- Jan 17, 2018
- 42
- 14
hey i'm having problems downloading the last two updates i use windows and i download on MEGA but i can't play them any advise
As i understand it (random person that just played through the game), they are like mindless dolls when they are at the dance place and brothel (if you read the text they often have a blank expression). Once you "unlock" their device they become more like Louis (as in they have a mind but the device conditions them to sex). There is a second "unlock" box that is currently unused, i hope that box will be used to "break them" so that they can do everything willingly, but we will have to wait and see (or get a response from the devs).One thing that doesn't make sense to me.
Why once you get them doing everything at the bordello etc, when you unlock you bounce them to zero basically to talk to them and lose all that income? Will you eventually break them so they go there willingly?
As for the lack of income, since the game is still in development and some heroines haven't gotten their stories updated, you can use said heroines for sources of income. As for your next question, if the heroines go there willingly, that would raise some concern from the male heroes. Like, say WW just goes in during the middle of the day and doesn't respond to when the League needs her. That would raise suspicion and the whole plan could fall apart.One thing that doesn't make sense to me.
Why once you get them doing everything at the bordello etc, when you unlock you bounce them to zero basically to talk to them and lose all that income? Will you eventually break them so they go there willingly?
As for the second unlock button, that is used to get the heroines into the brothel, I mean, the Meta Bordello.As i understand it (random person that just played through the game), they are like mindless dolls when they are at the dance place and brothel (if you read the text they often have a blank expression). Once you "unlock" their device they become more like Louis (as in they have a mind but the device conditions them to sex). There is a second "unlock" box that is currently unused, i hope that box will be used to "break them" so that they can do everything willingly, but we will have to wait and see (or get a response from the devs).
A few things.As for your next question, if the heroines go there willingly, that would raise some concern from the male heroes. Like, say WW just goes in during the middle of the day and doesn't respond to when the League needs her. That would raise suspicion and the whole plan could fall apart.
As for the second unlock button, that is used to get the heroines into the brothel, I mean, the Meta Bordello.
This is meant to be kept on the down-low, and if they go in willingly, that would just explode everything in the game into the open. At least, that's how I think of it.
Watch the movie "Teen titans: The Judas contract" (Shes the Terra from that movie and she dies in the end of said movie).I don't follow Tara's story. How does she end up disappeared/dead?
In a world of dozens of male superheroes including Batman. A dozen or so very famous heroins are have an active day of doing superhero stuff. In some cases are going to bed with other people at night. Then they are all sneaking away under everyone's noses, Often from locations with high security, and then spending all night in Lex's lair. Leaving no time for sleep.A few things.
One, as stated ingame the devices only activate at night once they go into REM sleep.
Two, as stated ingame they do not remeber the stuff they do while they are under the devices control when they are awake normaly.
So basicly, while they would go "willingly", they would still only go at night and not remeber it when they are awake (super hero time). They simply would stop being "blank faced and mindless" while in the dance and brothel place but rather be broken/corrupted.
Off course the devs could allways have a true enslavement (day and night) at the second unlock if you have gotten powerfull enough to handle the heat. But that wasent the meaning when we said "go willingly" (at least not what i meant).
Do you mean cheat code or something...there is a cheat menu its C by defaultI need code for this game plz.
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Known Bugs, Art Pack Date and More
Hey Everyone,
First of all, a big thank you to our patrons playing 2.1.9 and giving feedback. We’re glad so many of you are enjoying the update and finally seeing the culmination of our direction change and what it really means for SU.
We hoped this update would alleviate a lot of people’s concerns about content and updates moving forward, and it seems that – for the most part – it has. We feel like we’re moving in the right direction and doing right by our patrons and fans, and we’re really excited to share and do even more in 2019.
Known Bugs for 2.1.9
We greatly expanded the testing time on updates starting with 2.1.9 and a lot of people have commented about the build being a lot less buggy at launch than in the past. We agree and are glad many of you noticed the extra work that went into testing – big shout-out and thanks to our fantastic team of testers (who also happen to be our Discord mods).
That being said, 2.1.9 is not perfect and we know that. SU is still heavily in development, so bugs are bound to happen. In fact, a pretty significant bug was found, brought to our attention and diagnosed recently.
⦁ Registry attributes remaining even upon the deletion of saves (I.e. yacht and Aubrey issues)
If you deleted or overwrote your previous saves after triggering the yacht and Aubrey cloning events, this is why you’ve been unable to trigger them again in your new save. Basically, the registry for the game saves still mark both as already having been completed. This issue actually extends to Tala’s Anal2 scene too, but you’d have to have found it first and then started a new game to notice.
You can currently fix this by: deleting the SU SOMEGUY registry entry before starting a new game.
We will of course be looking to fix this issue asap, but this DIY fix will have to suffice for those who want to erase an old save and start a new game on that same save immediately.
⦁ Killer Frost’s Mercy and Blackfire scenes not triggering
It always really sucks when we put something into patch notes, thinking for sure it’s fixed, and then it falls through the cracks. This is never done on purpose (Obviously people will test and find out it’s not right. We expect and hope people challenge and test our claimed fixes every patch.), but it’s bound to happen sometimes.
What happens is that it’ll be confirmed as fixed early in testing then a change made later on will break it again without people noticing. We’re only human after all.
We’ll of course be looking into the issue and trying to fix it as quickly as concisely as we can.
⦁ Harley's Quinzel costume BJ plays her Holiday costume one instead
Not much to really say about this one. It’s been confirmed and is on the list.
⦁ Penguin-Raven (as in his henchwoman Raven, not Teen Titans Raven) blowjob art missing
This one has already been diagnosed. A switch was forgotten to be flipped at the last minute.
IF YOU HAVE OTHER BUGS TO REPORT, please do so in the Discord’s “bugs_219” channel found under the “SU RELATED STUFFS” category. This is the fastest way for bugs to be communicated to us and for people to see if bugs they’re experiencing have already been reported. It’s also one of the quickest ways to get feedback, in the event that what you think is a bug is actually user error/confusion.
2.1.999 is On the Way
It won’t be a fix of absolutely everything, but we’re looking at quickly fixing the save file issue and turning the Penguin-Raven henchwoman art back on. At the moment there isn’t a solid release date estimate but, as long as there aren’t any big issues that come from fixing these things, you can expect it very soon.
That said, don’t get used to there being bug fix versions moving forward. The point of the new development schedule is to make releases relatively bug-free as possible. We’re making an exception this time due to a major save file issue and us still working out the kinks with the new cycle, but it will not be a regular thing moving forward.
Art Pack Coming Dec 10th
We’re always aware that the next major question after an update is, “When do we get the art pack?” SR7 took a bit of a well-deserved breather over the weekend but has confirmed that he’ll have it out and ready to $10+ patrons by December 10th – i.e. next Monday.
The Next Public Build Release
Just so we’re clear, the next public build release will be 2.1.888 – the first parts of the yacht event. We’ve decided to release it before Christmas as a sort of early Christmas gift, considering how substantial the update is.
However, we’re not going to tell you exactly when. XD You’ll have to check back regularly to see when it drops. (No, we’re not going to wait until Christmas day or shortly beforehand when most of you are already neck deep in family shit. It’ll be early enough for most to find time to enjoy during the holidays.)
2.2.0 and the Holidays
Speaking of the holidays, it turns out SR7 is a human and not an SU creation machine that runs on collectibles. (Who knew?!) As such, he has obligations and events during the holidays – like most other people – that are going to greatly reduce the time he has to work on 2.2.0. So, can we please start setting expectations accordingly ahead of time?
The main heroine focus for 2.2.0 is completing Miss Martian’s base content. However, as hopefully many of you learned with 2.1.9, that hardly means she’s the only one who’s going to get content. In fact, we’re quite certain many of you will be very excited when you find out who else is getting content. ; )
We’ll be doing teases, previews, lead-ups, updates and all that fun stuff throughout the update cycle. Be sure to check back on the Patreon regularly to stay up-to-date and informed directly from us.
It’s what helps us continue to operate as indie devs and what motivates us to continually get better. Our goal is constantly improve and top ourselves without getting complacent – all the while delivering increasingly better content and games to our fans.
We’re really looking forward to 2019 and hope you all are too.
Thanks for reading,
Gunsmoke Games