Where can you find the "replayability" part?Update will drop around 9pm Central time, tonight. People will complain and bitch and then bitch some more but you can't satisfy everyone but then again most people are entitled little twats so fuck them. If you want to be an adult then I will point you towards the Discord. Sunset has always been more than happy to talk with you.
Either way there is some good stuff in this update and should be pretty hefty. This will not be a 10 minute one and done update. There is some replayability and it should have you talking to everyone in the game at the moment to see what's new.
I also want to drop the bugs that have been fixed so far since that is something I can share at the moment.
"SU 2.1.6 --> SU 2.1.7 Changelog
Fixed ---------------------------------------
- Glamour Slam backgrounds showing up instead of Street ones in leash scenes
- Harley overlapping Killer Frost in her slut costume intro
- Grodd Cadmus chain skipping all its phases
- Harley pieces showing up in the Henchwoman selection screen
- Tala old posing system leftovers in the Summoning dialogs
- Lois' Vault locking up
- Quinzel intro overlapping others in the Office
- Terra overlapping others in the MB Stables
- Wrong henchwomen names sometimes in prison scenes
- Galatea's glasses not showing up in cell strip scenes
- Harley getting locked into costumes
- Harleen Quinzel second strip sprite
- Artemis Private Room sex scene replaced
- Wrong scenes showing in Artemis vault
- Terra wearing wrong costumes in some dances
- Rebuilt Audrey with new posing system
- Terra portraits showing up with the wrong faces
- Killer Frost not showing up in capture scenes
- Harley showing up as blank square in Grodd event
- Henchwomen menu and characters unlocking/locking at wrong times
- Locking up on Terra leash scenes
- Terra getting stuck in the Meta-Bordello when posted there
- Cloning particles displaying wrong textures
- Total time needed to clone cut in half
- Summoning particles displaying wrong textures
- Posted villains icons overlapping in the villain posting
- Some double fading screens when going from the main city to an area
- Magic Collar sometimes being unselectable in Lex's Room
- Misc heist errors with multi-stage heists (probably not all, needs more testing)
- Dialog sections still set with the old dialog system
- Tiny Audrey popping up in the corner of Glamour Slam scenes
- Making multiple clones and general cloning errors"