
Aug 15, 2018
Also, how t he Poison Ivy and Killer Frost unlocks? I've broke them free from the prison, but I haven't see them again? Should I reset the prison event?


Sep 2, 2017
So, Gunsmoke Games is now sitting at $11,125 with 2,145 patrons.
Quite a nice jump from $9,104 and 1,780 patrons in Oct.
The crowd's happy witht his release and the metrics reflect it :)

(expect my ultimate Tala walkthrough / content recap and bug report soon - within an hour)
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Well that was a satisfying update.
Seems to setup quite a few future contacts as well which is interesting(not too sure how that is going to be handled though,will the reset feature actually keep progress made throughout the event?will it actually reset it and with that limit your choices?will it matter at all or will characters pop up anyway despite possibly being ignored in the event?).
Morgaine especially was actually news to me so that was surprising(wondering what her deal with Lex and constantly correcting herself on her title for him is though since a quick google search didnt reveal anything,any help here?).
Also now I want rose as a henchwoman :D

Will agree with the Giganta scene feeling like a copout tho.
Eliminating her size kills whats interesting about the whole encounter.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
So since GG is finishing up the yacht stuff will they also finish up the prison stuff along with heroine content? Because I won't lie, I had doubts after these past couple of updates, but they came in and fucking destroyed all doubt in a single update. I'm super excited for the following content especially after that beautiful exhibition stuff
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Apr 7, 2018
since Lex was using a mini device in the party, it coulb be a sign that we will be capturing villains too or Im just reading too much into it?
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Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
@RobertoCasas Shhhhhhhhhhh. What are you tryin to do!? Jinx it!?

Also, just to be honest, your numbers are a little misrepresentative. I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose but you basically just picked the best numbers possible without taking all the factors into account - like how payment processing hasn't happened yet and we'll lose quite a bit off that number when it does - whereas the Oct number you pulled is post-payment processing.
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Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Is Star Sapphire's redesign permanent or is it just for the yacht event?

Because I prefer the old one.
She's just in a party dress, i.e. different costume, for the yacht event. Her core costume for content outside of the yacht will remain the same.

Report bug
Penguin Content,Raven Blowjob Scene:Lex and Raven invisible
We are aware of these issues, but for future reference, we see and hop on bugs a lot faster/easier if you report them in the bugs Discord channel.


Sep 2, 2017

Like yours truly many of us became fans of Tala when we got to see hints of 'the other side of her' during episodes like 'The Balance', 'Grudge Match', and of course 'The Great Brain Robbery'. Lucky for us Sunset Riders7 and Gunsmoke Game have taken it upon themselves to make the implicit explicit for our viewing pleasure. So let's take a look, or several, at DC's sexy sorceress.

is available from the beginning of the game. Tala interacts with you personally and her her workshop can be upgraded to provide the game's only Items Shop at level 2 and Summoning at level 3.

The shop provides three items:
-the Hidden Amulet reduces threat by 10% (threat generated or threat level undetermined. Effect null as Threat mechanic hasn't been implemented)
-the Favored Coin increases mission success chance by 10% (tested, confirmed. Raises success change significantly) This item is a MUST HAVE; you can cheat for more cash but only success rate spares you time. This should be your default item until late game when you're done with missions in favor of sex scenes.
-the Magic Collar unlocks Collar scenes for heroines, villains, henchwomen and others.

Summoning adds unique character quests and interactions to the game. Currently that includes Raven and Superwoman.
-Raven is a heroine confined to her room similar to the Lexcorp Cells. (essentially a heroine without Glamour Slam or Meta-Bordello content)
See RAVEN below.
-Superwoman is a complete Henchwoman with scenes including Rikers Imprisonment and the Yacht Party (further testing pending to clarify how many of the earlier Henchwoman related scenes Superwoman has content for)

Because Tala's Workshop adds so many options and variety for game content and her Items significantly reduce grind early I absolutely recommend upgrading this building to max early. Upgrading Tala's workshop requires 3 days per level.

Talk 1 is an introduction.
Talk 2 unlocks Tala's first mission, a Cadmus Heist. (this unlocks Magic Collar once the Shop is upgraded to lvl 2)
Talk 3 unlocks Tala as a villain that can be sent out on Heists and Capture missions. Tala is not a Henchwoman, she cannot Rampage, nor can she be Posted to any Defenses

By the time of your 4th conversation Tala is done with Talking and can entertain you.

Tala will satisfy your sexual cravings herself.
Unlike most (nearly all) of the women in the game Tala is submissive, devoted, and enthusiastic, making her sex scenes very distinctive.
Her scenes follow a simple formula: an Introduction - where Tala acknowledges your request and prepares to perform. The Scene - where Tala engages you; these are the stills, half animations and full animations that will appear (without text) in your Lexcorp Lab's Vault. And the post-entertainment scene (or 'Post') where Tala and Lex (and others, see RAVEN) have their last words before the scene ends, typically sending Lex back to the City Map.

The first time you click Dance you'll read a unique introductory conversation (Dance 1).
Subsequent Dances are the same performance and introductory text (Dance 2).

After 2 dances (6 visits at the earliest) Tala will have the option to strip. This unlocks Tala's costume menu.
Unlike literally every other character in the game, if you order Tala to strip when she is already naked she will dress up in her default dress and then strip.
Strip 1
Strip 2
Nude Strip (Nude intro, Scene 2 and Post 2)

After your eighth visit or making Tala strip twice (or unlocking her second striping dialogue and her nude striping dialogue - testing required to identify trigger) Tala will introduce her second costume: her Cadmus business suit. Tala's suit adds variety to all her previous and future Shop interactions except for Stripping, which instead becomes Tala's unique Suit strip with unique introduction and closing conversations.
Suit Strip

After 2 strips Tala will unlock the blowjob option. As usual there is one introductory conversation, blowjob, and then post conversation and then a different conversation, blowjob and post that becomes the standard. All Blowjobs scenes are ANIMATED.
After two blowjobs Tala will give you the option mid blowjob to Just Cum or Stand Up. Stand Up branches the blowjob into climaxing On Her Face or On Her Chest. Each option has a different post-bj conversation.
Blowjob 1
Blowjob 2
Blowjob 3 - (intro 3, Scene 2 until Swallow or Stand option - Swallow continues back to Scene 2 and post 2,
Stand presents a new scene that leads to 'cum on Tala's...' Face or Chest choice. Face Scene and Post, Chest Scene and Post.)
Intro 3 > Scene 2 - Swallow > Scene 2 > Post 2
OR Scene 2 - Stand > Scene3 - Face(bugged?) > Post 3a (bugged)
- Chest > Post 3b (bugged)

(Facial Scene bugged? Scene phrasing suggests cum in open mouth and swallow; in the Live Scene Tala's mouth opens and closes immediately, in the vault scene Tala opens mouth, shows load, swallows but does not open mouth again to show she swallowed)
(Facial and Tits Post currently bugged. Tala's text appears but not her image)

After 2 blowjobs Tala will unlock the option for Sex. This scene is compatible with all her outfits.
Sex 1
Sex 2

After 2 sex sessions Tala will unlock Anal. This scene is ANIMATED (woohoo!)
Anal 1
Anal 2

After Anal Tala's SECRET scene becomes available. (triger needs testing). This is a one-time only scene and is linked to her costume so make sure she's dressed exactly the way you want her before you engage her. (SPOILER-trigger by clicking levitating Tala-SPOILER)

All of Tala's entertainment scenes can be accessed through normal progression without completing any of her missions so lay her good, she'll enjoy it.

After having captured your first heroine (meaning your 2nd total, starting heroines don't count) Gorilla Grodd will appear in Tala's Workshop. It is currently unclear if this scene is needed to trigger future scenes (like his Riker's Heist or Superwoman's Summon) or if they will occur regardless of appearance.
You can delay the trigger for this scene by not capturing a 2nd heroine, meaning you can make Tala your total sex-fiend well before meeting Grodd.
You can also have Tala in her suit or naked for Grodd's appearance, although unlike similar scenes Grodd has no reactions to Tala's wardrobe.

After Grodd's appearance the options to unlock Zatanna and Vixen will become available. These conversations will unlock further conversations that, after a few days, will make both heroines available to be captured. (Both are Level 2 heroines so don't forget to make a pair of lvl 2 devices and hire lvl 2 or 3 villians to capture them. Equip Favored Coin to clinch it)

Tala's first Cadmus mission is not needed to unlock her Cadmus suit (perhaps it should be?). Completing the mission unlocks the Magic Leash for purchase in her shop (Confirmed) (Skipable)

Tala also triggers the conversation to unlock Wonder Woman. Currently it seems you need to have captured Supergirl before the dialogue will unlock.
The conversation will unlock a Heist (Gyges Ring). Shade with Favored Coin will succeed 9 times out of 10. Once the Heist is complete you can capture WW.

Tala has several typos and spelling mistakes unrelated to phonetics mimicking her accent in speech, most noticably the use of 'he' instead of 'she' during her leash scenes.

Blowjob - Cum on face. Despite the description to the effect, Tala does not keep her mouth open during ejaculation during the scene. Her mouth opens and closes again within a second of the trigger. This is in contrast to the textless animation in the vault where players can see her get facialed and her tongue is coated in semen before she closes her mouth to swallow.

Despite appearing in previous versions, Tala's sprite does not appear in post blowjob conversations if you chose to Just Stand Up. (No combination of costumes is fixing this. Will test further.)

Vault scenes blowjob does not present the option to view the animation with Tala's suit.

For some of the fanbase (and you know who you are) summoning Raven is the greatest thing to happen in this game.
Sunset does her justice: Raven is impudent, dry and (possibly) very sarcastic. The only thing missing is Tara Strong voicing her lines.
Story-wise Raven and Tala make a great pair, their interactions are consistently sensible and believable for two characters that never interacted within their Animated Universes. There are also some references and inside jokes which you will find hilarious or confusing depending on your familiarity with the various animated series.
So: why is Raven here when Superwoman isn't? Mechanically Raven is attached to Tala and her Workshop and cannot be interacted with independently.
In some ways Tala's Workshop with the captured Raven is a microcosm or mini-game version of SU as a whole: you have a henchwoman, you have a heroine, you have story to unlock with both, either separately or together, and rewards for doing so int he form of various sex scenes.
With the exception of money, heists and variety Tala and Raven is the formula you will find within the rest of SU.

Now, Raven has a few mechanical pros and cons thanks to her nature as Tala's pet. For starters, Raven is not quite mind-controlled so her entire arc is a story of pure suppression and mild mindbreak as her bahavior conforms to the standards Tala and Luther are training her for. You could see it as a type of grooming.
Because Raven is bound to Tala's she has no Glamour Slam or Meta-Bordello content, with the exception of Leash scenes taking her for walks tot he Glamour Slam. Her room in the Workshop is equivalent to the Lexcorp Cells in everything but name.

Now, with this mechanic limitation comes one major upside: Because Tala and Raven are intertwined the pair provide Luthor the game's first examples of Voyeurism, Femdom and Threesome kinks - sometimes all at once. While the game does mirror this mechanic in the cells with dedicated Henchhwomen as with Artemis and Cheshire, Supergirl and Galatea, Starfire and Blackfire, and even Killer Frost with the rest of the Henchwomen outside of Penguin getting double-handy's from Jay and Lark - Tala and Raven provide Luthor's first real chance to mechanically engage with two women at once .
Don't be surprised if they become the first threesome Scene...

(Updated 4/1/19) SUPERWOMAN

Summoning Superwoman becomes possible after you've completed Raven's summoning and allowed time for Tala to recover, usually a week or two of ingame time. But there's a catch: the trigger for the event requires a few conditions, not all of which are known. For starters, the trigger scene involves Parasite, so a level 3 or 4 Hideout is required. A second or third trigger are also required - at the moment it may be unlocking Galatea's clone quest, regaining access to the LexCopr tower, or capturing Cheshire. Currently I can only confirm that confronting Lois Lane is NOT required so it is possible for Superwoman to be your girl during even this early interview scene. More testing to come...

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Active Member
Aug 19, 2017
Thank you for making this game!! It's a lot of fun to play! It's hot to see all the hot comic characters in ways like this! ;) Thanks again~
yeah and lets hope there is some content coming for Giganta : P anal and bj and hotdogging etc slipping your sausage between her legs when she stands etc too xD
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Serra Angel

Aug 22, 2018
yeah and lets hope there is some content coming for Giganta : P anal and bj and hotdogging etc slipping your sausage between her legs when she stands etc too xD
Yeah there's some pretty funny stuff in the game. Personally I think giving Lois a facial is hilarious. Some of the Mercy stuff is pretty funny too. Harley's just crazy, lolo_O


Active Member
Aug 19, 2017
Yeah there's some pretty funny stuff in the game. Personally I think giving Lois a facial is hilarious. Some of the Mercy stuff is pretty funny too. Harley's just crazy, lolo_O
yeah hehe : P them butts and bj scenes man! playing this game few hours and you could slice buildings with your hard on oops! xD
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