometimes if someone answers a question that I had I'll leave a like on said post after finding the answer using the search function.

My point here is that dismissing the value of such things out of hand seems short sighted to me. A huge number of members on F95Zone rarely or never post, but do get a lot of value out of threads such as this one, when tryng to figure stuff out in the games they download. They simply aren't going to bother with thread drama.

Said people aren't here to be your friend. They are here because they are interested in porn games (and to a lesser extent comics), and downloads and mods and guides/cheats/patches/etc. of said content pure and simple. A small handful may support Patreon, etc. efforts at some point IF they think that it's worth their time, and a lot of 'try before you buy' downloads factor into this. If a game sucks, why support that developer, that's throwing good money after bad.

But if it's good, well I think that 'playing nice' from a developer standpoint is just good marketing strategy, as you never know what a forum or google search might highlight...

I stand by my 'good eggs in this thread' and 'lots of people benefit from the associated help in this thread' comments, which is not something that should be dismissed out of hand. Developers are busy people, they can't be everywhere at once, and others do step in to give quick answers to gamplay questions, which improves the gameplay experience for said people looking for quick answers via searches and such.

Again, over 90% of the membership of this forum may never post, or only make a minimal number of posts. They are here for the downloads, not to be anyone's friend.

My thoughts for the day. Back to it!
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Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
A couple of thoughts...

SU Unity thread (this one). Updates released 3-4 times a year, 1862 pages.

Milfy City thread. Small updates released 2-3 years apart. 4029 pages. Lots of trolling/rehashing about broken promises, lack of updates etc.

SU 2016, Milfy City 2018 initial releases.

This thread (SU Unity) is a little more troll prone than others, but IMHO we are talking orders of magnitude here r.e. the level of hatred here vs. certain other threads. Yeah I pretty much ignore the Milfy City thread, only checking once or twice a year r.e. progress on the game. Also, it's 'completed' but not really completed...

Also, let's talk about how helpful people are in this thread when people need gameplay help. Say, Unlocking Themyscira...


Around 80 posts, a lot of 'how do I' and 'do this' posts to help people figure out which triggers they may have missed.

My point here is that, trolling and reverse trolling aside, there ARE a lot of people in this thread helping each other out. I even made this quick reference sheet a while back (linked as Guide #2 in OP), which is still helpful to this day, up to later Themyscira content anyways... which saves a number of people some time/heads off a few questions in this thread.


There is a more comprehensive guide for SU Unity linked in OP, but it's a bit older now... not sure whatever happened with the effort to create a new guide. Mine is just a reference sheet, not a full guide.

And a number of people are just here for the downloads, and cheat guides and gameplay guides. These items, if they exist, are in the OP usually, so people don't need to post anything to find them. Indeed, there are a number of games I follow on this site that I've never made a single post in the associated thread, just leaving a like here and there, usually in the OP, and sometimes if someone answers a question that I had I'll leave a like on said post after finding the answer using the search function.

My point here is that dismissing the value of such things out of hand seems short sighted to me. A huge number of members on F95Zone rarely or never post, but do get a lot of value out of threads such as this one, when tryng to figure stuff out in the games they download. They simply aren't going to bother with thread drama.

Said people aren't here to be your friend. They are here because they are interested in porn games (and to a lesser extent comics), and downloads and mods and guides/cheats/patches/etc. of said content pure and simple. A small handful may support Patreon, etc. efforts at some point IF they think that it's worth their time, and a lot of 'try before you buy' downloads factor into this. If a game sucks, why support that developer, that's throwing good money after bad.

But if it's good, well I think that 'playing nice' from a developer standpoint is just good marketing strategy, as you never know what a forum or google search might highlight...

I stand by my 'good eggs in this thread' and 'lots of people benefit from the associated help in this thread' comments, which is not something that should be dismissed out of hand. Developers are busy people, they can't be everywhere at once, and others do step in to give quick answers to gamplay questions, which improves the gameplay experience for said people looking for quick answers via searches and such.

Again, over 90% of the membership of this forum may never post, or only make a minimal number of posts. They are here for the downloads, not to be anyone's friend.

My thoughts for the day. Back to it!
SU original releases was back in August 2015.
It's just that f95 was born in August 2016.
That's why the game is one year later here.
The main problem I have with the devs is how they are constantly lying.
We have at lest 15 updates that didn't have the promised content and in some case almost no content at all.
Maybe they forget how the updates in 2022 failed miserably to bring what was promise.
2.3.8 should have a lot of Themyscira scenes.
Ended with just some Mercy content that was promised the update before that and no Themyscira.
And let's not forget that the whole Themyscira should be done in 2,max 3 updates.
2.3.9. finally bring the content that should be on 2.3.8 and a new wave of promised Themyscira scenes that was suppose to be in the game,but we don't have access.


Nov 26, 2019
So between good friends, I made a list of sex scenes that are so far absent from the event. This does have a bit of inferring done on my part, but I don't believe I made any outlandish assumptions on what would be reasonably expected from the current cast of the event as is. I could also understand the entire event not having anything with Grail and instead teasing/building to the pretty apparent foreshadowing of an Apokolips event. I apologize for the incoming wall, but here's an estimation of what would be contained in the February update based on your completion statement. Just so we all can reference it in February's release notes. :)














-Temple of Aphrodite Priestesses

-Yara Flor

So even cutting a handful out or just me over-assuming, that would be roughly 40 scenes for February! Wow! That sure would dwarf most updates. In comparison, the most recent update with more Gotham event content had 10. Hopefully that pesky paste tool doesn't go wild and all 40+ of these end up in the build and not just in the changelog. ;)
Was any of these ever added? or did they just abandon it and start the Gotham thing?
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New Member
Dec 1, 2019
Somehow emmylou's penthouse scenes worked completely fine for me, but i can't for the life of me get killer frost or roxy's scenes in the penthouse. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2020
I can't see who you respond to so they must be on the troll list. But I do want to address these other rebuilds.

I want to say that we have absolutely no input on these community made projects, and have used them for some sublte inspiration on occasion, so they are a great asset and we wish them all the best. They have never approached us to get guidance, or support.

But when it comes to content included in any "rebuild" the community projects cannot keep up to the official, and in no way should they. We have a full time programmer inputting assets, that speed is not manageable from a community stand point and nor should it. Putting expectations on these projects is a way to burn out the creators fast. Enjoy the steady trickle of content for what it is, a fun adaptation. Suggesting these projects even compare to content addition that of the official projects is extremely unfair for these individuals, and does more harm to them than the potential harm others feel they are inflicting on us.

Mendoza from our stand point was initially going for a 1:1 recreation however our Android build stymied that, and has since went back to exploring some fun story lines (Joker for instance). We cannot do this for obvious reasons as it would put the Android version ahead of the SU:Unity game in content (that's a big no no). To note Mendoza was contemplating ceasing his project, but thankfully kept on.

Owee's project is pulling from all sources for assets. Official SR7 art, AI art, Fan mad edits, his own edits. Creating fun, new scenarios that are meant to be enjoyed as unofficial explorations of storylines. This project has many transient elements and is going for a completely different feel than that of Mendozas more true to source adaptation.

Lastly prior to these two peoples hard work there was another attempt at a rebuild. That one is abandoned.

As long as the community projects work to not confuse users from official releases we have absolutely no objections to them, and wish them all the luck.
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Mar 3, 2019
Can I get a TL/DR on what is happening in the comments right now. I really wanna know whats going on but I really have no fuckin clue. Maybe its because im fuckin tired or im just stupid. Thanks in advance.
May 4, 2020
The Mac link in the OP for 2.4.45 doesn't work for me. It says "The application “SU_2.4.45mac.app” can’t be opened."

The last time I played this game was early 2023 and put it off for a while to allow updates to accrue more content for me. And the app was working for me then.

Is it a hardware issue on my end or something wrong with the App itself?
Been a month and no one responded to your issues. I've been playing on Windows, but decided to try it on Mac because -- like you -- I played it on there a while ago. There's also a command that typically fixes the issue. Checked my terminal and tried the command that usually works (command: chmod -R 755 [SU's file location]), but no bueno. I swear the Mac version never actually works. Anyone wanna chip in?
Aug 26, 2018
Can I get a TL/DR on what is happening in the comments right now. I really wanna know whats going on but I really have no fuckin clue. Maybe its because im fuckin tired or im just stupid. Thanks in advance.
People are throwing legitimate criticism (coupled with the occasional jab) against Gunsmoke and they're embarrassing themselves by replying with asinine garbage. Like they always do when they visit here. Every. Single. Time.
4.00 star(s) 163 Votes