From my knowledge SmokeShank does the behind the scene stuff like taxes and like handling the businesss side of things for sr7. I'm not even kidding.
Yeah I remember SS mentioning that in a twitch stream. That should be more of a 'once a quarter' thing though, I'd guess that Patreon is required to submit some sort of tax forms to the guv'ment when making payouts over 'x' money to other entities, but I'm not not up to speed on Canadian tax law.
I think he also has a hand in managing the socials.
This is what I was alluding to with the 'talking out of his ass' comment. Many other developer types around here have Discords, twitters, etc. (not me, I avoid most other social media platforms), WHILE also working on their games, so I'm not seeing huge amounts of effort here. The 'hard part' was done a long time ago, just posting up random tweets/updates is almost trivial compared to say coding and making artwork.
I always wondered this too.
I assume that since this is SR7's lucky first huge break, he has no idea how hard he's being grifted. It's not like sunset is working himself to the bone but the split of work between the two is nowhere near equal. Sunset at least produces something worthwhile, whereas Smoke does nothing that SR could not do himself if it's just paying taxes or finding sycophants to moderate the discord for you and writing shitty notices like"ah man i got sick with the ethiopian cancer flu at the last second sorry guys delayed".
Well "Gunsmoke Games" does have Smoke's name on it. Bend or Break was something SR did, but maybe Smoke got the idea for something unlimited, perhaps?
I don't feel sorry for SR7 though. The man is a tool.
From conversations on twitch streams, as I remember they've been friends for decades. My thought here, however, is that Smokeshank doesn't really seem to actually know or care what's happening under the hood of either game. His comments about a PC Ren'Py port of the PC Ren'Py Android port code being 'too much work' just seem out of touch with me. But I guess we'll see soon enough. SS did say 'Friday' in one of his latest updates, at which point I guess we'll see how hard it is to 'reverse engineer' the Ren'Py Android port back to Ren'Py PC.
As I mentioned before, Ren'Py already has some touchpad functionality built in to the core engine. There are certain commands (gestures) that might require more specific coding, but these should work on PC and Mac as well as Android if I'm understanding the Ren'Py documentation on the subject, assuming that you have a touchscreen for your Mac or PC.
As I don't have an Android device, and have no desire to own one, I won't be able to play the Android version, but as I said, the Android port types around here on F95Zone should be able to comment on this soon enough.
As I've noted before, the other big question here is how much the artwork has been resized/optimized size wise in the Android port to reduce the size in GB of the game in Android. I can say that the .pngs extracted from SU Unity are significantly 'bloated', plus then sprite folders are duplicated a couple of times, which is why the SU Unity build explodes from just a couple of GB to 14+ GB... SU Unity is just unnecessarily bloated to begin with, well at least the version that SU Unity is built on is...
I really don't expect the SU ReImagined F95Zone community project to ever grow beyond a couple of GB, even with the new characters we are adding, but that's a bit off topic atm...