
Jun 19, 2017
You have a reat point.
The first girls had some mini-story inside, look at how Batgirl needed Tala to turn into Robin to give up, but now most girls complain a few times, appear wearing new clothes, and just... let you do more and more things.
It is clear that the creator is more into the art than adding anything of story here. Which may be why he is struggling with WW and SW, as people want to see their interaction dialogue after all.

Did it recently.
Put Toyman to take care of the security of theroom where you check Heat, that includes security cameras.
Later, visit Lois. She will at a point complain about being peeped on.
Talk to Toyman and he will admit it, through the dialogue he will ask you to do a heist for him.
Do it, and... don't remember if you need to talk to him or if Lois appears wearing the new clothes right away.
who gives a give a shit about the story? i was here for the art first. outside of Reinbach or fuck me a handful full of nsfw artists their plot is garbo

cause i'm not watching a fuckin movie its a damn porno, even if you wanted hentai with good plot you're not gonna get it with "lex luthor wants a cosmic time and space harem, and it just happens with nobody really stoping him, making no mistakes and "everything going acording to keikau" lol

lex makes a magic mind control box? it just happens. wants a harem? it happens. lex wants to clone, galatea?
it happens. ffs like already you got talia al ghul and maxima, leaders or commanders of a fuckin combat/army run society jumping on his dick for doing literally fuck all

fucker gets into prison like ONCE n he still gets tail in there cause he's lex luthor with the magic cock.

imma say this right now also i don't care for corruption or rape shit n all that anyways so the good this about this game is that is so bare bones for making any sense why even bother writing or reading the plot for it? just unlock the scenes and enjoy the art.

shoulda just made a gallery or whatever with customizable bodies like fap wall or something if every story just ends with lex bangs the DC Universe

5 bucks says lex makes darksied genderbent and fucks him up the ass too with the way its going LUL
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Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
Does anyone know if there are any plans to finish rebuilding SU for Android? :oops:
We were talking about this earlier.

The creator is not a coder himself, and he claims he went through 4 coders already and none were up to the job without needing him to increase the value. We were talking about how, with his patrons, he would have more than enough money to pay someone professionally even if they did not put it in their curriculum afterwards.

Either way, it seems work on it won't be back for a long while.

Devon Rehab

May 15, 2017
It would be nice to have more ways to make money off the girls. I seem to keep going back to the idea that after you reach each of their breaking points you should be able to use the girls past just the brothel/strip club set up. Maybe have them work for Lex some other way than as a mind controlled sex doll. Since this is an adult game though Lex should still use this as an excuse to have sex with them in new places and ideally have new slutty outfits for them to wear.
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Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
The initial idea is to send them to the strip club to get money.
Then you unlock them to make them subservient... and lose the ability to send them to the strip club to earn money.
At least there is not much to use money on after a while, and by that time you can already just do heists.


Jul 13, 2020
The initial idea is to send them to the strip club to get money.
Then you unlock them to make them subservient... and lose the ability to send them to the strip club to earn money.
At least there is not much to use money on after a while, and by that time you can already just do heists.
In the older builds, the strip club and brothel were safe ways to make money as heists attracted unwanted attention and raised your threat level. This could be mitigated by spending money to send villains off to reek havoc on Metropolis taking attention away from you.
Now, the threat mechanic has been disabled/removed so there's no good reason not to do heists if you need cash.


New Member
Oct 30, 2019
who gives a give a shit about the story? i was here for the art first. outside of Reinbach or fuck me a handful full of nsfw artists their plot is garbo

cause i'm not watching a fuckin movie its a damn porno, even if you wanted hentai with good plot you're not gonna get it with "lex luthor wants a cosmic time and space harem, and it just happens with nobody really stoping him, making no mistakes and "everything going acording to keikau" lol

lex makes a magic mind control box? it just happens. wants a harem? it happens. lex wants to clone, galatea?
it happens. ffs like already you got talia al ghul and maxima, leaders or commanders of a fuckin combat/army run society jumping on his dick for doing literally fuck all

fucker gets into prison like ONCE n he still gets tail in there cause he's lex luthor with the magic cock.

imma say this right now also i don't care for corruption or rape shit n all that anyways so the good this about this game is that is so bare bones for making any sense why even bother writing or reading the plot for it? just unlock the scenes and enjoy the art.

shoulda just made a gallery or whatever with customizable bodies like fap wall or something if every story just ends with lex bangs the DC Universe

5 bucks says lex makes darksied genderbent and fucks him up the ass too with the way its going LUL


Aug 28, 2021
hey soo does anyone know how to get the art from su just so i can get the art for wonderwoman and superwoman


May 6, 2017
So I plan on formatting my PC.
How do I get my save file?
Do I just export from regedit? If so, do I export the "SomeGuy" folder or just the "Something Unlimited" folder?


New Member
Mar 23, 2020
Has anyone managed to arrange the girls in your base in alphabetical order. I seem to always get stuck trying to capture Blackfire first before Cheshire
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