Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Hey Everyone,

We've made a lot of changes and alteration to the OP, which you can consider as the "announcement" we've been alluding too.

For a more formal version, you can check out our reddit post here:

There will be a formal Patreon post too, but our resident Patreon campaign poster is busy handling real life stuff so it's a bit delayed.


Oct 14, 2016
Looks like the main thing is that they're 'suspending animation work' for cell content to focus on actually completing cell content with just still images. Sucks but probably the best option. I'll take non-animated finished cell content over 'let's keep introducing new girls and keep them at strip (at most) for years'.
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Emperor of Universe 7
Aug 24, 2017
So the mermaid is a failed clone? Does she actually come out at the end as a mermaid or is she scraped as a failed clone?
I don't think so. I believe I had the mermaid or at least when cloning other's and they looked grotesque, I though that it failed. However when I checked later, everything was normal. From what I remember, cloning has a success/failure chance. Maybe you get the version that looks grotesque and then it's up to the chance on whether the clone develops further grotesque or advances into the next stage while looking completely fine

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
So the mermaid is a failed clone? Does she actually come out at the end as a mermaid or is she scraped as a failed clone?
I don't think so. I believe I had the mermaid or at least when cloning other's and they looked grotesque, I though that it failed. However when I checked later, everything was normal. From what I remember, cloning has a success/failure chance. Maybe you get the version that looks grotesque and then it's up to the chance on whether the clone develops further grotesque or advances into the next stage while looking completely fine
If you've seen this:

You've failed. And its based on you checking it often enough to make sure there are no errors. As long as you do that, it'll succeed.


I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
That's good news, speaking for myself, animations are severely overrated and the amount of work put in them is not worth the extra 2 seconds I'll spending looking at it. In fact, if it means more regular content I'm all for it and will probably up my subscription if the next update can win me over.

Otherwise, my biggest concern with the game development are the bug, I understand that a game this big with only one man doing everything is bound to have them, but the amount and gravity have been increasing in the last updates, to the point where I believe taking more time to beta test the game would be more beneficial than what little content could be done in that time.
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Emperor of Universe 7
Aug 24, 2017
If you've seen this:

You've failed. And its based on you checking it often enough to make sure there are no errors. As long as you do that, it'll succeed.
Hm. The problem is that I have seen Audrey deformed (don't remember at what stage or if i've seen this specific image) and she turned completely normal in the end, if you discard the fact that I wanted the original but have the clone :'(
In fact, I think both Galatea and Terra were deformed at some point but ended up just fine. All I did was keep checking


Apr 8, 2018
How did Terra just die i don't understand that and why when she was giving blowjob there was no scenes of her doing it?
Is this a bug there is only talking before she does it and then it cuts to the rooms where the other girls are

OK i understand now i was like WHAT she is dead
But what is with the scenes


Engaged Member
Aug 18, 2017
Bug with the last build.

I'm sure it was caught in testing but... well I'm not sure why a new build wasn't put together. Delaying a day to address a bug with new content seem reasonable. And this has happened before with Artemis.

Rather fond of SU but not sure I agree with just 'moving on' when this happens.

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
That's good news, speaking for myself, animations are severely overrated and the amount of work put in them is not worth the extra 2 seconds I'll spending looking at it. In fact, if it means more regular content I'm all for it and will probably up my subscription if the next update can win me over.

Otherwise, my biggest concern with the game development are the bug, I understand that a game this big with only one man doing everything is bound to have them, but the amount and gravity have been increasing in the last updates, to the point where I believe taking more time to beta test the game would be more beneficial than what little content could be done in that time.
The next update is relatively big. To put it in perspective, the public build update which jumped from 2.1.3 to 2.1.6 contained 17 backgrounds. This next update from 2.1.777 to 2.1.8 already has 18. Sunset has worked here and there on the yacht event for about year from what I'm told, before dedicating the last two months to it.

We'll be trying to beta test and bug fix as much as possible, but it's a lot to go through with such a short dev cycle and our primary goal is making sure nothing is game breaking. There's only been 2 game breaking bugs in SU's entire life cycle.

As for post 2.1.8, we're experimenting and looking to set up a solid update system for what we're calling "completion updates" come 2.1.9+. Terra will be the test case that'll give us insight into the challenges we'll need to look out for and how much work it'll take to bring a girl's arc and content to completion in one update cycle. Bug testing and fixing will be heavily scrutinized and considered during this time too.

Hm. The problem is that I have seen Audrey deformed (don't remember at what stage or if i've seen this specific image) and she turned completely normal in the end, if you discard the fact that I wanted the original but have the clone :'(
In fact, I think both Galatea and Terra were deformed at some point but ended up just fine. All I did was keep checking
They do deform a bit even during successful checks - to make you worry and question and stuff - but it's a failure when it's a large malformed adult like that.
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Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Bug with the last build.

I'm sure it was caught in testing but... well I'm not sure why a new build wasn't put together. Delaying a day to address a bug with new content seem reasonable. And this has happened before with Artemis.

Rather fond of SU but not sure I agree with just 'moving on' when this happens.
Well what you don't know is that during the last two weeks or so of an update cycle, Sunset goes through crunch mode - spending 16-18 hour+ days on SU, trying to get as much content in as possible and then bug fixing during the last week. After an update is released, he tries to take a break for a week or so to recuperate before going back at it again. I say "try" because he still does work on any major bugs that people bring to our attention - and of course he's at the ready in case anything game breaking happens to show up.

Then it becomes a question of, does he spend time on bug fixes and get behind on the next update, or does he compile a list of current bugs to work on during the next update's bug hunt week? In this case, given how big the last update was and how this next one is even bigger, he opted for the latter.

We're hoping we can get rid of this issue once we start "completion updates" and give him a bit more breathing room. But we won't know the reality of the situation until he starts working on 2.1.9 after this update.
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Mar 1, 2018
2.1.7 was said to be Terra being finished and that being the motif going forward, now it's 2.1.9 having to wait for whatever comes of the Yacht event. Seeing what we got in 2.1.7 in regards to content towards Terra being finished I'll choose to believe it when I see it. For clarification, not even the flip book style like Ivy or Roulette's prison scene will be used?

If that is the case going forward with just 100% stills, shouldn't Raven and Ivy just need to be implemented seeing how the artwork was supposedly done in May?
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Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
2.1.7 was said to be Terra being finished and that being the motif going forward, now it's 2.1.9 having to wait for whatever comes of the Yacht event. Seeing what we got in 2.1.7 in regards to content towards Terra being finished I'll choose to believe it when I see it. For clarification, not even the flip book style like Ivy or Roulette's prison scene will be used?

If that is the case going forward with just 100% stills, shouldn't Raven and Ivy just need to be implemented seeing how the artwork was supposedly done in May?
I'd be interested in you pointing out where anyone from our team said 2.1.7 was focused on Terra being finished. And we'd mentioned the yacht even was the 2.1.8 focus quite a while back.

No, not even flip book style for now. We need to see just how much work it'll take to finish a girl per update with just stills first.

Where are you getting the idea that Raven and Ivy were done in May? Why would we just sit around on their content if that were the case? If we were ahead on anything, we wouldn't have to make changes to our development cycle to begin with.

It sounds like you - and many other people - are suffering from a case of Telephone. It's a game where you sit people in a line and pass a whisper down from one end to the next. By the time it's gotten to the other end, the information has changed. You should be sure to get your information straight from someone on the dev team, and also listen closely to details. For example, Sunset may have said during a stream that he had some extra sketches done, but that's a far cry from having all of their content complete and he could've been talking about yacht images or some other event.


Mar 23, 2018
A few questions:
1. After Terra, will heroines be prioritized based on how complete they already are, or does Sunset want to do the characters with the most development needed first? (smaller workload first or bigger to gauge how long it would take?)
2. Will characters like Black Canary or Zatanna be given cell content eventually?
3. Same question for villains: Is there any more content planned for Livewire, Cheetah, Star Sapphire, Giganta?
4. Will you prioritize heroines over henchwomen, or alternate between the two categories?
5. Does Sunset need a vacation? haha

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
A few questions:
1. After Terra, will heroines be prioritized based on how complete they already are, or does Sunset want to do the characters with the most development needed first? (smaller workload first or bigger to gauge how long it would take?)
2. Will characters like Black Canary or Zatanna be given cell content eventually?
3. Same question for villains: Is there any more content planned for Livewire, Cheetah, Star Sapphire, Giganta?
4. Will you prioritize heroines over henchwomen, or alternate between the two categories?
5. Does Sunset need a vacation? haha
1. We'll weigh poll and conversation data vs difficulty and challenge. Try to find the heroines people want most that are feasible.

2. Yes.

3. There is more content planned, but it does follow a different progression path and we're going to look into integrating them into the schedule after we see how a typical case works out.

4. Henchwoman are their own system. For the moment, we're going to prioritize heroines and refine the process based on them before looking towards henchwomen. At least for 2.1.9. We know Harley is up there on most people's lists XD

5. He'd tell you he's fine, but I'd argue yes, very much so!
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fexo ninyt

Jun 20, 2017
1. We'll weigh poll and conversation data vs difficulty and challenge. Try to find the heroines people want most that are feasible.

2. Yes.

3. There is more content planned, but it does follow a different progression path and we're going to look into integrating them into the schedule after we see how a typical case works out.

4. Henchwoman are their own system. For the moment, we're going to prioritize heroines and refine the process based on them before looking towards henchwomen. At least for 2.1.9. We know Harley is up there on most people's lists XD

5. He'd tell you he's fine, but I'd argue yes, very much so!
Hey Mr. Developer, I know that I'm not entitled to ask for anything (since I'm not paying), but could you please please PLEASE disable the "pause on focus loss"?


New Member
Nov 11, 2017
OK, finally posting. How do I get the Mercy Blowjob scene? I've had her as henchwoman, asked her to totally strip several times (No dice) Went to each area of the base (After Lex Corp takeover), I have no clue what the steps are,

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Hey Mr. Developer, I know that I'm not entitled to ask for anything (since I'm not paying), but could you please please PLEASE disable the "pause on focus loss"?
Asking is perfectly fine - especially if it's nicely ^^ - demanding is where the problem lies.

Although could you elaborate on what you mean by "pause on focus loss"? The game is very turn based so we're not sure what could even be pausing for you.

OK, finally posting. How do I get the Mercy Blowjob scene? I've had her as henchwoman, asked her to totally strip several times (No dice) Went to each area of the base (After Lex Corp takeover), I have no clue what the steps are,
So you have to get up to handjobs with her, you have to complete and visit the Meta Bordello, then you have to go back to LexCorp, see the scene where Lex talks about taking back the company, then roughly 10 days later (after making sure to visit LexCorp every day to get the 2nd scene), the takeover should be complete.

Once that's done, visit Mercy's room, on your first, or 2nd visit, she should be missing, and Lex will track her down and get head.,
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