I've spent some time with this and overall it exceeded my expectations. The characters actually look just like the originals they are supposed to represent, and that isn't something you always see in indy titles. It's a massive plus I can't understate. The writing is reasonably true to the source material; no one acts in ways that betray their characters. Still, I have no intention of financially supporting this project.
Why not? I'll give you specific, actionable things you could do to get my money if that interests you. For the most part that means implementing all of the features I have come to expect from 300-500 yen doujin games. We all see how much money this grosses, at least what comes in through Patreon anyway. "Muh Unity personal" is not an excuse I will financially support when you take in over $100,000 per annum.
- Have at least a few options for text display speed, with one of them being instantaneous. I read faster than it slowly crawls across the screen, and I can't be the only one.
- Be able to see previously displayed messages by scrolling the mouse wheel up, and down to navigate toward the current text. Mouse wheel down should also advance to the next line normally, just as the left mouse click does.
- Make unlocked content accessible from the main menu, not just from within a saved game. This is doubly important for content that can be missed. Unlock once, access forever.
- Actually make available content apparent in the vault. For places where there aren't scenes yet, change the graphic from locked, implying that there may be content available, to something like in development, or a tongue-in-cheek coming someday to make it more clear.
-Call Dana Delaney's agent and pay her whatever she wants to moan like a whore in her sexy Lois voice for 10 minutes.
I am completely serious about that last one. It is possible to get B- and C-list talent for surprisingly reasonable rates, especially if you do it in a way that doesn't inconvenience the talent (send them a decent mic if they don't already have one and have them record at home at their leisure) when they have nothing else going on. I worked on a Japanese project where they got the original seiyuu (who does not do porn) with the stipulation that she not be credited. Sometimes it's about finding options like that which work for everyone. Maybe Dana won't want to do it, maybe she'll want way too much money. You don't know until you try, and if she says no, you can still at least say that you tried.