you know what, screw it. I'll make my own story... and let's call it - "Darkseid's Fury trainer!"
it's basically this - you just play as Darkseid and your goal is to have as much as possible Female Furies to have the strongest army in the galaxy!
the path to that is you have to capture heroines (all type, from regulars to meta, to etc.) and break them into submission. and that means different methods; some need physical-break, some need mindbreak, some maybe just persuasion. it's up to you to figure which ever it works. and not only that, you have to see which heroine is "compatible" with other so there's gonna be a lot of "pairing" (and maybe with not just other heroines, wink, wink)
oh, maybe even better idea - you are a low rank prison guard grunt in Darkseid's army and you move up the rank by your actions of capturing and braking heroines...and your goal is to eventually overthrown Darkseid with Furies on your side! (ok, that is maybe over the top, I can't help it, I'm a writer...)