
Jul 29, 2017
In fact you're wrong, we could never sell this game. We would violate every single TOS on every single payment processor on the planet. As for the legally part, the answer is no as well. Due to the way DMCA is handled in the US.
GG i wanna say that i recently found out your game and now it is one of my favorite games out there. The stylization is beautifully done to fit the mature tone, the characters are properly re imagined, fitting and well done. Keep up the great work!
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Reactions: Gunsmoke Games


Jan 2, 2018

You wanted it, so we’re giving it to you!
That’s right we are going to begin to focus on older characters. This means your favorite girls (WW,Huntress, Black Canary, Zatana, etc…) will begin to start getting content in 2020. New girls will still be added (because you know us, and we will add more), it just means the majority of content you will get this year will be of old characters.

Completion Updates Are Gone

No more promise of a completed character, during a cycle. Completion updates put us in a very tight box, and it resulted in lots of stress and buggy builds. So we are doing away with those updates. Instead you will get a sprinkling of content for several characters, that will include sex! We’re hoping this means higher quality builds, with less bugs.

No Formal Roadmaps!

That’s right, we will not be saying who and where content will be focused month to month. So in order for you to get an understanding of who is being worked on you will have to pay attention to Streams, Discord, Twitter, and Patreon.

February: Halloween, plus clean up
April: Old character focus begins!

Overall 2020

June/July: Gunsmoke Games website
This will be the main area for you to get your Gunsmoke Games content! Fully incorporating Patreon API, and a traditional forum where you can have discussions outside the realms of our discord.

Throughout 2020 The beginning stages of OC work, leading to an eventual release on Steam.

SU on Android

Bend or Break
Finishing this project, and releasing on Newgrounds, Android, and exclusive Patreon content
Last edited:


Aug 27, 2019
GG i wanna say that i recently found out your game and now it is one of my favorite games out there. The stylization is beautifully done to fit the mature tone, the characters are properly re imagined, fitting and well done. Keep up the great work!
While I mostly agree, the 95% same big tits and ass bodies is kinda off-putting. Though the Bruce Timm face style is fantastic.


Oct 6, 2017
Dude if you just want people to kiss your ass stay on Patreon or your hugbox discord. Straight up saying, "We're not gonna give a shit about maintaining any kind of project deadline, whatever comes out is what comes out" is some purestrain :FacePalm:.

Just hire a programmer and stop screwing around with kludge code. That'll solve 99% of the "bugs" you have and Sunset can focus on drawing instead of programming.


Sep 2, 2017
Dude if you just want people to kiss your ass stay on Patreon or your hugbox discord. Straight up saying, "We're not gonna give a shit about maintaining any kind of project deadline, whatever comes out is what comes out" is some purestrain :FacePalm:.

Just hire a programmer and stop screwing around with kludge code. That'll solve 99% of the "bugs" you have and Sunset can focus on drawing instead of programming.
Not much of a hugbox. Last time I was there I made a brief comment and the only thing anyone cared about was the color of my name...

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
Abandoning the character completion updates is probably a good idea. It sounded nice, but it was pretty obvious that it was too much for one update, and that was with characters who had some progress already. I can't even imagine how bad it would turn out if you tried to cram an entire girl who has no content like Huntress or Zatanna into one update cycle.


Nov 17, 2018

You wanted it, so we’re giving it to you!
That’s right we are going to begin to focus on older characters. This means your favorite girls (WW,Huntress, Black Canary, Zatana, etc…) will begin to start getting content in 2020. New girls will still be added (because you know us, and we will add more), it just means the majority of content you will get this year will be of old characters.

Completion Updates Are Gone

No more promise of a completed character, during a cycle. Completion updates put us in a very tight box, and it resulted in lots of stress and buggy builds. So we are doing away with those updates. Instead you will get a sprinkling of content for several characters, that will include sex! We’re hoping this means higher quality builds, with less bugs.

No Formal Roadmaps!

That’s right, we will not be saying who and where content will be focused month to month. So in order for you to get an understanding of who is being worked on you will have to pay attention to Streams, Discord, Twitter, and Patreon.

February: Halloween, plus clean up
April: Old character focus begins!

Overall 2020

June/July: Gunsmoke Games website
This will be the main area for you to get your Gunsmoke Games content! Fully incorporating Patreon API, and a traditional forum where you can have discussions outside the realms of our discord.

Throughout 2020 The beginning stages of OC work, leading to an eventual release on Steam.

SU on Android

Bend or Break
Finishing this project, and releasing on Newgrounds, Android, and exclusive Patreon content
I don't know why but this feels like a massive step backward's to how the game used to be updated before you actually applied some structure. So instead of actually focusing on finishing something SR7, who already seems to really suck on focusing on things for longer than a couple of days, is just going to work on whatever? Oh, and instead of telling people what to look forward to, they have to guess? That's great. Oh, and the only thing actually getting finished apparently is the Halloween event. Even though you left a bunch of stuff unfinished including a couple of characters. I mean for fuck sakes at least finish Galatea. She should have been completed alongside Supergirl.

Basically this entire release amounts to "We're going to do whatever the fuck we want and hopefully it doesn't blow up in our face."


Jul 1, 2017
Basically this entire release amounts to "We're going to do whatever the fuck we want and hopefully it doesn't blow up in our face."
Spoilers; it blows up in their face.

This is not some game getting a publisher to fund for the majority of it's time in development with a set deadline, it's a crowdfunded game and if it can't deliver on it's own deadlines and having to resort to "EvEnTuAlLy", that's a red flag especially when even triple AAA games do this ((anybody even remember Anthem??))

It's unfortunate really that it's come to this.

This is a SMALL TEAM, and they're branching off working on 3 projects instead of putting all effort into 1.

Yeah yeah, burnout is a thing but I only have to wonder when bUrNouT is going to happen when having to work on 3 projects in the same timeframe.

Yeah, finish BoB2 in the first quarter of 2020, which from my guess is either Mar / Apr release and considering the timeline for the Old character focus begins! is slated for that release timeframe in Apr, we're getting screwed on actual substantial content for SU in favor for an unrelated progress into another game (( BoB2 )) for the beginning of 2020 since the Feb timeframe is for the Halloween + Cleanup.......... which should've, and very sensibly, been done waaaay the fuck back in November / December at the least.... but we got BoB2! Enjoy that product instead of you know........ starting off 2020 with actually focusing on old characters

But that's under the assumption BoB2 releases with no issues but it's going to come with it's own bugs to fix which means more time spent away from SU as a whole to fix to cater to another audience for that content ((which wasn't even asked for because people's money are being spent on the effort to create a whole other sideproject game when the main game that's being funded in the first place isn't even finished))

Yeah, feeling stressed is part of the job but people SHOULD expect content, from a product they supported, on a deadline, not a fucking guesstimate to when the bum fuck nowhere. Not to mention, there isn't a guarantee this change would even result in a HiGhEr QuAlIty bUiLD w LeSS bUgS

Hell, there could even be MORE sideprojects in the future that takeaway time spent into SU.

But if the people want to keep funding these people to diverge focus into other products, hey, it is what it is. Just don't come crying and complaining how it's taking forever for an update to happen because these people taking their time going into other sideprojects


Apr 28, 2017
Basically this entire release amounts to "We're going to do whatever the fuck we want and hopefully it doesn't blow up in our face."
Its pretty obvious that the "its hard to finish a character and that causes buggy builds" is just an excuse to be able to throw less content per build, because there were buggy builds before having structure, during and you can bet your ass there will be tons of bugs afterwards as well

I still find it funny how the halloween event scenes (though good) are mentioned twice (its mentioned as separate content for each character participating on each scene, even if its, obviously, a single threesome scene) in the notes to make it seem like its more content than there really is
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