
Mar 3, 2017
What are they working on this update anyway? I stopped following the game like 2 updates ago.

From the discord:
Rough 2.1.6 Roadmap

• - Terra content
• - Poison Ivy content
• - Blackfire/Starfire content
• - Killer Frost content
• - Harley content
• - Raven content
• - Misc content with older characters
• - Content from last dev cycle that didn't get implemented
• - Looking to rebuild Harley
• - Looking into other old characters as well, uncertain to what extent

As always, this is subject to change. It's a ROUGH map.


Jan 30, 2018

From the discord:
Rough 2.1.6 Roadmap

• - Terra content
• - Poison Ivy content
• - Blackfire/Starfire content
• - Killer Frost content
• - Harley content
• - Raven content
• - Misc content with older characters
• - Content from last dev cycle that didn't get implemented
• - Looking to rebuild Harley
• - Looking into other old characters as well, uncertain to what extent

As always, this is subject to change. It's a ROUGH map.
Thanks for that. Probably gonna sit this update out. Too many new character content rather than the old ones for my personal taste. Thanks again dude. :pancakeMix:


Active Member
Dec 2, 2017

From the discord:
Rough 2.1.6 Roadmap

• - Terra content
• - Poison Ivy content
• - Blackfire/Starfire content
• - Killer Frost content
• - Harley content
• - Raven content
• - Misc content with older characters
• - Content from last dev cycle that didn't get implemented
• - Looking to rebuild Harley
• - Looking into other old characters as well, uncertain to what extent

As always, this is subject to change. It's a ROUGH map.
Harley Content. Oh good. She's been broken in this version for me. Not sure if it's been reported by anyone else since I didn't do a search. Trying to change her costume after a certain point from nude back to anything else just makes the game lock up.


Mar 3, 2017
Thanks for that. Probably gonna sit this update out. Too many new character content rather than the old ones for my personal taste. Thanks again dude. :pancakeMix:
Youre welcome. It's probably always best to skip at least one update, but I don't ever do that despite my intentions. I am quite interested in what "misc content from older characters" means... it's intriguing.
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Mar 3, 2017
Harley Content. Oh good. She's been broken in this version for me. Not sure if it's been reported by anyone else since I didn't do a search. Trying to change her costume after a certain point from nude back to anything else just makes the game lock up.
He reworked Harley completely. It's a great improvement. She looks more manic now rather than kind drugged and heavy lidded. I don't know if the harley bug has been documented, but chances are it has. They check every reported bug.


Jan 28, 2018
He reworked Harley completely. It's a great improvement. She looks more manic now rather than kind drugged and heavy lidded. I don't know if the harley bug has been documented, but chances are it has. They check every reported bug.
Wait, is the update out?


Jan 1, 2018
I know the exhibitions aren't in the game yet but does anyone know what they are?
In one of the more recent builds I did stumble across this explanation of the exhibitions, even if there's no actual content yet :-
"Set girls here to perform elaborate sex shows in your huge theatre." (Dialogue on first page)
"They will need their devices upgraded to the max to be posted here." (Dialogue on 2nd page.)
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Kylar Stern

Jul 29, 2017
In one of the more recent builds I did stumble across this explanation of the exhibitions, even if there's no actual content yet :-
"Set girls here to perform elaborate sex shows in your huge theatre." (Dialogue on first page)
"They will need their devices upgraded to the max to be posted here." (Dialogue on 2nd page.)
Wait...if exhibition means sex shows.... does that mean the ivy x batgirl content we saw on stream will be the first exhibition and something to look forward too??????


Mar 1, 2018
He reworked Harley completely. It's a great improvement. She looks more manic now rather than kind drugged and heavy lidded. I don't know if the harley bug has been documented, but chances are it has. They check every reported bug.
Any screenshots to detail these changes? Also has there been any muttering about what the Killer Frost content will be? Because her being put in the backseat to Terra out of nowhere was a let down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
I've spent some time with this and overall it exceeded my expectations. The characters actually look just like the originals they are supposed to represent, and that isn't something you always see in indy titles. It's a massive plus I can't understate. The writing is reasonably true to the source material; no one acts in ways that betray their characters. Still, I have no intention of financially supporting this project.

Why not? I'll give you specific, actionable things you could do to get my money if that interests you. For the most part that means implementing all of the features I have come to expect from 300-500 yen doujin games. We all see how much money this grosses, at least what comes in through Patreon anyway. "Muh Unity personal" is not an excuse I will financially support when you take in over $100,000 per annum.

- Have at least a few options for text display speed, with one of them being instantaneous. I read faster than it slowly crawls across the screen, and I can't be the only one.
- Be able to see previously displayed messages by scrolling the mouse wheel up, and down to navigate toward the current text. Mouse wheel down should also advance to the next line normally, just as the left mouse click does.
- Make unlocked content accessible from the main menu, not just from within a saved game. This is doubly important for content that can be missed. Unlock once, access forever.
- Actually make available content apparent in the vault. For places where there aren't scenes yet, change the graphic from locked, implying that there may be content available, to something like in development, or a tongue-in-cheek coming someday to make it more clear.
-Call Dana Delaney's agent and pay her whatever she wants to moan like a whore in her sexy Lois voice for 10 minutes.

I am completely serious about that last one. It is possible to get B- and C-list talent for surprisingly reasonable rates, especially if you do it in a way that doesn't inconvenience the talent (send them a decent mic if they don't already have one and have them record at home at their leisure) when they have nothing else going on. I worked on a Japanese project where they got the original seiyuu (who does not do porn) with the stipulation that she not be credited. Sometimes it's about finding options like that which work for everyone. Maybe Dana won't want to do it, maybe she'll want way too much money. You don't know until you try, and if she says no, you can still at least say that you tried.
I was in total agreement with you up until that last part about hiring Dana Delaney. I'm pretty sure that would lead to legal ramifications as in getting the game DMCA'd again.

I also don't think she'd do it, and they clearly do not make enough to hire her. It sounds to me like a personal preference over an actual necessary improvement (The other ideas were necessities.)

Let's just let SR7 do what he does. Especially since you can get this game on here for free. Pointing out bugs and actual improvements is fine, but it seems like alot of people (not singling you specifically out.) have their reasons for not financially supporting the game but feel they need to complain about "x should have been implemented."
"I hate that he works on this character over my preference character."
"Why can't my MercyxLex fanship be real in this game?!"

This is a super long project that when completed will be not only the magnum opus of slave trainer games, but the measuring stick for future projects by other content creators. I hate waiting as much as everyone and I sure as hell have made suggestions constantly for making every female GS and MB cogs in the Luthor machine.

In conclusion, let's not dwell on so much of what he didn't provide us that we thought he was gonna give us, and be happy that we don't need to pay.

Let's work on turning Lex's underground sex cells of flesh into underground homes for our hearts. *Insert collective sighs, cringes, and hate comments here*


Mar 3, 2017
I was in total agreement with you up until that last part about hiring Dana Delaney. I'm pretty sure that would lead to legal ramifications as in getting the game DMCA'd again.

I also don't think she'd do it, and they clearly do not make enough to hire her. It sounds to me like a personal preference over an actual necessary improvement (The other ideas were necessities.)

Let's just let SR7 do what he does. Especially since you can get this game on here for free. Pointing out bugs and actual improvements is fine, but it seems like alot of people (not singling you specifically out.) have their reasons for not financially supporting the game but feel they need to complain about "x should have been implemented."
"I hate that he works on this character over my preference character."
"Why can't my MercyxLex fanship be real in this game?!"

This is a super long project that when completed will be not only the magnum opus of slave trainer games, but the measuring stick for future projects by other content creators. I hate waiting as much as everyone and I sure as hell have made suggestions constantly for making every female GS and MB cogs in the Luthor machine.

In conclusion, let's not dwell on so much of what he didn't provide us that we thought he was gonna give us, and be happy that we don't need to pay.

Let's work on turning Lex's underground sex cells of flesh into underground homes for our hearts. *Insert collective sighs, cringes, and hate comments here*
Voice acting is not a good idea in an "indy" game in my experience, it delays the game needlessly and often sounds terrible *coughsnowdazecough*. We have a long way to go before we have the active and relatively mainstream erotic gaming community that Japan enjoys. I think that Ecci has some professional bias because he's accustomed to a more... well, professional experience especially as a seeming industry insider. SR7 is a trucker that decided to make a parody game and it seems to have caught on. I love this shit, but I understand that he's literally making it up as he goes along. Also Sunset, if youre reading this, I need some Zatanna content. NEED


Sep 12, 2017
I was in the Sanguine Rose thread and a thought crossed my mine...

How cool would it be if Lex could corrupt the super heroines? There's a little bit of that now but it's more of a mind control and forced to do it aspect. Although you do see more acceptance with Lois and Starfire's path. I mean turning them evil, making them super sluts, ultimately making them unlockable as henchwomen and/or giving them a sexy evil version of their costume (something akin to Mary Marvel's black outfit). There is something similar in the game with Mercy and Blackfire's path (their Lexcorp outfit).

Maybe I'm talking out of my butt though. There's a great comic out there called 69 cuntdown by Pandora's Box that gives the general idea of what I'm talking about.
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