"Complete update" fuckng get over yourself, you got plenty of content, there where at least 4 updates this year all pretty solid. We've had updates with multiuple chars getting "finished" as you bitched about, and updates that focused on events. Hundreds of images in this game of a very high quality, each one of which I garentee takes hours to complete. But because you didn't get to see lex bang WW it's an incomplete update right? Fact is this is a fan project that could very well not exsist, if you don't want to pay for it fine, that's fair the patreon platform is built for DONATIONS after all, but the fact remains you get the benfits of someone elses hard work for literally nothing, you don't have to do anything other than wait like 2-3 months for an update, and when you get this completly free thing that you don't have to do anything to get, you call the people working on it asshats and insult them. It's childish and petty. But as someone already pointed out it's pointless in debateing with the entitled mindset you find on this site and so many others. You'll continue to bitch that the thing you're getting for free isn't good enough and other people will continue to call you out your entitlement, and then you will respond by saying they are just sucking the devs dick or something. It's a tale as old as time, I know this, just sometimes I gotta vent to you people, even if I know it won't do anything. Have a good holiday and enjoy your self inflicted misery.