Please please let there be a scene like this on Themyscira this update
Even if it's just a memory or Tala disguised as Hippolyta.
Seriously an Event has been eluded to for ages and so far we have had nothing but snippet of cell content.
If an event like this happens how do you think it will go down.
Personally with the art we have in the game. I would imagine
Tala & Circe use magic to ensnare or enslave the Amazon's. then any survivors may charge out only to fight (whichever henchwoman you bring)
For me it might be superwoman or Galatea as they are the strongest I think of the henchwoman
Would love to see a large image (like the Talia threesome with fighting and all the characters
Also how do you think mala from krypton will appear in the game. If I recall she got sucked into a black hole