
Jun 2, 2018
That's actually what I was thinking too. If they go back and forth between release, bug patching, release, etc. I admire their idea that, with the two month update system, they would be able to get more in and make sure it works, or at the very least put as much in as we'd have gotten in a month and have the bugfixes already there, but quite obviously that isn't what's happening. I get that the dev doesn't want to stick to a strict schedule, to ensure that they maintain interest in the project, and I admire that, however I think that taking a month off of for bug fixing would be good. It'd give the devs time to get a good idea of what they want to do for the next update, rather than go right into the next update without planning it out. As for their outreach, I absolutely agree. I follow them, not a patron, and used to see fairly often streams going on every week or so, but after reading your comment I realized that I hadn't seen a stream in quite a while. In fact, just checked, their last stream was 16 May, after that it was silence on their patreon until the 31st when they mentioned that their update would be postponed. I think this will be a good update for them though, not necessarily in the quality of the update but in the fact that it'll basically make them take a step back and reanalyze what they're doing. Hopefully they'll see that they need to make some changes in their operations, even a slight change right now will be for the better! I still have faith in SR7 and in SU, I love this game and I want to see it to it's completion, however long that takes!
This. I want this game to be finished, I want them to continue to be successful in whatever they do after it. But they're being sloppy right now, and they're making enough money that it's not a very good look.


May 26, 2018
This. I want this game to be finished, I want them to continue to be successful in whatever they do after it. But they're being sloppy right now, and they're making enough money that it's not a very good look.
I want this game to be finished too
but thats less likely going to ever happen
The fact that this game is in development for 3 years now and its contents isn't even worth to that
Even if they manage to finish every girl they can still add more stuff
Since su is based from dc they can go with the alternate earths


Apr 7, 2018
yo, I just finished the prison event and have terra unlocked if anyone still wants the save. I have no idea where it is to copy it thou, so you will have to explain it to me
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Feb 8, 2018
God awful update. Four Elements takes multi month breaks and releases huge chunks of game that substantially move chapter. This was three costumes and a couple of paragraphs
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May 26, 2018
God awful update. Four Elements takes multi month breaks and releases huge chunks of game that substantially move chapter. This was three costumes and a couple of paragraphs
Hey man thats already enough for the "loyal" patrons
Just a costume is enough to make their dicks hard
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Aug 6, 2016
At this point, I believe if they get a half decent programmer and redo everything using renpy, that will be better for the long run.
But I guess SR7 wants to learn programming or whatever, and they will probably post something to explain how the update is not so great because he is sick or depress or the weather isn't nice.
As long as some retards like Mr. Freeze on their discord keep sucking his dick, they will keep producing half ass update


New Member
Oct 7, 2017
I think it would be nice if they could release a small bug fix/patch update like what 2.1555 was supposed to be to add in the Raven scenes, Artemis Bordello and whatever other cut content/missing content there is, because as far as I understand it, the art for both is already done, and they were planned to be implemented, but there were a few bugs which stopped it from being added in(?) Give it a week of work or so, please. It's better to release some content which you've already nearly finished but not everybody likes than to not release anything at all and make everybody wait another 2 months to hope for it.
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Jun 6, 2017
Well I was a patreon for 1 year but this update really disappointed me and that's why I ended my pledge, yeah I agree the problem is not that Sunset is lazy but that he moved away from the SU core that makes the game great.
1) In 2015 when the game started they would have made a poll asking the people name your top 20 characters that you want them to be the game, I can assure you in 95% of the polls these characters would not have been: Audrey, Chesiere, Terra and Blackfire (and yes I know that BF has become a favorite of the people but she was not necessary), these 4 characters for the last 4 or 5 updates have been almost the complete focus of content aside from the PR and the finger scene of MM. When characters like Mera or Big Barda have been asked for people both inside in the discord and outside it seems to be ignored
2) Sunset started receiving complaints that his updates were small when he started working on the event sytem before that most of the updates had a good amount of content for one month, I know that said that the event system is to introduce new characters and content easier and maybe it's true but for a game like SU is too much when previously Sunset had introduced 2 characters more easily: Livewire and Blackfire and this is my opinion why I think that: the end goal of the prison event is to introduce two new characters: Poison Ivy and Killer Frost that ended up in the same way as the previous 2 characters : Poison Ivy is Livewire 2.0 you pay to have sex with her and KF is Blackfire 2.0 a villain that she thought was more intelligent than Lex and she end up in the cells and yeah I know that the personalities are different and that may result in different interactions with Lex but thats a matter of writting not of the prison event. And yes the event system can work if I do not know Lex goes to Apokalips and in that event is the only place where Lex will be able to interact with Lashina so it makes sense but like the Prison event where the result is the same as with the other girls that end in the cells, it does not make much sense that build up.
3) The new progression with the girls: If someone wants to know why SU is great, all he has to do is play the arc story of Lois which is a funny dialogue that could even be canon, with a classic progression nothing complex just Dance, HJ , BJ and strip. In contrast now is lesbian scene, Spank and Leash and all these new scenes Sunset have said that they require a lot of time possibly more than the actions of the classic progresion and when after almost 2 years the arc stories of Lois and Mercy are still the favorites of the people that has to tell you something.
4) The programming I think we all knew that as the game would continue to grow it would be necessary to clean and update the trees of coding in the game. He could have made the game with a better structure from the beginning yeah but thats not the case and Sunset now prefers to update and clean the coding according of what he is working in the moment then we were going to see updates that were going to be sacrificed by the cleaning of the coding even in the two-months updates thats inevitable that's why I do not have so much problem with the coding stuff and more with the administration of time and resources put in the creation of current content.
So in the end Sunset can do whatever he wants with his game because it's his vision and I applaud him for always wanting to make new backgrounds, implement new ideas and add new layers of complexity to the game but maybe all this is too much for one single person and SU was already great without the need of these new stuffs but hey thats just me.
THIS^^^^ You are on point and I agree 100% with the characters stuff, yes adding more characters is a problem but if you add at least those characters that you add are the ones that most of the community of your game have requested like Mera not someone like Audrey or Terra ...
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May 26, 2018
At this point, I believe if they get a half decent programmer and redo everything using renpy, that will be better for the long run.
But I guess SR7 wants to learn programming or whatever, and they will probably post something to explain how the update is not so great because he is sick or depress or the weather isn't nice.
As long as some retards like Mr. Freeze on their discord keep sucking his dick, they will keep producing half ass update
They always say the same excuse from the last update "got sick" yeah sure so sunset gets sick every 2 months
What a special condition that always happens when near the deadline


Sep 29, 2017
This update is horrendous. After almost every scene, the game would freeze. I can't believe they'd release something like this.
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Devourer of Worlds
Jun 11, 2017
They always say the same excuse from the last update "got sick" yeah sure so sunset gets sick every 2 months.
You know, I can 100% believe they get sick a lot. Not everyone is young and healthy. I speak from experience but I have checked into the hospital 4 times in the last two months. It started with constipation, which got worse. That led to a colonoscopy to check for cancer which turned out negative. Turned out exercise was the answer. Then because I never got exercise before, I pulled a calf muscle which caused me to go back to constipation while I’m recovering. Now after struggling much, I feel discomfort in my testicular area which means I may have to go back. All this and I’m only 31. FML


Mar 1, 2018
I don't even think reeeeeeing about him being sick is right in this situation. Because it's been a while at least since that affected a release prior to this one. We had the first bug riddled but large bimonthly, before that was long because of holiday which every sane person can agree that people should get, then before that I can't think of a month that was as low as this because of being sick. We had decent updates with Blackfire and the prison event. Although I wish it was left well enough alone at this point, finish the content first, don't add scenes to it 6 months later.

I am just skeptical that him being sick for what one week is what "killed" this update. You lose a little above 12% your work time in a dev cycle in that situation, and that's assuming worst-case where literally 0 work was done. Take about that 12% out of the first bimonthly update and there's still quite a bit there. What's another 12% for this update? The two street leash scenes actually work? They delayed the release a day already, so if getting that week back so to speak would've made it something, then by all means it should've been pushed back another 6 days. The delay was already was enough to make sure the patreon tick happened and break their "streak", so at least the people spending money could've got something more substantial out of it.

I'll still wait until the asset pack is released and people can fumble through that and see if anything substantial was in fact added and just not implemented before release. But if it's just the same as the last one sans a picture of Raven and Terra wearing a collar and the Quinzel costume then I'll be chanting SCAM! like the rest.


Don't get me wrong. I love this game. It's a masterpiece. But It's too long. And with each new version the updated content is never large enough to get me to want to trudge my way through for the bazillionth time in order to find it. I'll wait til its finished and then take a weeks vacation in order to play this fabulous behemoth.
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Devourer of Worlds
Jun 11, 2017
I haven’t tried this game in 6 months, so I’m sure there is one plenty of new content for me. Taking a break to try new things works for me.

And I’m just saying, it’s possible this guy could have really bad health issues like me, sorry to say. Here at work, there is this girl who is out atleast 4 days a month due to her poor health. She’s only 22 herself and is a diabetic, has arthritis, tremors and had half a dozen serguries. I joke with her on who has worse health, but the truth is neither of us will likely live to see 60.

Anyhow, if the guy keeps getting the same sickness week after week (there are different types of flu), then maybe it’s more serious. I’m not saying he is telling the truth as I don’t know hI’m, but every medical condition I’ve ever had, the doctor will ALWAYS ask me, “are you stressed.” As if to imply my condition could be caused by that. This guy could be stressed all the time and causing him to not be as productive and get sick.

Perhaps it’s best if the guy just sits down and explain why his content has been getting shorter. Is it really his health, is he trying new things, something going on outside of this, etc.
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Strange Nights
Game Developer
Jun 4, 2018
The bordello private room part seems to be really fleshed out at this point, I wonder what SR7 will focus on after that's done.


May 26, 2018
The bordello private room part seems to be really fleshed out at this point, I wonder what SR7 will focus on after that's done.
I wouldn't say fleshed out
The artemis sex scene still doesn't show up for me i only see a bed


May 26, 2018
I haven’t tried this game in 6 months, so I’m sure there is one plenty of new content for me. Taking a break to try new things works for me.

And I’m just saying, it’s possible this guy could have really bad health issues like me, sorry to say. Here at work, there is this girl who is out atleast 4 days a month due to her poor health. She’s only 22 herself and is a diabetic, has arthritis, tremors and had half a dozen serguries. I joke with her on who has worse health, but the truth is neither of us will likely live to see 60.

Anyhow, if the guy keeps getting the same sickness week after week (there are different types of flu), then maybe it’s more serious. I’m not saying he is telling the truth as I don’t know hI’m, but every medical condition I’ve ever had, the doctor will ALWAYS ask me, “are you stressed.” As if to imply my condition could be caused by that. This guy could be stressed all the time and causing him to not be as productive and get sick.

Perhaps it’s best if the guy just sits down and explain why his content has been getting shorter. Is it really his health, is he trying new things, something going
I get your point
But they didn't explain further
Even in work you can't just say "i got sick" and get away from your job
Sure he got sick, sick from what exactly?
Sick of being rich? Its so easy to say "i got sick" if he explained what's he's condition people would understand why the update is like this
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