This is old but I decided to post it as somebody might find it useful.
As I was browsing the sprites I noticed that Artemis has 4 costumes for the Dancing scene in Glamour Slam. I'm sure there was a note about this in some of the arcane change logs but I already forgot about that. I gave it a try and they are implemented in the game but you have to be a digital archeologist to uncover them.
Changing costumes for the Glamour Slam scenes:
- Make sure the girl is not set as a dancer in Glamour Slam, also requires not being in the cell (without the last device upgrade)
- Go to Meta Bordello > Stables > Costumes
- Select the girl and her costume or lack there of
- Go back to Glamour Slam > Set Dancers > slot the girl in the first row - Dancing
- Click the Watch Dancers button to watch the girl with the costume you set-up
If you want to change the costume again you have to jump through some hoops again
- You have to advance to the Next night
- Go to Glamour Slam and reset the dancers
- And do it all over again from point 1
Now this works ONLY on girls that have the necessary sprites i.e. Artemis and a handful of others.
You'll be buggered trying to find which girls have this implemented as the game gives you exactly zero clues for this and you would have to dig through all the change logs some of which say that it's in the game for a given character while it wasn't at the time the log was written and implementation might or might not have been done later or broken by some other new content.
Another can of worms is to think that for example setting these costumes should work on all 3 activities in Glamor Slam i.e. Dancing, Striping and Specials and it does actually work on Artemis but on how many others.