Some people pointed out that Wonder Woman and Starfire will be put for later releases.
Yes it's not coincidence they are not present in some polls.
I can see keeping them for the end after all other superheroines are done.
Of course in that case it weill make sense to keep also Superwoman and Blackfire for later too.
If we exclude WW/SW and SF/BF,if there is no new characters with potential cell content(Fire,Batwoman etc for example)-
In that case there is 7 more characters waiting for cell content.
What I want
-Huntress,Galatea,Audrey-my top 3 from the remaining 7 girls
What will be best to get
-Huntress,Black Canary,Zatanna-5 and half years(Zatanna 3-4 months less) are waiting for some content.The problem is this variation will need most work.After all not a single one of them have any cell content
What we can get
-Huntress,Mercy,Harley-without doubt the variation that needs less works.Only 2 scenes for Mercy and Harley.And no they don't need to rework the animation now.