
Active Member
Jan 10, 2019
i hope this game have a superhero cameo,like Batman or Superman,for example..Superman breakthrough Lex office asking where is Lois..and Lex just lying or cloning Lois to gave it to Superman..it will be awesome
The "device" causes its subject to bring herself to the underground labs once her body has gone to sleep. Lois isn't missing.
Though, I would like to see Supes or Batman just show up at Lex's office on the suspicion that he might be up to something.
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Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
The "device" causes its subject to bring herself to the underground labs once her body has gone to sleep. Lois isn't missing.
Though, I would like to see Supes or Batman just show up at Lex's office on the suspicion that he might be up to something.
it will be weird if they dont have any suspision at all,like Superman on his way back,then he see Lois enter Lex Corporation,then he enter Lex office,meet Lex and asking"where is Lois,i see her entering your building,whats your plan,Lex?"something like that..Lex will pretend like he knows nothing,if Superman suspision high enough,he will threaten Lex to give back his girl..and Lex just smiling seeing Superman get angry on him..i bet Lex will satisfy seeing his rival in rage because of him..i hope there is an event like that in the future..


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
I'm not going to comment on Locke's attitude or responses in this thread. What I will say is that the guy is absolutley super chill and calm dude outside "text" forms of communication, as well is one of the most passionate people you will find. I have been in this world for 4 years now, and it's difficult to handle harsh/offending criticisms, when you are passionate in what you do, it's hard to hear someone rag on it. But if you expect devs to act a certain way when handling criticisms then maybe you need to handle the rebuttals better as well. I invite you to our discord where you can get a greater sense of what we do, who we are, and what we are all about.

I'm always open to rebuttals, but not sure picking on a person for saying also too much was a good start to a rebuttal. As I stated, if your getting heated, do not engage is the best solution.

as for rebuttals, I'm open to them, but I failed to see anything that I would call a rebuttal. Simply someone calling everyone short of an idiot for not liking his system the way it is presented. People do not always have an exact pin on what it is they do not like about something, so you have to make some guesses. The more I played the demo, the more I saw it's future inconveniences. And I expressed my loathe of the cellphone gimmick since it was something I loved that this game didn't have. and Honestly did not need. The travel functions were very simple and easy to get around the UI is very straitforward and even self explanitory. There is no need to muddle it with a cliche that every other lesser quality game has. Honestly there is nothing wrong with the original design except that it just needs a bugfix.

I've never demanded that Locke listen or even respond to my comments. He isn't required to. Nor is any other member of the team. If I were to give any advice at all, it would be to have a friendly customer service face and read silently. If you don't like what is said, you dont have to do anything suggested. Just keep doing what your doing in silence, and I'm sure you wouldn't have any issues from us.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
You do though. You can see in the demo that it's the same as the order you capture them in. It's also the same as their order listed in the Labs. And that's also a pretty easy thing to address. Ask him for a way to sort them. I bet if you asked for that instead of just saying the new way is shit, you would've gotten a better response.
remember that order in 6 months. I merely pointed out the flaws in the system. I didn't suggest scrapping it entirely. Thats a jump to the conclusion. Right now it creates more than fixes doesn't mean it can't be worked on. others have in fact made suggestions to more visibility.

In 4 years we're at what? 16 heroines to choose from? I know some people hope everyone from DC lore becomes recruit-able at some point, but I'm not sure it's going to get to that point. And the drag-and-drop would have the same sort of scaling problem. They also said it's a proof-of-concept. I'm no game dev but I bet they could come up with a solution if that did become an issue. He even already talked about making it possible to just click and hold. That would solve that problem at least somewhat.
If you don't tell someone you see a problem, they wont look for a solution. If he feels that the problems addressed are premature and would be improved upon anyways, why waste ones breath in the first place? Wouldn't be worth my time for sure.

Locke actually made the GG login to begin with and is usually the one responding with it which they said when they first took over the thread and started communicating more. I'd bet money he's the one who responded to Oriandu earlier today. You can go back in the thread history and see that. That's why you'll see SmokeShank sign his name when he responds.
Honestly I just made a guess and said as much. As I said I respect personal accountability.

And yeah, dude can be a hothead and fight at the drop of the dime, but if you see him in their Discord he's a pretty reasonable person almost to a fault.
Not sure why a person has to visit a discord to get the better side of someone. Thats like visiting your favorite bar to have a guy pick a fight every friday but people telling you that outside the bar he's a really nice guy. Thats great, but that doesn't help me when he visits my favorite hangout. Spending more time in the bar, I gotta deal with his bad side most of the time.


Feb 28, 2018
It always seemed odd to me that the devices have to be downgraded to send a character out of the cells back to the club/bordello. Wouldn't it make more sense if after the highest unlock is reached, the menu simply became a switch toggling Manual/Auto for their personalities? I would think the highest level of device would grant the greatest amount of control.

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
Guys i somewhat skipped the part where "Unlock" button in the girls devices is explained, can anyone tell me what do the "Unlock" thing?
The top one, as has been mentioned, brings her to the cells. No idea what the second "Unlock" button is meant to do, I don't think it's implemented yet.
I'm tempted to reset her to see that, but I don't want to start her over just to get that nightie back...
I don't believe going to the clubs and back resets cell progress, although you do need to spend a million dollars upgrading the device again as it gets reset to level one.
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May 22, 2017
remember that order in 6 months. I merely pointed out the flaws in the system. I didn't suggest scrapping it entirely. Thats a jump to the conclusion. Right now it creates more than fixes doesn't mean it can't be worked on. others have in fact made suggestions to more visibility.
One spin of the mousewheel and you'll remember it. Or by going to the status screen. And he already pointed out making it sortable. If it was possible to sort in alphabetical order then problem solved.

I'm really not one for regular forum involvement and don't really want to continue this debate. You say you're open to rebuttal but then doggedly stick to your stance. You've even already admitted to...

Honestly I just made a guess and said as much.
And you've clearly done that a lot more than in just the particular instance you're talking about. Which you're totally within your right to do, but others are also within their right to point out how inaccurate, shortsighted and miss-informed such a practice is.

You say ...

I respect personal accountability.
But then your actions and further statements show you refuse to take any yourself.

This debate is over really.

Anyone who seeks out more information than their own personal beliefs can easily find evidence where Locke is clearly listening to requests and suggestions - and having very calm, rational discussions with fans who ask for things or bring up concerns without making clearly false sweeping claims or assumptions. He's already said he's going to try bringing back fading emote changes - even though a lot of the people asking for it even agreed that it probably isn't worth the time to do - and he's even discussed more ways he plans to make the new heroine placement UI more user-friendly and dynamic.

My initial stance, and why I said anything at all, is because I feel very strongly we need more transparent, passionate devs in the gaming industry as a whole. And "punishing", or claiming to "punish", a studio who's a prime positive example of what a studio should strive to be 99% of the time because of a heated debate (where the dev just had a dickish tone - didn't even go on some curse word fueled rant or personal attack tirade) like Fyo did just seems a bit ridiculous to me.

He's of course entitled to his beliefs the same as anyone else. I just wanted it voice an opposing viewpoint that I don't think I'm, or at least I hope I'm not, alone on.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
One spin of the mousewheel and you'll remember it. Or by going to the status screen. And he already pointed out making it sortable. If it was possible to sort in alphabetical order then problem solved.

I'm really not one for regular forum involvement and don't really want to continue this debate. You say you're open to rebuttal but then doggedly stick to your stance. You've even already admitted to...
Just because you make a rebuttal doesn't mean I'm going to switch my stance. I've yet to be convinced it's an improvement and honestly no words will do that anyways, its going to come through the development process.

And you've clearly done that a lot more than in just the particular instance you're talking about. Which you're totally within your right to do, but others are also within their right to point out how inaccurate, shortsighted and miss-informed such a practice is.

You say ...
awefully strange response to someone who said my guess is that he doesn't have access to the GG account and was simply wrong about it. as for the rest of my statements of course they are guesses. no more or less than anyone else on the forums.

But then your actions and further statements show you refuse to take any yourself.
I fail to see any point in which I have not spoken on behalf of only myself, with my own account using my own words and hold my own self accountable for my own actions. But if you can point me in that direction I do welcome self improvement.

This debate is over really.
The ever famous "I'm taking my ball and leaving." Ok I guess.

Anyone who seeks out more information than their own personal beliefs can easily find evidence where Locke is clearly listening to requests and suggestions - and having very calm, rational discussions with fans who ask for things or bring up concerns without making clearly false sweeping claims or assumptions. He's already said he's going to try bringing back fading emote changes - even though a lot of the people asking for it even agreed that it probably isn't worth the time to do - and he's even discussed more ways he plans to make the new heroine placement UI more user-friendly and dynamic.
Like I said, thats all well and good, but just because your a nice guy at home doesnt mean you get to not be a nice guy elsewhere.

My initial stance, and why I said anything at all, is because I feel very strongly we need more transparent, passionate devs in the gaming industry as a whole. And "punishing", or claiming to "punish", a studio who's a prime positive example of what a studio should strive to be 99% of the time because of a heated debate (where the dev just had a dickish tone - didn't even go on some curse word fueled rant or personal attack tirade) like Fyo did just seems a bit ridiculous to me.

He's of course entitled to his beliefs the same as anyone else. I just wanted it voice an opposing viewpoint that I don't think I'm, or at least I hope I'm not, alone on.
Transparency is great. and In my previous posts I've even given an example of an active developer that is both transparent and very friendly on this site. He even has sections of his game that are very ill recieved and still stuck to his guns and friendliness. His attitude however is much better. You can be transparent without having an ill attitude towards your playerbase.

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Transparency is great. and In my previous posts I've even given an example of an active developer that is both transparent and very friendly on this site. He even has sections of his game that are very ill recieved and still stuck to his guns and friendliness. His attitude however is much better. You can be transparent without having an ill attitude towards your playerbase.
You saying we have an ill attitude towards the player base is unfounded and completely false. In fact if we had any ill attitude towards our player base we wouldn't have requested ownership over this thread (Locke's doing as well we don't share any links here just communicate and fought long and hard over the stipulation that we don't condone the sharing of our builds). We are transparent as water, and care deeply about our fan base, we have created a thriving community, switched gears and listened to our fans, and have been steadily growing over the last few years. In addition to the transparency statement, I feel we are one of the leaders in that field as no matter what happens we share our work when we say we will. We are humans, and not only that creators! These projects are not just labors of love, they are our future, our livelihoods. For that fact we protect our projects at all costs and are easily engaged in unproductive arguments with critics. I want to add as well Locke is new to this world, he is new to being on this side of the field. I personally know debating with critics, and other people on this forum, will just bring more critics out. I appreciate your input, and once again (since you clearly are passionate about this project) invite you to our community to share more of your suggestions.


Deleted member 1371697

Naughty Attic Gaming
Game Developer
Apr 19, 2019
You saying we have an ill attitude towards the player base is unfounded and completely false. In fact if we had any ill attitude towards our player base we wouldn't have gotten ownership over this thread (Locke's doing as well we don't share any links here just communicate and fought long and hard over the stipulation that we don't condone the sharing of our builds). We are transparent as water that we care greatly over our fan base, we have created a thriving community, switched gears and listened to our fans, and have been steadily growing over the last few years. As far as transparency goes, I feel we are one of the leaders in that field as no matter what happens we share our work when we say we will. We are humans, and not only that creators! These projects are not labors of love, they are our future, our livelihoods. For that fact we protect ourselves when necessary and are easily engaged in unproductive arguments with critics.
I have to agree on this.

I have been following Gunsmoke/Sunset strider for years now(Previous account JadabaJD).
Have been pledging for a long while now(3 Month break when stuff wasn't so great in the development over a year ago, but re-set it after the first road-map and raised it multiple times because they keep on delivering).

If they do something wrong, they say it and take the blame for it.
If they do something new, they say it and warn that it's new and might have mistakes.
If they do something right, they don't take the credit but thank their followers.

After a lot of complaints more than a year ago, they listened to their followers/backers and started following a clear direction/path.
They say exactly what we can expect and when we can expect them.
They are always within i week of their estimated release date.
And i can go on and on.

Sure they have made a couple mistakes in the path, but doesn't everybody ? ...
24 out of 25 developers on this site wouldn't listen to critique and keep following their own path, this team actually listened and learned from their mistakes.

And if people claim false things and attack their team personally when they are absolutely incorrect, well... I might be a little bit annoyed as well ;).

In short.
There are a lot of developers on this site that deserve all the shit you can throw at them, but this team is absolutely not one of them...
Would even be on my top 5 list of the most trustworthy, transparent and talented development teams.


Active Member
Jan 10, 2019
She got a lot of cell scenes. In private room : Excebition scenes, strip, blowjob, sex, anal.
P.s. sorry for my english
Yes, far as I can tell, Terra seems to be one of the few heroines that has the full range of cell scenes that goes along with seeing her storyline played out to completion... though, I do wish she had one more "slutty" outfit unlock with anal like the other heroines with completed storylines. I suppose the nightie look is that outfit, but it feels a little off to get her final outfit before the anal unlock.
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Active Member
Jan 10, 2019
The top one, as has been mentioned, brings her to the cells. No idea what the second "Unlock" button is meant to do, I don't think it's implemented yet.

I don't believe going to the clubs and back resets cell progress, although you do need to spend a million dollars upgrading the device again as it gets reset to level one.
As much as I liked Terra's cell story, I don't want to have to play through her bitchy parts and clone her again to get back to where I am now... or are you able to skip back to where you were before if you "unlock" her device again?


May 30, 2017
As much as I liked Terra's cell story, I don't want to have to play through her bitchy parts and clone her again to get back to where I am now... or are you able to skip back to where you were before if you "unlock" her device again?
If you unlock her again, she goes back to her cell just the way she was before. Which makes sense. It isn't like you did a memory wipe on her to get her to go to the bordello... ;)
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Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
I have to agree on this.

I have been following Gunsmoke/Sunset strider for years now(Previous account JadabaJD).
Have been pledging for a long while now(3 Month break when stuff wasn't so great in the development over a year ago, but re-set it after the first road-map and raised it multiple times because they keep on delivering).

If they do something wrong, they say it and take the blame for it.
If they do something new, they say it and warn that it's new and might have mistakes.
If they do something right, they don't take the credit but thank their followers.

After a lot of complaints more than a year ago, they listened to their followers/backers and started following a clear direction/path.
They say exactly what we can expect and when we can expect them.
They are always within i week of their estimated release date.
And i can go on and on.

Sure they have made a couple mistakes in the path, but doesn't everybody ? ...
24 out of 25 developers on this site wouldn't listen to critique and keep following their own path, this team actually listened and learned from their mistakes.

And if people claim false things and attack their team personally when they are absolutely incorrect, well... I might be a little bit annoyed as well ;).

In short.
There are a lot of developers on this site that deserve all the shit you can throw at them, but this team is absolutely not one of them...
Would even be on my top 5 list of the most trustworthy, transparent and talented development teams.
Dude this makes me all warm and gooey inside. When SR7 & I first started this thing, we did so on a premise of "we have to expel the crowdfunding stereotype of milking, or scammers". I decided a schedule and always showing our work, and being completely transparent was the best way to do this. If I could I would buy you a beer or 20 lol. Thanks for the support!

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