
Aug 2, 2018
whaaaat? a delay? no waaaay. it must be the first time....EA games never, ups, wrong name...
hahahaha! what a fucking joke.
actually, the joke is on the poor naive guys that are supporting this on patreon... milking people for money... you should go to politics.


Jul 1, 2017
I'm enjoying this more than the actual game itself at this rate

Unfortunately, in too deep at this point. If the supporters pull out, that GG for SU ((and BoB2 I suppose if it's immediate backlash)) but continuing on, it's only going to get worse. The pattern has already been established, we've 700+ pages worth of history of SU's development and ongoing pushes out of deadlines and release windows.

The shit literally keeps rolling downhill, sometimes it hits a rock and slows down quite a bit but eventually, the turdball gets right through and keeps rolling down.

Someday Hawkgirl and Wonderwoman... someday


Active Member
Aug 11, 2017
Personally i don't mind the delay, what is 4 more days, for something that i've been waiting for 4 months ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , you guys need to chill a little.


Jul 1, 2017
Personally i don't mind the delay, what is 4 more days, for something that i've been waiting for 4 months ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , you guys need to chill a little.
Once upon a time,

I can almost guarantee the same thing was said when they switched to a bi-monthly update. You know, for a better quality, bug-tested release. Remember when a roadmap was a thing for this game? Pfft, fuck that shit outta here.

And you're right, it's been 4 months, what's an extra 4 days? Or another month? How about 2?

aaaand the shit keeps rolling downhill, all this is doing is making the money pumping in from supporters mean inherently less and less


Aug 4, 2017
A few extra days more to fix up bugs and polish the build would not be so bad....But I expect that the build will still have bugs and of course bug fix in a couple of weeks as usual
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Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
I don't like it when it's between day and day. At the end of the last few days, this means that you are not simply saying that it is 10 and is not being played with false hopes:mad:

But I think that's also because of how I always feel

I can understand that things are not going the way they should, and I think it's a shame that people here react to something that nobody can do about it

I hope everything is understandable by Google translator:unsure:


Mar 1, 2018
Since people have been questioning/wondering/complaining/bantzing about it I looked up a few things. Going through the updates and tallied up since they started their bi-monthly release schedule. Which again were implemented supposedly to have better bugtesting and more stable releases :). Most bugfixes were 5-7 days post-release unless otherwise stated. Months stated assume the very end of the month.

March 2018 First/on time-bugfix
May 2018 missed a day-no bugfix
July 2018 on time-two bugfixes
September 2018 on time-bugfix
November 2018 on time-bugfix
January 2019 missed a week-bugfix
March 2019 missed 5 days-bugfix Start of "release windows"

"We’ll of course shoot for the first date in the release window but, if things come up for whatever reason, you can rest assured the build will be made available within the window. We will still update everyone if the release isn’t going to fall on the first date of the window for whatever reason. " :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

May 2019 ontime-bugfix
July 2019 missed 6 days-bugfix took 2 weeks
September 2019 missed 2 days-no bugfix
October 2019 on time-bugfix took 3 weeks
December 2019-Fuck you. BoB2.
February 2020-missed 6 days and counting, completely missed "release window", no update about first day not having the release, and no reason to believe a bugfix won't be needed.

So with the end of February being the 13th cycle, they've been on time 6/13 times total, 2/6 since release windows, and 2/13 releases did not have bugfixes as a follow up.
Digest this information however you wish and come to your own decisions. :)


Nov 7, 2018
Well, as they postponed the update, maybe the game will come with a lot of content. Maybe it will come on Saturday or Sunday, I think it difficult to come on Monday . I was waiting for the April / May update but I will think about testing this new content. (The yacht events are not very much my favorites but I hope it will be enjoyable)

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Since people have been questioning/wondering/complaining/bantzing about it I looked up a few things. Going through the updates and tallied up since they started their bi-monthly release schedule. Which again were implemented supposedly to have better bugtesting and more stable releases :). Most bugfixes were 5-7 days post-release unless otherwise stated. Months stated assume the very end of the month.

March 2018 First/on time-bugfix
May 2018 missed a day-no bugfix
July 2018 on time-two bugfixes
September 2018 on time-bugfix
November 2018 on time-bugfix
January 2019 missed a week-bugfix
March 2019 missed 5 days-bugfix Start of "release windows"

"We’ll of course shoot for the first date in the release window but, if things come up for whatever reason, you can rest assured the build will be made available within the window. We will still update everyone if the release isn’t going to fall on the first date of the window for whatever reason. " :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

May 2019 ontime-bugfix
July 2019 missed 6 days-bugfix took 2 weeks
September 2019 missed 2 days-no bugfix
October 2019 on time-bugfix took 3 weeks
December 2019-Fuck you. BoB2.
February 2020-missed 6 days and counting, completely missed "release window", no update about first day not having the release, and no reason to believe a bugfix won't be needed.

So with the end of February being the 13th cycle, they've been on time 6/13 times total, 2/6 since release windows, and 2/13 releases did not have bugfixes as a follow up.
Digest this information however you wish and come to your own decisions. :)
Thanks for taking the time to write this up. On paper it seems like an easy task to just get out the product on a set schedule. But in development, it's not the same work day in and day out. Much the same within other development type jobs. We have targets, but unfortunately things present near or at crucial times that we need to address. It's the nature of the beast at this point.

I do want to point out that we still are one of the few developers on Patreon that have scheduled releases. We put ourselves in this position to get scrutinized and we know it, but we also don't want to consider moving away from scheduled releases like most other devs.

Finally we do release a lot of stuff. In 2019 there were.

6 SU builds (1 of which was completely public)
6 bonus packs
5-6 asset packs
2-3 public build updates


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
If you think its 2 months because you count from 6 to 6, then you need to ask yourself: if its exact 2 months, why dont they release builds on the 31th of the corresponding month of the cycle? why does it need to be dragged 1 week into the next month?
For example, this time they extend their "release window" by another 4 days, that i assume you think "dont add up"
They manipulate their release dates into compromising the next month for a reason, and its because that way its not "2 months of payment" due to how Patreon charges (they are NOT on a per-release Payment, like some other devs), otherwise, and i repeat, if an "ammount of days" was the issue, they could just release on the 31th, specially after they have vacations and breaks and all that bullshit, when they can start a cycle anew

Its called being a blind fanboy (not a fan), and it applies on all kinds of stuffs, games, artists, sports, etc
Check the facts before you are saying something stupid next time.
If you are a patron you can easy check each release day for the game for last 4 years.
Then you will see that nothing from what you say is truth.The extra days never add up to free month for them,never.
I agree. But I think the priority is to work on the content of the main heroines in the game (Black Cannary and Huntress), But that's up to them. Other characters that you can't put in the cells are Zatanna and Hawkgirl. So I hope they are already working on these characters in that time frame, it would be great to see them in the next updates. Of course, I also want to see the others you mentioned, but we know Sunsetriders7, they will not give content all at once. By the end of the year some 6/8 characters may be complete (or more), let's keep hope.
Huntress,Black Canary,Zatanna and Hawkgirl.
Each one probably will need 3 or 4 updates to be done completely.After all they have so many to be added in MB and the cells.
Maybe for the update in April we can get something like this.

-Huntress/cell content including dance and strip/.
-Black Canary/cell content including dance and strip/.
-Lois/completed-sex,anal,leash,nickname etc/
-Mercy/completed-sex,anal,maybe she should not have leash scene/
-Poison Ivy/completed/
-Stargirl/MB done/
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Apr 12, 2019
Translation: Hey guys i know we had four months to do this, but we dont understand time management so we need to rush completion now. Start looking forward to half the content not working!
they took time off and worked on other games, they didnt spend 4 months working on this. yes their time management and being on time are elon-musk level, but they havent been working on this for 4 months

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
I am about to give you very blunt and straight feedback.

The above statement is a perfect example of why others and I have dabbed on you here. Is that possible? Sure. Is that transparent? Not in the least. I'm a developer too. I know there are times when shit happens. I also know I can just say that, and with no other information there is no way to disprove it. Giving more specific information about what is going on would go a long way toward gaining goodwill and trust. There are certainly other developers following the thread and subscribed to your Patreon. If the delays are legitimate, you will have people that understand what is going on backing you up on the situation being unfortunate but unavoidable. That is infinitely preferable to natural conclusion of being lazy, incompetent, intentionally providing as little content as possible to maintain the monthly donations, etc.

The general tone of the post in another issue. It reads high on defensiveness and low on responsibility. This isn't some kind of "I didn't fuck that intern, it depends on what your definition of the word is is" PR bullshit. I have no problem with people being full of themselves when they are as good as they think they are. As the post you quoted demonstrates, your track record over the last two years has not only been questionable (being generous there), but is unquestionably trending downward. "Hey guys you got some sketches and assets that we made anyway in the process of making the game and took a few minutes to throw together, plus the game no one wanted" is not an endearing response in this situation.

I support several artists and cosplay thots on Patreon, but I do not support you despite having previously expressed a willingness to do so. Do you know why? Because they give me tiddies on time. The month is spent openly promoting what I will receive by having my card charged at the beginning of the next month, they make me want it, then deliver it when promised. Every single time. Your current release plan is the equivalent of "Gee guys, I dunno, I'll dress up in whatever I want and post it when I get enough money for a new round tuit. In like two months or so. Maybe. You know, if I don't lose me USB cable or something. Tee hee." Would I give that thot money? Answer: fuck no.

When I first stumbled upon the game I didn't understand the criticism that was thrown your way. The art was phenomenal (save the constant ctrl+C ctrl+V action on the nipples; don't even try to tell me they are the least bit different from each other). Facially the characters look exactly like they do in DCAU or Young Justice. The story was appropriate for a porn game. The grindy gameplay was simple, but brought back fond memories of Newgrounds games like Love Hina Dating Sim and Ganguro Girls from 15-18 years ago. After following the game for a few years I now get it completely. All trust is gone and it is upon you to reestablish it.

Genuinely take it under advisement or ignore it all at your discretion. Never let it be said that I bant for the sake of banting. Every barb originates from something I would like to see improve and would be open to financially supporting.
First off thanks for taking the time to "bant". As a developer yourself you would understand the complexities on trying to deliver a NEW update and product every 2 months. As well as a developer yourself you would easily be able to figure out how delaying a build does not provide us with extra money (we get money every month, even on months we don't release anything).

Let me break it down for you (well for others mostly).

We get more support following a build than before, in fact we get much more support if we release a build on the end of the month then the beginning of the next. Why? well we have an extra week of the new build out there that brings in more support (you following?)

So our biggest support months are the month following a build! We're on upfront so after a build is released those numbers grow.

Nov release New / Increase / Deleted / Decreased / Total

Nov19 following halloween event.png Our

slowest month, is actually the release month!
We get the highest level of pledges deleted, lowest amount of new pledges. Why? Well because a new build has been out for a month now! People will gladly skip a month in order to grab the build the next day. But due to Bonus packs being released this month we do see the highest amount of pledge increases (this offsets the loss in $5.00 subs for the month) but it flucuates with what character is in the Bonus pack.

Dec Stats New / Increase / Deleted / Decreased / Total
Dec19 release month.png

So how would we actually "maintain' monthly donations. Simply we would release in the middle of the month like every other dev (maybe even you do this). We would delay the bug fix to fall on the next month (in the beginning, like the majority of other devs) in order to push the build out to more people again (Following?). This scheme would allow us to capitalize on 2 weeks of post build upfront billing, then allow us to continue they hype with a bug fix the following month. Our slow month would only consist of 2 weeks.

But guess what we do? We release at the end of the month or the first week following. Allowing people to skip all of the release month (remember when I told you about the deleted pledges and not as many new pledges?). and pledge up again when the build releases.

I do realize patron is a shit platform for this type of stuff (god we have been over this like 10k x in the last 5 years remember Breeding Season prime example why). But not until mid last year has another viable option opened up for developers, that being Steam. We want to finish SU, and getting much closer to that goal this year is the objective. Then we can move towards releasing games full and complete and get off this nightmarish schedule.


Feb 28, 2018
I ignore list the savefile begging cockroaches here, but never the white knights because it's fun to check in periodically on their evolution. Like back in biology class swabbing the inside your cheek then keeping tabs on what was growing on the agar in the petri dish.
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